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Found 4 results

  1. Ubuntu X64 1. Download emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_amd64.deb Easy, but then... 2. dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_amd64.deb Incredibly, THIS is where I am stuck. I am assuming that #2 here needs to be run to extract the downloaded package properly: - Just doing a right-click on the download and trying to use GDebi installer doesn't do anything - Copy that command into Terminal and not matter what I do, (location and command in quotes due to the spaces in the names, etc) it can't find the file or the location or any of my active brain cells WHAT, SPECIFICALLY, do I have to do to run that command??!! I'll be forever grateful for help with this!
  2. I remember some time ago when I was able to send remote control commands to the Roku app from a server outside the network via websockets. From what I understand is, currently it's not possible to do this anymore since the new Roku remote control API implementation. I'm aware of the port forwarding solution, but that's an impossible feat to teach Mom; she won't even attempt it. lol I was wondering if there's any other way to get this to work again. Maybe revert the websocket removal in the next release or a plugin of some sort? Any advise to point me in the right direction would be groovy smoothie. Thank you!
  3. stingwraith

    How to edit FFMPEG command line

    Hey, I've looked all over the forums for an answer to this, even an indirect answer to no avail. I would like to use more settings than the ones on the web portal for transcoding(i.e.: changing framerates, etc.) with FFMPEG but can;t find any documentation on how to edit the ffmpeg command parameters. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  4. I have installed Kodi + Emby on a Sony Bravia TV (Android TV OS) The problem is, the Incremental Sync only runs when the app is first started. When an AndroidTV device is turned off, the system stays "awake" for 5 minutes - after this time, the network is turned off and the device goes to full sleep. Kodi is still running, but unable to receive new content broadcasts from the Emby server. So then when the TV is turned back on, the library remains out of date unless you fully restart the Kodi app or go to the Emby addon and select Manually Sync (but this is slower than restarting, and not 'incremental'). I don't know if the Emby addon can detect when the device leaves sleep mode or when the Network connection becomes active again - so the only solution I can think of, is to be able to manually trigger an incremental sync via hotkey. So I just need to know if there is a command in the Emby addon to trigger the incremental sync. I've done similar things with other addons, such as "<a mod="shift,ctrl">RunScript(script.audio.profiles,0)</a>", so it should be possible. Does a command already exist, or can one be added? It's the only inconvenient thing about this setup. Thanks.
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