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  1. speedingcheetah

    Install blocked.

    Is Emby Theater software dead/ no longer updated to work on modern Win 10? I havn't used Theater in a few years, but recently want to compare it to the Win Store app, see if anything is better between the 2. But I get "Your administrator has blocked this application...."Security warning. Will not install, even though I am an Admin and I have tried running the Setup as Admin user anyway.
  2. Ubuntu X64 1. Download emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_amd64.deb Easy, but then... 2. dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_amd64.deb Incredibly, THIS is where I am stuck. I am assuming that #2 here needs to be run to extract the downloaded package properly: - Just doing a right-click on the download and trying to use GDebi installer doesn't do anything - Copy that command into Terminal and not matter what I do, (location and command in quotes due to the spaces in the names, etc) it can't find the file or the location or any of my active brain cells WHAT, SPECIFICALLY, do I have to do to run that command??!! I'll be forever grateful for help with this!
  3. Hi, I want to ask you if you can provide me with a link so that I can download the Beta version of the server for windows, but with a zip file and a portable installation. I always prefer to use the completely portable installation, so I have the servers in my portable programs folder, and this is much easier for me when I have to format and delete all the data on my hard drives, since I always before format and delete my internal hard drives I copy the portable programs folder on the external USB hard drive or flash drive. So I don't have to spend time reinstalling all the programs from scratch when I format my internal hard drives. And I also don't waste time reconfiguring all the server configuration options from scratch. But the problem is that the download section of the server for windows, there is no portable download of the Beta version, and besides the installation file of the Beta version does not even allow to choose the location path for the installation. https://emby.media/windows-server.html For this reason I ask you for a link so that I can download the Beta version with completely portable installation, identical to the portable one of the stable version of the server. Thanks
  4. Trying to install the Server - latest release. I cannot get past the language selection. It is just a blank drop-down, and clicking "next" does nothing. Windows Vista. Firefox. Adblock turned off. Admuncher turned off. I checked the forums for similar problems. I noticed at least three (3) other people over the past several months posted the same issue. No certain solutions. Frustrated. This occurred at the end of a long line of problems installing the software in the first place (related to Windows blocking me - "protecting me" - from installing the setup.exe.) I got past that. But this one? I'm too burned out to trouble-shoot on my own. I really don't want to update every add-on like shockwave, flash, java, etc, in Windows to see if it "might" fix the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Better yet, a final solution for other people who'll eventually have the same problem in the future.
  5. Paul898

    Installation Location

    Hey, I am NEW to Emby. Is there a way to to have the server install on a specific drive? I have a small C drive where windows is located and would like to have Emby and all the data and logs for it located on my D drive that is a lot larger. How can i set it up on a drive Different drive? From what i see most logs and files can be moved but not the program. please help
  6. Hola amigo abro este hilo para explicar como instalar Emby en Ubuntu ya que dan por hecho que todo el mundo es un mega crack en linux. La verdad que es super facil y no se porque no lo ponen en la misma pagina de descarga el código de instalación por terminal. Para instalar Emby tenemos que pegar este codigo en nuestro terminal de Ubuntu sudo wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/ && sudo dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.4.3.0_amd64.deb En función de la versión que queramos instalar se tendrá que cambiar la versión, pongo otro ejemplo de una versión inferior. sudo wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/ && sudo dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.4.2.0_amd64.deb Si vais a la web de descarga de Emby https://emby.media/linux-server.html veréis que si ponéis el ratón encima del enlace os dará el enlace para modificar el código y así poder instalar la versión que vosotros queráis. Y para actualizar Emby se tiene que hacer instalando la versión que queráis, es decir Emby no se actualiza por si solo y tienes que reinstalar por encima no te preocupes que no se borrara nada de lo que ya tengáis.
  7. InsomniaStudios

    WD My Cloud EX2 as Emby Server?

    Hi, new to the forums and trying to get things figured out. I have read a lot about Emby as being a great solution to my media serving and streaming needs, I just have had some difficulty figuring out how to get it up and running and or if it is even possible. As it stands right now I have a WD My Cloud EX2 NAS storing and serving up my media to a series of Amazon TV FireSticks in my house through KODI. I was hoping to setup Emby to run on the WD and install the KODI addon for it in order to keep my media organized / up to date between devices. I can't for the life of me though figure out if it is even possible much less where to start. Does anyone have any experience running / installing Emby on the WD My Cloud EX2? I know you are able to install 3rd party apps manually on to it, is there a specific version to download and install? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. So, I've taken the plunge. After years of running Emby on Windows, I've decided to create a Linux VM to be a dedicated Emby server. I chose and successfully installed CentOS 8 on my newly minted ESXi host, and got Emby installed using the instructions on the install page https://emby.media/linux-server.html with limited difficulties. A few maddening hours later fighting with Samba and Windows 10 TLS incompatibilities and after finally getting my remote SMB shares mapped to a local mount point with the appropriate permissions in place, I created my first media library. Success! Amazing! Everything working perfectly. Until I switched from my VM to my main PC's browser. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. The big zero. Situation is this. I've got default Emby port settings, and using FireFox inside the VM, I can connect to Emby server using IP:8096 or localhost:8096. The correct IP address and port shows up on the Emby Dashboard under "In-Home (LAN) access", but none of my other machines (on the same class c subnet, btw) can see the new CentOS Emby server. Using a port scanner, I do not see 8096 as an open port on that machine. The same scanner does see port 8096 open on my Windows Emby server. Now, I know that port is open, at least on the loopback adapter, because Emby is working just fine using a browser on the Emby Server machine, just can't get to it externally. After multiple attempts at changing settings on the Network page and restarting Emby Server with no luck, I started looking at networking. At one reference, I found the command "netstat -na | grep <port>" to find out of there was anything listening on a port, so I tried, and got this: tcp6 0 0 :::8096 :::* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 ::1:41350 ::1:8096 ESTABLISHED tcp6 0 0 ::1:8096 ::1:41350 ESTABLISHED Now, I'm more of an old-school networking guy, but I *think* this means that Emby has set itself up in the OS to listen to IPv6 ports only? maybe? As I said above, the Emby Dashboard shows the correct IP address and port for internal...the correct IPv4 address. I tried using the IPv6 address in my main machine's browser to verify, but was unable to get that to work. Pinging by IPv6 works, so At this point, I'm at an impasse. Not sure how to proceed from here, so any help/pointers/RTFM would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I am currently running version Emby Server on Windows 2012 Server as a service. I want to update this to version I shutdown Emby through the dashboard, ensure the service is off, run the setup.exe for the new version and it begins a new installation requiring me to create a new user. That is not what I have seen in the past. This looks like a new install, not an upgrade. At this point I cancel the install. Am I doing something wrong? I don't want to create a new instance of Emby so I'm reluctant to continue without some clarification.
  10. I just got a notification that there was an update for the server on my Shield, 4.4 I believe. Downloaded it through Chrome but after the 'staging app' screen when I click Install I immediately get an 'App not Installed' message. Tried downloading it to various places, internal drive, connected drive but exactly the same behaviour. I then tried the beta as well, but again exactly the same thing. I'm not really sure what else I can try other than uninstall the current version, which is but obviously that's a last resort as it's going to mean setting everything up again and will take a long time.. Has anyone else had a similar issue or have a fix? Maybe I'm being stupid? I should say I'm on the Hotfix path on the Shield 8.0.2 as I was losing HDMI sync constantly, which the hotfix seems to have sorted, but I'm not sure whether this would make any difference?
  11. Hello, I’m wanting to try out Emby to see how it works for us and I’ll be installing it on an Intel NUC w/ Coffee Lake Core i7 setup running Linux Mint. I’m wondering what the advantages are of doing a standard install vs a Docker install? I’ve been searching online and don’t see much comparing the two. Is one easier than the other for initial setup or for long term maintainance? Any info would be brilliant! Thanks so much in advance!!
  12. MetallicAchu

    New installation problem

    First time user, trying to install Emby server on Windows 10 (completely updated). I get the prompt "Would you allow this application to make changes", click yes and nothing happens. Checked task manager and couldn't find any process linked to Emby. Have no idea what to try next
  13. Type of nas SYNOLOGY D213J Hi, i went you emby.media and got to download page.. hit "nas synology" and took the adress that is called out and added it to package page so i could view it in comunity download page. It was accepted as download in package and no complains about that. After that i looked as i said in comunity page and looked for emby.media and IT IS NOT FOUND! I updated, rebooted nas, took adress off and added it agian.. and no emby app "packages" to download. I think you got an error there on your download link or something, becouse it should come up. I tried another comunity to see if it was anything wrong whit my nas and no. please help me, how to i add it to my NAS, or do you want me to start using plex that is crappy... Give me an answer as soon as possible.. thanx!
  14. Hello all. For some reason Emby Theater does not start anymore. No recent windows updates downloaded or installed (system is completely updated as of less than a week ago). No helpful error messages so no feedback to report to the community. Using most recent Emby Server version. Windows 10 Prof. machine. Tried reinstalling Emby Theater, downloaded from https://emby.media/emby-theater.html and when i run the installer executable, again nothing happens. I need Emby Theater because i use it with MadVR and browser playback simply wont cut it. I would appreciate your advice and technical support. Thank you in advance. Dimitris
  15. I currently have Emby 3.5.2 installed on my TS-128a. It was installed from the QNAP Club. If I understand correctly, this is not an official package from the Emby team and they recommend we use the official one, which is what I've been trying to do for a while now. Also, I cannot access any movie overview, which is another reason I want to move to the official package. I'm trying to install QNAP ARM X41 from https://emby.media/nas-server.html, which I believe should work with the TS-128a, but everytime I try to install it I get an error saying the package is not compatible. I believe I also tried the ARM64 version. Is there something I'm doing that's wrong? I was not able to install it even before installing QMono and the Club release.
  16. Hi All, I have tried to upgrade my existing Emby server using the the new installation method for the 1st time and it failed - can someone please help? The Emby server is down and I have the whole family breathing down my neck to fix it. Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks Here go all the relevant details I can think of: I am running Ubuntu Server 18.04.1. I had been using the old Suse repo set in etc/apt/sources.list.d/emby-server.list # deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/emby/xUbuntu_16.04/ / # disabled on upgrade to bionic Today I have tried: wget https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/ sudo service stop emby-server sudo dpkg -i emby* I get the following errors: $ sudo dpkg -i emby-server-deb_3.5.3.0_amd64.deb (Reading database ... 93956 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack emby-server-deb_3.5.3.0_amd64.deb ... Stopping Emby Server! Unpacking emby-server ( over ( ... Setting up emby-server ( ... Installing new version of config file /etc/emby-server.conf ... Installing new version of config file /etc/init/emby-server.conf ... usermod: user emby is currently used by process 596 dpkg: error processing package emby-server (--install): installed emby-server package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 8 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.27-3ubuntu1) ... Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-20) ... ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot Errors were encountered while processing: emby-server Thanks
  17. Soki

    Repository install for Emby 3.4

    Good morning friends, since a couple of days i want to update emby server from 3.3x to 3.4 but it seems like 3.4 is not available in the repository. Is it intentionaly not beeing provided in the repo? If possible I would like to not use the .deb pakage and update/install via apt-get. Can you give a litle update on future plans here? Is the repo going to be updated or not? Thanks Soki
  18. GuruBaron

    Missing Emby Service

    This morning a friend of mine wanted Emby on his Windows 10/64-bit home system. So I download Emby Server Stable and install without problem. But there is no Emby service. It works in application mode just fine. I have done this a dozen or more times in the past on other computers, always with a service installed automatically. This is brand new HP system, only finished windows updates and antivirus, 12G memory. Have tried re-downloading & re-installing Emby Server, turning on and off the Emby "Run server at startup" option and multiple reboots. Still no Emby service. Any help?
  19. badhonsoam


    Dear all, i want to know can i use ubuntu 16.04 server EMby. is this stable? how can i create front login panel. i don't want to use nas server. in this case how can i do it?
  20. Emby server failed installation on a new os Windows server 2012 R2. Please help. Attached is the log file generated. Thank you. install.log
  21. Hello - I received the notice that version 3.0.5972 of the Emby Windows Server was available. I downloaded the Stable Release setup.exe file and executed it. The setup process starts, it does the "verifying application requirements" step window and then pops up an error message/box titled "Cannot Start Application" and a message that the "Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor." Clicking the Details... button opens a log file which I've attached. I've copied the ERROR SUMMARY section from the log file below: ERROR SUMMARY Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log. * Activation of http://emby.media/emby/server/release/MediaBrowser.Server.Installer.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected: + Activation failed. + The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002) Anyone have suggestions of what's going on here? Thanks for everyone's help. I've always appreciated the Emby developers and the user community. EmbyServer_InstallLogResults.txt
  22. NunoVilhenaSantos

    Fail to install a dependency

    Hi, guys. I have install emby server on my windows 10 Pro, and wen i was install the kodi emby addon the following message was show to "Fail to install a dependency" of the video addons "Emby Emby-media 2.3.6" And this is the link of the log. https://paste.ubuntu.com/23423709 Thanks in advanced.
  23. Hi all, Question, is there a way to fully automate the upgrade of the Windows EmBy server, so no human interaction is needed for a complete install? Thanks!
  24. (First post; Linux noob; be patient) I am new to Linux and am trying to install Emby server. I am running Linux Mint 17.3 x32. I have following the guide here (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/32137-installing-emby-on-linux-mint-173-x64/?hl=%2Bmint+%2B17.3) but am getting errors of which I will attach a picture. I captured the error messages after the second failed install attempt. Any help would be appreciated.
  25. I'm having a real issue in downloading the current version of Emby Server for Windows. I can download the setup file but when I click run, I am getting an error stating that it can not download the application from the server (see the log file attachment). I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks! RedCatcher VSD7FC9.tmp.zip
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