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  1. StLDreiling

    4K UHD playback on 720p TCL RokuTV

    I am starting to add 4K UHD (w/ or w/out HDR) titles to my library as I own a few 4K HDR TVs, tablets, & phones. However, the majority of my streaming devices are still max. 1080p or less. When attempting to playback my 4K titles, my 720p 32" TCL RokuTVs initiate playback (green progress bar on device completes and playback shows in my server Dashboard) and then show a blank screen: no picture, no sound. I can fast-forward and rewind and the video thumbnails appear to function normally. My server hardware is fairly robust and appears to be transcoding video from h.265/HEVC to h.264/AVC and audio from 5.1 AAC to 5.1 AC3 as expected. I've tested this with both Emby and Emby Beta apps on the TV. HEVC 60p playback was disabled by default, but frame rate of movie is 24p, like all my titles, so I can't see that mattering as non-UHD movies play without issue. I was researching this in the forums extensively this morning and found what may or may not be a related issue on the Fire Stick/TV. ​https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/74677-hevc-10-bit-playback-on-firestick-too-many-errors/page-3?hl=%2Btranscoding+%2B1080&do=findComment&comment=792447 I checked my logs (attached) and found that the transcoder was not stepping down the resolution of the video stream from 2160 to 720. I then went and tested other videos and found that video stream with a resolution of 720p or less played fine, but anything 1080p or greater experienced the exact issue described above, to include 1080p videos encoded w/ h.264/AVC video and 5.1 AC3 audio streams that show as "Direct Playing" on the Dashboard while the device screen remains blank. Any thoughts? Emby transcode 20191007-1052.txt Emby Server 20191007-1049.txt
  2. Hello we really like EMBY Server. We recently switch to a very inexpensive Sprint plan so our streaming bandwidth is probably lower. When we leave our home WiFi network, Emby will spin and stutter trying to play a higher bandwidth until we manually lower the bandwidth to a lower setting. How does the Auto Quality feature work? It doesn't seem to be doing anything to resolve the stuttering unless for example we kill and restart the App and restart the stream several times. Our solution is to manually limit the network to 720-1 Mbps. (BTW what's the visual difference between 720-1Mbps and say 720-3Mbps?) Is there any sort of of "Automatic Quality switching while in Stream Based on Network conditions" planned since it seems to be very limited right now adjusting the stream once per app session or less.
  3. dnanielsen

    Coverart 720p/1080p seperated

    Hi guys. Is it possible to seperate 720p and 1080p movies from each other in the Coverart plugin? I tried looking through the 'treatment' and 'specific covers' settings but couldn't figure out how to do it.
  4. Hi, I couldn't find this issue when searching so I hope it's not a duplicate. Scenario: I have some shows that make more sense to organize by date than by season/episode numbers. My formatting rules also append the quality to the end of the show title. For example: Some Daily Show - (2014-09-14) - Show Title Here - 720p Expected: MB Server determines what episode this is using the date Observed: MB Server uses the 720p at the end to determine that this is episode 720 of the show and therefore shows the wrong information (usually none), places it in the wrong order (it's usually all jumbled and at the top) and is generally confusing. I've been using MB since MB2 and shows processed by that have metadata from that time frame show up correctly, it just seems that MB3 is parsing the titles incorrectly. Is this a known issue? Is there either [a] some way to fix this or have MB Server ignore the 720p at the end? I remember that MB2 would ignore text in square brackets [], is there a way to add values to this list of text to omit (assuming MB3 does the same thing)? Does it do this omission before parsing the titles for episode information? Assuming this is still a feature, it might be helpful to have this functionality surfaced in the Server configuration. Thanks!
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