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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, It would appear as though the date format is hard coded to US month/day/year. What would be nice is to keep the English language, but still be able to decide what date and time format to be used consistently throughout the solution. As a European user, I'd for instance like it to be DD-MM-YYYY instead. If this is only tied to the locale, one could risk having to use a non-English language in order to get the right date/time format, and that would be somewhat unfortunate.. Would that be an idea?
  2. EDIT: Initial title: "BUG: metadata date wrong if imdb release date is 1/1/nnnn" Changing due to bug applying to all movies, the date is a day out for all of them. Original Post. -------------- I've just noticed with a couple of films, old ones, that emby gets the year and date wrong is themoviedb's entry lists the release date as the 1st of January of that year, showing the 31st of December the year before instead. I'm guessing the exact release date wasn't known perhaps, for the old film, so 1/1 is entered... What i see (e.g. a 1977 movie): TheMovieDB's website lists Release Date (for an example) as 1977 Emby's page for the movie shows 1976 [wrong] Emby's metadata page shows Release Date as 31/12/1976 [wrong] Emby's metadata page shows Year as 1977 [correct] If i delete the metadata Release Date and refresh the movie in emby, then: Emby's page for the movie shows 1977 [correct] Emby's metadata page shows Release Date as 31/12/1976 [wrong] Emby's metadata page shows Year as 1977 [correct] So the refresh makes the movie look correct, unless you actually look at the metadata/info page. Is this some weird timezone error??? Tmdb's release date entry was for Israel, i'm in Indonesia... It's the only thing i can think off... but it shouldn't cause this, should it??? ... Strange.
  3. My sister noticed this on Emby Server 3.0 and I noticed the problem also exists in 3.1 beta. Note the difference between the date under the channel log and the date on the server in system tray. It appears like what is actually shown is correct, the date is just +1 from what it should be.
  4. speedingcheetah

    Guide Select Date issue

    The "Select Date" for switching dates in the guide is broken. it just shows a small white box and does not show any dates. I have refreshed guide and restarted server. Still have issue. Everything else seems fine. Version
  5. Hi, I couldn't find this issue when searching so I hope it's not a duplicate. Scenario: I have some shows that make more sense to organize by date than by season/episode numbers. My formatting rules also append the quality to the end of the show title. For example: Some Daily Show - (2014-09-14) - Show Title Here - 720p Expected: MB Server determines what episode this is using the date Observed: MB Server uses the 720p at the end to determine that this is episode 720 of the show and therefore shows the wrong information (usually none), places it in the wrong order (it's usually all jumbled and at the top) and is generally confusing. I've been using MB since MB2 and shows processed by that have metadata from that time frame show up correctly, it just seems that MB3 is parsing the titles incorrectly. Is this a known issue? Is there either [a] some way to fix this or have MB Server ignore the 720p at the end? I remember that MB2 would ignore text in square brackets [], is there a way to add values to this list of text to omit (assuming MB3 does the same thing)? Does it do this omission before parsing the titles for episode information? Assuming this is still a feature, it might be helpful to have this functionality surfaced in the Server configuration. Thanks!
  6. jnr@mb

    Date format

    It seems that is not possible to change date format on the Metadata Manager. I would like to suggest that all possible instances of date format on Media Browser uses the system default as set in Windows Regional Settings.
  7. AxelAxel3

    MBS - Home Video Date

    I recently started using MB to watch my home videos on. I noticed though that there is no way to see the date of the video without manually entering it. Since (to my understanding) the camera stores the date it was recorded in the video's metadata, would it be possible for home videos library to pull the date from the video and display it in media browser?
  8. What the heck is going on when you add a release date or edit date added in the web client. For example becomes: 02-01-2014 to 01-01-2014
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