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Feature Requests

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7219 topics in this forum

  1. sequel status and filtering

    • 4 replies
    • 1
  2. Series + Movie link 1 2

    • 26 replies
    • 5
  3. Series Link on Multiple Channels

    • 1 reply
    • 2
  4. Series recordings - Any channel, but HD only?

    • 10 replies
    • 4
  5. Server

    • 1 reply
    • 0
  6. Server - Integrate Trakt Recommendations 1 2

    • 40 replies
    • 123
  7. Server - Server side up scaling

    • 3 replies
    • 4
  8. server - 'next up' sync 'depth'

    • 1 reply
    • 0
    • 1 reply
    • 0
  9. Server - "Group movies into collections" per user

    • 10 replies
    • 2
    • 6 replies
    • 4
  10. Server - (Roku n all) TV Next Up/Suggested Length/Priority Logic

    • 5 replies
    • 1
    • 0 replies
    • 0
  11. Server - Ability to lockout all external access.

    • 0 replies
    • 1
  12. Server - Action to Show Parent Collection(s) of object

    • 0 replies
    • 2
  13. Server - Add << >> Controls to Backdrop numbering

    • 0 replies
    • 4
  14. Server - Add active recordings to dashboard

    • 13 replies
    • 6
  15. Server - Add audio db level to metadata

    • 3 replies
    • 2
    • 0 replies
    • 0
  16. Server - Add delay to 'episode missing'

    • 3 replies
    • 0
  17. Server - Add filterable library / custom "views"

    • 2 replies
    • 1
  18. Server - Add Musicbrainz's Album Type to Emby Album Schema

    • 7 replies
    • 5
  19. Server - All Season Artwork For All Seasons (Selection) on one page

    • 1 reply
    • 1
  20. Server - Allow custom TMDB API Key

    • 7 replies
    • 2
  21. Server - Allow manual removing of Resumable items

    • 8 replies
    • 3
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