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  1. I just did a reinstall of the server (and Windows, for that matter) and I'm trying to direct the server to reference a different folder than the default ImagesByName folder for People. My server is installed on the C: drive, which is a small 60GB SSD. To save space on my C: drive, I want Emby to locate people images on my E: drive instead. Prior to having to completely reinstall Windows, I was able to save my "ImagesByName" folder (with ~16.5 gb of hi-res actor images from an IMDB IBN People Downloader) to a thumb drive and then migrate those files to the E: drive upon fresh reinstall of Windows and Emby Server. I seem to recall previous iterations of the Server config having a specific setting for redirecting the "ImagesByName" folder to another location, however I can no longer find that setting on the server config. All I have been able to find is the "Path Substitution" under "Library" which is not working for me; I've tested this and it appears that (1) the default C: drive "ImagesByName" folder is empty and that now the C: drive "metadata-->People" folder is where this data is located by default, and (2) even after attempting the "Path Substitution" as noted above, it appears Emby Server is still trying to search in the default folder (~1.15 gb) for People images rather than my substituted path (~16.5 gb, better resolution, etc.). The only other custom path config screen I can find is the cache path, but I'm not thinking that's related. Please advise on how to get Emby Server to recognize a custom path for People images. Thanks in advance for any guidance.
  2. Hello and thanks in advance for any help, This is somewhat of a piggybacked post from a recent question regarding the old ImagesByName folder for previous MB3 versions. The abbreviated version is that I had a very large People folder within what used to be referred to as the ImagesByName folder that I wanted to migrate into a new install of Emby Server. The hiccup was that I have limited space on my C: drive (the location of Emby Server) and wanted to instead have the People folder be indexed on another larger internal drive. I tried to find a way through path substitution and/or a legacy backdoor to have Emby Server reference the E: drive for the People folder, but I could not get this to work (either because I don't know how to properly edit the system.xml or because it just didn't work). So my solution was to simply change the Metadata path to E:\ instead and then just migrate my previous People folder in manually and then do a full library scan/refresh. This less elegant solution worked and now my People are indexed properly with my library. The problem, however, is that I recently added my first new movie ("Focus (2015)"). The good news is that the movie metadata is visible on the Server, including the indexed People images, but no artwork/images (Primary, Art, Backdrop, Banner, etc.) are scraped and none are visible within the directory folder in Windows Explorer. These images and metadata used to save within my directory media folders (see attached image example for Donnie Darko). The fact that the metadata file (movie.xml) isn't visible in the folder suggests to me that it's being saved somewhere else in the system, where exactly I have no idea. And even though I can go into the Metadata Manager and manually pull up the images for Focus online, they will not download for me or show up on a manual refresh + save. I am curious if this phenomenon has to do with the fact that although I have my custom Metadata path set to E:\, could this somehow conflict with my other setting to "save artwork and metadata directly into media folders..."? Ultimately, all I want is to have my metadata and folder images save into my media folders with the sole exception of my massive People image index. This used to be achievable on the older version of the Server which allowed a unique ImagesByName path. I will attach screenshots of my settings and can attach log files if appropriate/requested. Any help will be greatly appreciated, I'm totally stumped!
  3. Pirlo1966

    Metadata/ImagesByName merge

    Have been searching for some decent explanations but couldn't find any. After experimenting all WE I would appreciate some clarification. All my media is on a NAS. I used to have my ImagesByNAme folder and subfolders on the same NAS. I understood now this no longer works and all artwork etc... that was in ImagesByNAme should be copied manually to a Metadata folder which path is specified in dashboard/metadata/advanced. I have different HTPC's with each their own server. I would have loved a server running on my NAS serving all HTPC's but it just does not work. My NAS seems not powerfull enough and repalcing a NAS worth € 800 is not an option right now. So, all servers used the same artwork from the same ImagesbyNAme folder. My questions now are: 1. Will it still work with the metadata folder? Causee I noticed chapter images are allso stored on the same folder location. But I guess different servers will have different movie chapter images, right? 2. Whatever the metadata path is, a metadata subfolder is automatically created by the server and in that subfolder foillowing subfolders are created: artists/channels/genre/library/musicgenre/people/studio/year >> I guess some of these subfolders are also specific for each server or can these be shared by different servers? >> What happened with mediainfo icons and general folder of ImagesByName? Where should I put these folders and can I still use them to customise mediainfo icons for MBC/Neo theme? 3. I noticed strange things: when I changed the matadata folder paths in all my servers to the same new location, still new artist/people/... folders are created in my old ImagesByNAme location. What is causing this? I can't find the culprit for this. Thanks for clarifying
  4. Running into an interesting problem: I want to change the images used for genres (using stills from movies that I actually own, instead of the generic art [because Eddie Murphy and a bad Dr. Seuss movie, ugh, but I digress]... I updated the images in the AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\metadata\Genre folders, copied the images (just to be sure) to the AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Genre folders (even going as far as adding a copy of "poster.jpg" and naming it "folder.jpg"), but to no avail. The Web Client displays the added/changed images as expected, but the Classic interface in WMC stubbornly refuses to display the new images. I updated the Metadata through the web client, restarted the server (several times), re-scanned the library (several times), updated the library from within the WMC Classic interface... but I'm still not seeing the right images in WMC (see screenshot below, WMC/Classic in front of the web client view). The Mediabrowser-Classic folder contains no data, except for two config files in the Configurations subfolder. I could not find any other location to place the files. Using Emby Classic version and Emby Server version 3.0.5572.0, Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 Media Center. So, what's the trick to get this to work in Emby Classic? (And just to head off the obvious question: WMC/Emby Classic shows the exact same thing on the actual TV screen as it does in the RDP view, natch.)
  5. CX23882

    People Tags

    It's been a while since I last used Media Browser, having moved to XBMC and OpenELEC over a year ago, and I can't believe how much things have changed. MB3 is looking great. I have a question about "people" metadata. I have an ImagesByName folder carried over from my MB2 days, updated with the actor initial prefix. I created this with metabrowser. This is all working fine. I notice that in the Media Browser web interface, there is an option for adding additional tags to actors. This works, but I've noticed that the tags aren't added to the person.xml file.
  6. tired dad

    Browse for Actor Images

    Hi, I see one can browse for movie posters and backdrops, but when selecting an actor, nothing comes up. I've tried a few actors, all show up as "0 of 0" images from all providers. Am I missing something? Thanks, TD
  7. I recently switched up my media info icons, and I can't remember what I did to get them to be refreshed in MBC before (or MB2). Does anyone know what to do to get them to show? Library.db deletion? Some cache I need to delete? It's been a week or so since I switched them and they still haven't switched over.
  8. Hi, Can one of the devs explain the differences between ItemsByName folder structure to ImagesByName folder structure. And thus provide the equivalent page to http://community.mediabrowser.tv/permalinks/1203/what-is-the-imagesbyname-folder-and-how-does-it-work for MediaBrowser3. Thanks
  9. MB3 Server Version 3.0.5050.37565 MB3 Server > Tools > Metadata is set to English & United States Hi All - I have just noticed my ImagesByName folder contains 8-10 non-English character folder names which I have not noted before. The folders appear to be Hebrew, Greek, Russian and Thai (see below): Светлана Ходченкова Юрий Степанов שרה סילברמן มาร์ค วอห์ลเบิร์ก Is there any particular reason why these actor's names would be appearing in non-English characters with my settings? Thanks, Tanamur
  10. Hi I'm receiving this error in the server log - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=TbbdfpvY , which is about refreshing trailers. I think its a path issue, but I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'm using a custom path(not unc) for ImagesByName, but that directory exist. Am I missing a sub-directory or something like that? Thanks in advance
  11. The ImagesByName folder contains artwork that is used by MediaBrowser to enhance the overall look of Media Browser. The ImagesByName folder is often abbreviated as IBN. The server will create an ImagesByName (IBN) folder within it's program data folder, located at: C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName Tip: To go directly to the logged-in user's roaming folder type %appdata% in a Windows Explorer address bar and hit Enter. Inside this folder will be several sub-folders, including: Artist Genre MusicGenre GameGenre People Studio Year General MediaInfo As the server scans media it will create folders for genres, people, etc in these locations. You are then able to add images as desired using the conventions discussed in library structure. Note: If you place new images within the Genre or Studios folders, they will not show up until you restart the server. Predefined Folders Artist This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops for the Music Artists Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser Genre This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops like Action, Comedy, Thriller, Horror, etc. Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser if filtering by Genre MusicGenre This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops like Jazz, Pop, Rock Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser GameGenre This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops like Action, Shooter, Adventure Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser People This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops for Actors, Directors, etc. It is organized with subfolders by first letter, then within those are individual subfolders for each person. Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser if filtering by Actor or when viewing the Actors tab on a Movie or TV episode details screen Studio This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops for Studios, TV Networks, etc. Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser if filtering by Studio or they will be displayed on a Movie or Tv Series details screen if the active theme supports showing them. Year This folder houses subfolders with icons and backdrops for Years. Subfolders with folder.jpg files in here will show up in Media Browser if filtering by Year General This folder is used to specify icons for items / views that aren't editable in the web client, such as the Favorites or Movies by Genre items in MB Classic or other clients. If your IBN folder doesn't have a General folder, create one. To use it, create new folders inside named exactly the same as the items to want to assign icons to. Favorites are a special case in that Favorite subcategories go on the same folder level as Favorites: MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General\Favorites MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General\Favorite Books MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General\Favorite Games MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General\Favorite Movies MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General\Favorite Music MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General\Favorite TV MediaInfo This folder is used to specify custom media info (audio, video, rating, resolution, etc.) icons for use by some front-end clients (primarily MB Classic). Under this folder you would create a folder with the name of the theme you are using (or 'All' for use by all themes without a specific folder). Inside this folder you would put custom media info icons named in the following way: codec_dts.png codec_aac.png codec_h264.png hdtype_1080.png aspect_235.png rated_pg_13.png channels_1.png A final directory structure would look like this: C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Artist C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Genre C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\MusicGenre C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\GameGenre C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\People C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Studio C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Year C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\General C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\MediaInfo\All C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\MediaInfo\Chocolate Example IBN Folder Here is an example ImagesByName folder with some contents to get a better idea: C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Artist The Beatles\folder.jpg Led Zeppelin\folder.jpg Kiss\folder.jpg C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Genre Action\folder.jpg Drama\folder.jpg Thriller\folder.png C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\MusicGenre Jazz\folder.jpg Pop\folder.jjpg Rock\folder.jpg C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\GameGenre Action\folder.jpg Shooter\folder.jpg Adventure\folder.jpg C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\People A\Adam Sandler\folder.jpg D\Dennis Quaid\folder.jpg J\Julia Roberts\folder.png C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Studio BBC\folder.jpg Universal Studios\folder.png C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\ImagesByName\Year 2009\folder.jpg 2010\folder.jpg
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