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Found 9 results

  1. Hey guys Recently moved to Emby from Plex. You guys did a really great job with that, I really love it and prefer to Plex which is not stable enough in my opinion... Though I'm missing one important feature that Plex has : Favorising direct play / direct stream while you can also select "auto" setting. This means that if Direct Play / Direct Stream is not possible for a user connected to the server (due to slow internet connection, or invalid format etc...) then the Player will automatically select the best quality available for this user. BUT it will always favorise Direct Play / Direct Stream. I'm asking because on my server I have some users using Auto mode, even if they have fiber with 1 gigabit connection, the auto mode will make them transcode to 720p 3Mbps while they could handle the direct play 1080p. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but also thought that on Plex the quality settings are way more clear than on Emby. Maybe this will come in an upcoming update ? Thanks
  2. i haven't watched emby on my pc for sometime so i haven't noticed when it changed but i recall firefox used to play my videos via directstream instead of transcoding them. two things may have affected this but i am not certain: 1) recently W10 Build 1903 update (a few days old) 2) firefox v70 upgrade (maybe a month or so old)\ what is interesting though is chrome still plays via directstream. is there something i can do to force firefox or the emby server to use directstream instead of transcoding my videos?
  3. I check my server dashboard often. Most times I check it, it shows my users (friends) watching content via Direct Play which is great. Once in a while it will be Direct Stream and very seldom transcode. I have my library set up in a way to direct play ( smaller file sizes etc) However when I check this Playback Reporting, it looks like most everything is Direct Streaming? Unless I am reading it wrong. Im just wondering why when I check my dashboard it says everything Direct Plays but this Playback Reporting looks like everything Direct Streams? Screen Shot attached. Thanks
  4. If this item I marked in red not selected then subtitles not display in movie
  5. Hello, I have an Emby server set up, and I'm moving it from my main PC to a spare I have set up that I can leave running 24/7. I bought a nice large HDD, but the problem is that the spare is just a cheap $300 machine without a real GPU. I plan on using my good gaming PC to encode everything I get into a format that won't require transcoding. What should I use? H.264? If so, which level or profile? What about audio? I don't know much about it, but I've heard AAC is good. I'm using handbrake for this. I've used it in the past, but usually my focus is always getting the smallest file size with the best quality. Now I'm more focused on making a video that can direct stream to anything from old iPods to PS4s... The one I plan on using has a i3-2120 processor (3.3Gh, 4 threads, supports Intel quicksync) and 4Gbs of RAM. Running Windows 7, although I could switch to something like Debian if it would be helpful. Any advice at all would be helpful.
  6. Hey all, so for some reason Emby (Kodi) isn't direct playing/streaming my blu-ray folders and is transcoding them instead. I've also tried the Windows Emby Theater app, which won't play blu-ray's at all (it just hangs at the spinner after selecting to play for 1 minute), but will play all of my other files. I've attached the ffmpeg log and a section of the server log, however before I attach the full server/kodi logs, is there anything I need to censor? I'm seeing api keys for the websocket, my remote address, etc... 2016-12-01 13:13:23.2336 Info Main: Emby Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -programdata /var/lib/emby-server -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe -restartpath /usr/lib/emby-server/restart.sh Operating system: Unix Processor count: 4 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Program data path: /var/lib/emby-server Mono: 4.6.2 (Stable Mon Nov 28 20:21:32 UTC 2016) Application Path: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe 2016-12-01 13:13:23.6228 Info App: Application version: 3.0.8500.0 ... 2016-12-01 13:14:07.6677 Debug App: Starting transcoding because currentTranscodingIndex=null 2016-12-01 13:14:07.7138 Info App: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i file:"/media/movies/Blu-ray/Batman Begins (2005)/BDMV/STREAM/00000.m2ts" -map_metadata -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:2 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset superfast -crf 23 -tune zerolatency -b:v 22651421 -maxrate 22651421 -bufsize 45302842 -vsync -1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -copyts -codec:a:0 ac3 -ac 6 -ab 384000 -af "adelay=1,aresample=async=1" -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -hls_time 3 -start_number 0 -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/emby-server/transcoding-temp/0c9eb6747e297090e06b16b942d4f3c4.m3u8" 2016-12-01 13:14:10.0408 Info App: returning /var/lib/emby-server/transcoding-temp/0c9eb6747e297090e06b16b942d4f3c40.ts ffmpeg-transcode-4d668284-f2cd-4f7d-a3b0-d0d953c8d308.txt
  7. mechguy

    Direct Play issue

    When trying to direct play I get a failure notification and it proceeds to play the file noting that is via HTTP. This also checks the switch for play via HTTP instead of SMB in the emby addon settings. However when I check on the Emby server it notes that the file is direct playing. Is there a way to check which playback method is actually being used?
  8. bigdahlman

    Hisense and TCL Roku TV

    Hi guys! I have been a user of Emby Premiere for a couple of months now, utilizing the Live TV feature on a Hisense 48" Roku TV, a TCL 42" Roku TV, and a Insignia 50" Roku TV with a HD Homerun Prime. Our server is not very powerful so we rely on direct streaming all of our content. I have set all of our user preferences to not allow transcoding, because it will basically crash our system. Direct Streaming has worked fine for Live TV and Recorded TV on all three Roku TVs as long as you have your bandwidth set to max (30mbps) inside the Roku TV App, and have the audio mode set to Dolby, DTS in the TV settings. A couple of weeks ago we purchased a simple pair of computer speakers with a subwoofer to improve the sound over the internal speakers that plug into the headphone slot. Suddenly, we were greeted with a message that there were no compatible streams for both Live TV and Recorded TV. I have been a long time viewer of your forums, but have never posted before. Here is what is the situation and the odd things I encountered (exact same on all Roku TV models I own) In the standard Roku App if you have the speakers unplugged and select a source it will begin playing, and continue playing after you plug the speakers into the headphone jack! Yay! (but kind of a pain in the a**) This is the same for the Beta Roku App In the Roku Blue Neon App, you can select "force direct stream". When I do this WITH the speakers plugged into the headphone jack everything works, no problem! This is how I know the both the Hisense and TCL Roku TVs can decode AC3 audio even with the headphone jack in use. So I believe that the standard and beta Roku Apps are misinterpreting the audio capabilities of the Hisense, TCL, and Insignia Roku TVs when the headphone jacks are in use. I can provide you with any files you may need, and offer my services to test on all three Roku TV brands. Let me know if I can help in any way, and thank you again for the great product. Very Respectfully, Mark
  9. Hi all, Redshirt explained something about the different video play methods in another thread, which explained a lot the me: Transcoding will occur on all the mobile clients if they don't support the codec/container of the source video, or they can't access the media directly. Transcoding is a necessary evil. Streamcopy is a form of transcoding, it means the device supports the stream, but not the container. It's just not as cpu intensive as a full transcode. Direct play and direct stream are two different things. Direct play means that the client can access the file directly. IE it can see the windows shares. Direct stream means the client couldnt' see the file directly so the server is streaming it without transcoding. However...I see a lot of movies on my Android device are transcoded and I wondered what decides which play method is choosen. Can someone explain me? - Is it the use of codecs on the server? - Is it determined by the client? - Is it determined by the video/audio file format? - ... somethinge else? help this noob!
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