Angelblue05 4131 Posted November 8, 2016 Posted November 8, 2016 (edited) We are currently working on database stuff. The new code syntax seems to be incompatible with certain python versions (along those lines) which is what caused the error. This has been rectified with 2.3.9 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Edited November 8, 2016 by Angelblue05 1
Guardian Hope 117 Posted November 11, 2016 Author Posted November 11, 2016 I can understand that you can not support the skin for both Jarvis and Krypton, but this way of forcing your user to a new version is really not OK. One of the last updates already "broke" the home screen as the bottom bar is to small to hold the menu icons and I could live with that, but with this last skin update my Kodi Jarvis install doesn't even boot to the home screen and just stays on the skin's "loading" screen until I press the Home button on my remote. Come on, Krypton hasn't even been released! This is really a very bad user experience and doesn't bring confidence that you will provide good updates in the future. What happens when Kodi 18 alpha/beta versions are released? Are you going to "break" my Home Theater setup again? I consider myself a nerd and can work around a lot of problems, but I'm not the only one in the house using this HTPC. I'm the one who gets the complaints from my wife when things are not working and I just can't tell her to SSH into the box to change stuff or "sudo reboot". I do want to thank you for your continued work on this skin, I can't even begin to imagine the amount of hours your putting into this. But please think about your users that are not upgrading to beta release of software the moment they are released! I like the honesty in your post @@MischaBoender. It is refreshing to see remarks of how specific users feel. You are quite correct, when Danvers reached Alpha 9 we started pretty much ignoring Dormer and this was perhaps subconsciously intentional. We didn't actually mean to break the latest Dormer release when the notification was added in but sometimes adding the simplest of things can have unexpected consequences and Dormer isn't really tested much beyond a Raspberry Pi anymore because of the focus on Krypton and the Danvers release. An update, the "Dormer Last Call Update" is supposed to be released today/tomorrow (depending on time zones) to address issues that arose recently with the branch. The bottom bar icons are unfortunately not among the fixes for Dormer's final release because it would take too much time to fix. They are going to be fixed but they are going to be fixed in a Danvers release on Krypton. I know that doesn't help you and I realize that as I type this post it sounds more and more like Microsoft when they tried to justify the "GWX" app ("Get Windows 10" app that perpetually stayed on Windows 7). However, our intention was to simply iterate to people that "we understand some of you can't or don't want to update yet but here's what you need to know." Obviously, that didn't go too smoothly which does happen. However, there is something you have to understand between Dormer and Danvers or even For Another Age (the successor to Danvers). Dormer is at its core still very much AZ:E with the tweaks needed to get it running on Jarvis. Actually, that's how the From Ashes project started. It's grown in scope since then. Danvers and For Another Age are totally different. While you may not see it, countless hours have been spent on cleaning up and "modularizing" the code so that updates are simpler. Danvers and as a result of that, For Another Age, are essentially completely different frameworks from Dormer. Basically, supporting Dormer and Danvers simultaneously is like supporting Windows 98 and Windows 10 at the same time. They may share a name but a lot has changed. We already have a plan for Kodi 18 and Danvers has laid the ground work for it. That's why there are certain things that were supposed to be in Danvers (a new layout) that didn't make the cut - so we can provide users like you the best experience. Although the Lifecycle Policy page isn't published yet it actually goes a little something like this: Preview Availability - A version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes which is a "technical preview." It's an early experimental version that evolves over time to what will eventually be the General Availability Release. The first Preview Availability release occurs when there is a "snapshot" version of Kodi that's considered an "Alpha" and not a "nightly" release. The previous branch version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes at this point enters the "Long Term Support" stage of the lifecycle. General Availability - A version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes which has been released on the mainstream version of Kodi and is in of itself considered a mainstream release of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes. It has undergone rigorous testing by early users during the Preview Availability phase and will receive updates on a regular basis for as long as there is no pending Preview Availability version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes. Typically, a branch release will remain in this stage for at least a year if not longer. Long Term Support - A version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes which is going to be superseded by a Preview Availability version of the skin and has enjoyed a long life in the General Availability stage. When a version enters Long Term Support, generally no new features are added to it and the version enjoys bugfixes and stability enhancements. End of Life - The version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes no longer receives support or updates. It has now been superseded by a General Availability version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes. At the discretion of the development team, a "Last Call Update" may be issued for users who are on distributions which haven't been updated to the most recent version of Kodi. With that laid out, End of Life is indeed contradicted here because there is no current General Availability version of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes. Dormer is being superseded by Danvers but it's still in Preview. However, this is a special circumstance as explained earlier. Will we always put the notification in when it's time to update? Yes, but we will always give you the option to disable it in case you don't want to update. However, we'll also always place a selection in the power menu as well just as a friendly reminder. It was just unfortunate that inserting the notification into Dormer broke Dormer for quite a few users as that was not the intention. Fortunately, we will be rectifying that tomorrow and the option to turn off the notification on startup will be in the Skin's Settings. Dormer won't be left in the state it is currently in because I know distributions can take a while to get up to speed. Hopefully the "Last Call Update" will rectify the issues. Thank you for your continued support. It is users like you who help to shape and make AZ:FA what it is and feedback such as yours is what helps us plan out future releases. Since last update the flickering on the bottom bar when you start a video file is now allready a issue. Was gone since an update and now its allready broke. But all in one the skin is great stuff and the devs of it and the boys from emby for kodi are awesome....keep up the great work! Greetz Stealth @@StealthDefender - Danvers (Kodi 17) or Dormer (Kodi 16)? If it's Danvers, a fix is in Beta 5 that will be released by the weekend. If it's Dormer, the code doesn't exist so you really shouldn't be seeing it still unless some trace setting was left behind between the time we first attempted the info banner and the time we perfected the info banner. Special Note to Everyone: Kodi 17 Beta 5 does have an issue that's known according to the news post about skin updates so if your update fails (which hopefully won't happen) it is likely Kodi 17. Now AZ:FA Danvers Beta 5 contains a lot of changes and fixes. As in paragraphs of changes and fixes and new features. It's been nearly two months since the Alpha 9 release, we haven't been sitting around even while I have been moving. You're going to likely encounter bugs; report them and we'll fix them. We'll soon begin providing more details on Arctic Zephyr: For Another Age as well which I am most excited about.
StealthDefender 29 Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 @@StealthDefender - Danvers (Kodi 17) or Dormer (Kodi 16)? If it's Danvers, a fix is in Beta 5 that will be released by the weekend. If it's Dormer, the code doesn't exist so you really shouldn't be seeing it still unless some trace setting was left behind between the time we first attempted the info banner and the time we perfected the info banner. I have Dormer build! Issue appears since last update what is in my mind!
Guardian Hope 117 Posted November 12, 2016 Author Posted November 12, 2016 (edited) Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Dormer)3.4.20 - "Dormer End of Life Last Call Update" - Released: November 11, 2016 THIS RELEASE IS INTENDED FOR KODI 16 JARVIS ONLY AND IS PART OF THE "DORMER" RELEASE BRANCH. DO NOT DOWNLOAD FOR KRYPTON.Ladies and gentlemen still running Jarvis and AZ:FA Dormer: history is made today. Today brings the release of the Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes' Dormer Branch's last update: the "Last Call Update" as it has become known.With the release of this update, AZ:FA Dormer (Kodi 16 Jarvis) has reached End of Life and will no longer receive anymore updates or support. For continued support, please update to Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers and Kodi 17 Krypton.The team is refocusing its efforts to Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers. What does that mean? We Will No Longer Provide Support for Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Dormer) for Kodi 16 Jarvis No Further Fixes or Enhancements Will Be Made for Dormer Enterprise CDN: from the Emby Beta Repository OnlyWe strongly encourage AZ:FA users to update to Kodi Krypton and the Danvers Releases which are available from GitHub, NortheBridge by Design Repo, and the Emby Beta Repo for continued support. Changelog Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes "Dormer Last Call Update" - Released November 11, 2016 Dormer: 3.4.20 (3.4.20_dormer) Added toggle button in SkinSettings>Extras - Trun of Dormer Notice. Fixed "Set Slideshow Path" in SkinSettings > Home Addon Framework Update "We thank you for using Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes on Kodi 16 Jarvis and we hope you will select Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Danvers) for your choice skin on Kodi 17 Krypton." Edited November 12, 2016 by Guardian Hope 1
Guardian Hope 117 Posted November 15, 2016 Author Posted November 15, 2016 For those of you running "Dormer Last Call" (Kodi 16 Jarvis) - we are aware of the issue and narrowed it down. An update will be released to address the critical issue.
Guardian Hope 117 Posted November 16, 2016 Author Posted November 16, 2016 (edited) Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Dormer)3.4.30 - "Dormer End of Life Last Call Update Hotfix #1" - Released: November 15, 2016 THIS RELEASE IS INTENDED FOR KODI 16 JARVIS ONLY AND IS PART OF THE "DORMER" RELEASE BRANCH. DO NOT DOWNLOAD FOR KRYPTON.The latest release for Dormer will hopefully be the last update to the now End of Life branch. The Dormer "End of Life Last Call Update Hotfix #1" addresses missing packages required by Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Dormer) and should resolve outstanding issues.It is now available through all release channels for Dormer.Enterprise CDN: from the Emby Beta Repository OnlyWe strongly encourage AZ:FA users to update to Kodi Krypton and the Danvers Releases which are available from GitHub, NortheBridge by Design Repo, and the Emby Beta Repo for continued support.Changelog Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes "Dormer Last Call Update Hotfix #1" - Released November 15, 2016 Dormer: 3.4.30 (3.4.30_dormer) Resolved Missing Texture Package Fix for Dormer Notification Crash Platforms Tested: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview, macOS, Ubuntu, OSMC "From Ashes to Ashes..." Edited November 16, 2016 by Guardian Hope
DomUK89 2 Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 @@DomUK89 - this is the first report in a very long time of being unable to install AZ:FA. However, with that said, and having not kept up with Kodi releases since I have been moving, just looking at your log seems to indicate that the permissions on the file system aren't correct. Let's go line by line. 0:59:42 T:140347735930880 DEBUG: Unpacking zip:// to /home/dom/.kodi/temp/417524b3-120b-41e2-91d2-ac66772fe032 The first line indicates that it's obviously trying to unpack AZ:FA from whatever repository (NortheBridge or Emby) that you elected to try and download it from. It's indicating that it's trying to unpack "skin.arctic.zephyr.fromashes" to a temporary directory: 417524b3-120b-41e2-91d2-ac66772fe032. However: 20:59:43 T:140347735930880 ERROR: Create - Error creating /home/dom/.kodi/temp/417524b3-120b-41e2-91d2-ac66772fe032/16x9 It can't create AZ:FA's "16x9" folder which contains the majority of the skin files. This error appears to be indicative of a file system permission issue. Kodi cannot create the temporary directory for skin installation. This of course leads to: 20:59:43 T:140347735930880 ERROR: Failed to unpack archive 'special://home/addons/packages/' to '/home/dom/.kodi/temp/417524b3-120b-41e2-91d2-ac66772fe032' The zip file can't be unpacked because the temporary directory Kodi is trying to unpack it to can't be created. With that said, the last release version of AZ:FA was tested against Kodi Krypton Beta 3 (that was AZ:FA Danvers Alpha 9). However, this is currently the version still being installed by many everyday so it shouldn't matter. The current development branch is being tested against Beta 5 of Kodi 17 but I highly recommend against downloading it at the moment as there are severe bugs. An alternative would be to extract the zip file and copy it to the Kodi addons directory. After that, both the Emby Beta Repo and NortheBridge by Design repo will keep it updated. However, this is the first installation issue reported in a long time so I will try and replicate it to see but there are a lot of Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 users and this is the first report of an installation issue. I've tried numerous things to solve this based upon your advice. I ran Kodi from the terminal as root. I confirmed it was running as root in the System Monitor. Wouldn't install (same error) I changed the permissions of the /home/dom/.kodi/temp/ to allow any user or group to modify, delete and access. The owner is currently "Dom". I did the same with /home/dom/.kodi/ just to be sure. In combination with Kodi running as root, as tried again. Same error. I tried to install the skin manually, in /home/dom/.kodi/addons/, and whilst it doesn't appear in the skins menu, it does recognise it if I load up "install from repo" and go to the northbridge repo, where it tells me there's an update. I can select enable, and use, but I cannot update from here as I receive the same error message once more. I guess I'll just have to manually update it myself!
DomUK89 2 Posted November 16, 2016 Posted November 16, 2016 (edited) I seem to get A LOT of errors now for missing textures and such like, for example: 17:56:47 T:139727618586624 ERROR: CGUITextureManager::GetTexturePath: could not find texture 'common/black.png' The more I navigate around, the more the log populates with similar errors - and they're visibly not there in the interface also. I downloaded, unzipped and copied the version from the first page here: "skin.arctic.zephyr.fromashes.danvers-4.9.90-alpha8" Edited November 16, 2016 by DomUK89
mellomade 141 Posted November 20, 2016 Posted November 20, 2016 My LibreELEC 7.0.2 install just updated to 3.4.30 - and while I can see the option in the Extras view to disable the 'Dormer' notification I cannot select it to turn it off! If navigating from the top of the list once you get to 'update next aired on startup' the navigation jumps back up to the previous selection when you nav down. Trying to get at the from the bottom jumps over this option!
Guardian Hope 117 Posted November 21, 2016 Author Posted November 21, 2016 I seem to get A LOT of errors now for missing textures and such like, for example: 17:56:47 T:139727618586624 ERROR: CGUITextureManager::GetTexturePath: could not find texture 'common/black.png' The more I navigate around, the more the log populates with similar errors - and they're visibly not there in the interface also. I downloaded, unzipped and copied the version from the first page here: "skin.arctic.zephyr.fromashes.danvers-4.9.90-alpha8" Alpha 8? We're up to Beta 5 and this week Beta 6 releases. Beta 5 is on NBD and GitHub and since Beta 6 is going to be released just before Thanksgiving, Beta 5 is going to be skipped on the Emby Beta Repo in favor of Beta 6. The current version for Danvers is 4.9.91 Beta 5. My LibreELEC 7.0.2 install just updated to 3.4.30 - and while I can see the option in the Extras view to disable the 'Dormer' notification I cannot select it to turn it off! If navigating from the top of the list once you get to 'update next aired on startup' the navigation jumps back up to the previous selection when you nav down. Trying to get at the from the bottom jumps over this option! 3.4.50 will be released the same day as Beta 6 that addresses the issue and adds to the notice how to turn off the notice. That's all coming right before Thanksgiving in the United States.
DomUK89 2 Posted November 23, 2016 Posted November 23, 2016 (edited) Alpha 8? We're up to Beta 5 and this week Beta 6 releases. Beta 5 is on NBD and GitHub and since Beta 6 is going to be released just before Thanksgiving, Beta 5 is going to be skipped on the Emby Beta Repo in favor of Beta 6. The current version for Danvers is 4.9.91 Beta 5. Ah, I just downloaded the zip from the 1st page. OK, well I downloaded from GitHub, unpacked, copy and pasted. Still missing fonts and the unwatched show indicator number is just a square. Sorry to be difficult. Edited November 23, 2016 by DomUK89
kaufhauslicht 3 Posted November 27, 2016 Posted November 27, 2016 Hi, I just found this wonderful skin today and set it up fitting to most of my home media need. However, imho the only thing which does not fit the entire design are the watched indicators. Is there any chance that I can change these in line with the suggestion bellow or are there already the appropriate settings and I just did not find them in the menus? I also tried different, old versions and I like the older indicators much more. I am not afraid to change lines in the source code, however I would need some information where to find the reference to the watched indicators. Moreover, I am still using Jarvis and the Dormer build. An update to Krypton is currently not an option for my HTPC setup. I would be really grateful for some advice. Capt.Insano, on 08 Feb 2016 - 12:30 AM, said: Further to the pink indicator icons: Would it be at all possible for a set-up similar to many other skins such as Mimic where the watched indicator can illustrate unwatched/in-progress/watched rather than just unwatched/in-progress. I personally consider the approach taken by Mimic to be the most simple/elegant: See Pics for difference between Mimic and AZ:FA: Mimic: image AZ:FA: image I also love the option of choice within the Mimic skin settings for what indicators should be used: Congrats on such a great skin!! I look forward to following its improvements! Guardian Hope, on 08 Feb 2016 - 03:47 AM, said: @Capt.Insano - Yes, I like that idea too. I didn't want to address you in the 3.2 release post to keep it organized but I did see your recommendations earlier and if I had the time to stick it into 3.2 I would have. This is something I too would like to address: putting in better watch indicators such as in-progress, watched, or unwatched. Whether you will be able to select more than one indicator for each will really depend on the size of the skin after I strip the unused textures away from it (it already comes in compressed at 120MB and fully deflated [textures and all] at 212MB). However, this is something that will happen because it's something that seems like it will "flow" well and reminds me of the older Windows Media Center watch indicators. To further address people about the pink indicator: it's really a matter of changing it not from a pink hex code to a white hex code but I have also been playing around with the idea of letting it use the now working four different theme color selector variables (so if you select green, it's green or blue, it's blue, etc.). Nevertheless, 3.2.00 is a long haul release as I am going to be gone for half the month and pretty busy when I get back so the next update I wouldn't anticipate until March at the earliest! But I do like this contributions people are starting to make. That's what I wanted to do with the theme - make it a team effort. There are many great themes out there like Eunique but I believe that Arctic Zephyr is the best because what @im85288 and @badaas created really is what got me to like Kodi/XBMC.
Guardian Hope 117 Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 NortheBridge by Design Repository - "Thanksgiving Day Update" A little late, yes, but sometimes that can't be helped. Today I am pleased to announce an update to the NortheBridge by Design Repository, introducing version 2.0 (2.0.00) of the repository that includes many backend and enhancements to the way the repository works to provide you quicker updates, faster download speeds to all geographical regions, and should be a bit better than the older version.The update has been released to the Update Origin and should be automatically downloaded and updated on your devices within the next 2-24 hours. We'll be retiring the old repository just before December 21st. This means that AZ:FA Danvers BETA 6, if downloaded from the old repository, will prompt about updating to the new repository. If you get it from NBD Repo 2.0 or Emby, no such prompt will exist. This is to ensure that everyone makes the update because NBD Repo 1.0 is on its way out as we move to From Ashes Danvers and later For Another Age.Remember, the team will be off for Christmas so BETA 6 will be the last update of the year. And if you can't wait, here's the direct download to NBD Repo 2.0:
Guardian Hope 117 Posted December 1, 2016 Author Posted December 1, 2016 (edited) Hi, I just found this wonderful skin today and set it up fitting to most of my home media need. However, imho the only thing which does not fit the entire design are the watched indicators. Is there any chance that I can change these in line with the suggestion bellow or are there already the appropriate settings and I just did not find them in the menus? I also tried different, old versions and I like the older indicators much more. I am not afraid to change lines in the source code, however I would need some information where to find the reference to the watched indicators. Moreover, I am still using Jarvis and the Dormer build. An update to Krypton is currently not an option for my HTPC setup. I would be really grateful for some advice. Capt.Insano, on 08 Feb 2016 - 12:30 AM, said: Guardian Hope, on 08 Feb 2016 - 03:47 AM, said: @@kaufhauslicht - I always forget that Dormer doesn't have the ability to control color of those fonts because it uses the second or third generation color section rather than the sixth generation (a lot's improved) but it sounds like moving to Danvers and Krypton isn't exactly an option for you right now. The indicators are provided by font icons. Be advised though that the same font icons used to provide those indicators are also the same ones used to provide a lot of other icons. They were incidentally removed in Danvers and are going to be added back in with BETA 6 but you can see reports of buttons not displaying correctly without the font icon set. You can of course edit it, but Dormer is so far removed from Danvers now that I wouldn't even be able to tell you exactly where you need to go to ensure that you can change the indicator icons without messing up the button icons. One of the reasons we EoLed Dormer was because of the divergence made it like we were coding Windows 98 with Dormer and Windows 10 with Danvers. That's how far the skin has come. And it's going to go even further. Of course, there's one final update to Dormer coming this weekend but it's to address the inability to turn off the Danvers Update prompt; that's it. Ah, I just downloaded the zip from the 1st page. OK, well I downloaded from GitHub, unpacked, copy and pasted. Still missing fonts and the unwatched show indicator number is just a square. Sorry to be difficult. @@DomUK89 - It's to be addressed in BETA 6 that due to release at the end of the week. Most up-to-date discussion happens at rather than here; only every once in a blue moon someone posts here. On the other hand, at the Kodi forums, there's so much going on that we had to get JIRA to keep track of everything. Edited December 1, 2016 by Guardian Hope 1
DomUK89 2 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 @@DomUK89 - It's to be addressed in BETA 6 that due to release at the end of the week. Most up-to-date discussion happens at rather than here; only every once in a blue moon someone posts here. On the other hand, at the Kodi forums, there's so much going on that we had to get JIRA to keep track of everything. OK, great, I'll move myself over there for future discussion.
Guardian Hope 117 Posted December 25, 2016 Author Posted December 25, 2016 Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Danvers) for Kodi 17 KryptonBeta 6 Preview Christmas Day Update" This post is a correction of the previous update postMerry Christmas everyone and to all a good night. Today brings the release of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers (Preview) BETA 6 for Kodi Krypton. Beta 6 introduces a lot more features than originally noted. Remember that the license for AZ:FA has changed from LGPLv3 with a non-commercial statement to AGPLv3 with a non-commercial statement. More information about this will be made available soon.Although this is the last release of the year, more information about the released will be detailed near the very end of the year; for now we wanted to get this into your hands before Christmas. As such, Beta 6 is immediately available in the NBD Repo 2.0 and Emby Beta Repo. You can also get the source from GitHub (and maybe help contribute). It may take a few hours to propagate across the two repositories.NortheBridge by Design Repository 2.0: CDN Download: in the Emby Beta Repository Changelog: Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers "Beta 6 Preview Christmas Day Update" - Released December, 25, 2016 Danvers: 4.9.92-beta6 (4.9.92-beta6_danvers) ARCTIC ZEPHYR: FROM ASHES ANNIVERSARY EDITION (CODENAMED "DANVERS") IS PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE DESIGNED FOR A PRE-RELEASE VERSION OF KODI. THERE IS NO GUARNTEE THAT ALL FEATURES WILL WORK. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY ISSUES YOU RUN INTO. THIS SKIN IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE NORTHEBRIDGE BY DESIGN(R) REPOSITORY, EMBY BETA REPOSITORY, GITHUB, OR VIA DIRECT ZIP FILE DOWNLOAD ONLY. AGPLv3 License Scheme (changed from LGPLv3) Addon Framework Update to Danvers 4.9.92 Texture Package Update to Danvers 4.9.92 Resolved Issue: Missing Fonts Added new InfoWall View - Episodes Changed InfoWall to left/right plot block Fixed DialogContextMenu not displaying correctly Added Kodi Privacy Policy to SystemInfo Window Upgraded SmartPlaylist Editor to Kodi17 requirements Fixed Hubs in "override.xml" Removed Hubs Category in SkinSettings ( no longer needed ) Fixed Home Widgets plot text not scrolling. Added Animated FanArt to "FlipMusicInfo" Visualization Added Gradient Background ( lower portion ) to "FlipMusicInfo" Visualization Minor Changes
Guardian Hope 117 Posted January 19, 2017 Author Posted January 19, 2017 Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes (Danvers) for Kodi 17 KryptonBeta 6 Preview Christmas Day Update" Interested in helping to develop a skin? The From Ashes project is looking for talented contributors. PM me or post here today! The ninth beta of Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers is here. Well, actually it's been here for awhile but it's just taken me this long to get it uploaded to the Emby Beta Repository. If you're wondering what happened to Beta 7 and Beta 8 the short answer is that a few erroneous files made them not work so here we are with Beta 9 and we finally fixed the font issues! As always, questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns just leave them here. And if you're interested in helping to work on From Ashes, the From Ashes Project is looking for additional developers. NortheBridge by Design Repository 2.0: CDN Download: https://embycdn.nort...da...-beta9.zipGitHub: in the Emby Beta Repository Changelog: [B]Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers "Beta 9 Preview Update" - Released December, 08, 2016[/B] Danvers: 4.9.92-beta9 (4.9.92-beta9_danvers) ARCTIC ZEPHYR: FROM ASHES DANVERS IS PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE DESIGNED AND DEVELOPED FOR A PRE-RELEASE VERSION OF KODI, KODI 17 KRYPTON.THERE IS NO GUARNTEE THAT ALL FEATURES WILL WORK. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY ISSUES YOU RUN INTO. THIS SKIN IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE NORTHEBRIDGE BY DESIGN(R) REPOSITORY, EMBY BETA REPOSITORY, GITHUB, OR VIA DIRECT ZIP FILE DOWNLOAD ONLY. Resolves Critical Issue with the Caitlin Snow Versioning Window ("AZ:FA Squared Version") Resulting in Kodi 17 Krypton Crashing on All Platforms [B]Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers "Beta 8 Preview Update" - Released January 7, 2016[/B] Danvers: 4.9.92-beta8 (4.9.92-beta8_danvers) ARCTIC ZEPHYR: FROM ASHES ANNIVERSARY EDITION (CODENAMED "DANVERS") IS PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE DESIGNED FOR A PRE-RELEASE VERSION OF KODI. THERE IS NO GUARNTEE THAT ALL FEATURES WILL WORK. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY ISSUES YOU RUN INTO. THIS SKIN IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE NORTHEBRIDGE BY DESIGN(R) REPOSITORY, EMBY BETA REPOSITORY, GITHUB, OR VIA DIRECT ZIP FILE DOWNLOAD ONLY. Addresses Critical Issue with Caitlin Snow (For Another Age) Framework Resulting In Kodi 17 Crash from Danvers Preview Beta 7 Restores Additional Fonts Required by Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Updated Startup Prompt Added Caitlin Snow (For Another Age) Window Call Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes Danvers "Beta 6, Patch Level 1 Update" - Released December, 31, 2016 Danvers: 4.9.92-beta7 (4.9.92-beta7_danvers) ARCTIC ZEPHYR: FROM ASHES ANNIVERSARY EDITION (CODENAMED "DANVERS") IS PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE DESIGNED FOR A PRE-RELEASE VERSION OF KODI. THERE IS NO GUARNTEE THAT ALL FEATURES WILL WORK. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF ANY ISSUES YOU RUN INTO. THIS SKIN IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE NORTHEBRIDGE BY DESIGN(R) REPOSITORY, EMBY BETA REPOSITORY, GITHUB, OR VIA DIRECT ZIP FILE DOWNLOAD ONLY. Repaired Missing Font Symbols (Fix contributed by "Cranial" on the Official Kodi Forums)
supersaugi 0 Posted February 26, 2017 Posted February 26, 2017 hi is german language available in this skin ? thx
Guardian Hope 117 Posted March 3, 2017 Author Posted March 3, 2017 hi is german language available in this skin ? thx @@supersaugi, it should still be. Language was never changed. The only languages which have issues with the newer fonts is right-to-left languages which German is not.
Guardian Hope 117 Posted May 7, 2017 Author Posted May 7, 2017 Sorry everyone for such a long hiatus. We'll be back at the end of the month .
G1zm0 13 Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I got a weird problem, please excuse me if this is already known, but I couldn't find this in the topic I've got Emby addon for Kodi version 2.3.48 and I've got the Davers preview 4.9.92-beta 10. The "recently added episodes" and "recently added movies" widget does not work for me.It just falls back to the basic "spotlight" widget.I have it installed on a TV-box with android, but the same goes for my windows10 laptop.
Guardian Hope 117 Posted May 15, 2017 Author Posted May 15, 2017 I got a weird problem, please excuse me if this is already known, but I couldn't find this in the topic I've got Emby addon for Kodi version 2.3.48 and I've got the Davers preview 4.9.92-beta 10. The "recently added episodes" and "recently added movies" widget does not work for me. It just falls back to the basic "spotlight" widget. I have it installed on a TV-box with android, but the same goes for my windows10 laptop. There's a lot more discussion on the Koldi forums: then here on the Emby forums. I believe this has been discussed before and a fix added or at least proposed a few pages back but Widgets have had a problem for awhile with From Ashes. I will be announcing something new to fix all of this but right now everything is "behind the scenes discussion," We're working on it though!
G1zm0 13 Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 @@Guardian Hope, Thanks for the reply.I'll wait for the fix then.
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