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Hey guys.  I absolutely live MBT.  Such a clean look.  However, I tried to run it on a couple older machines, to see if I could use them as x360 extender replacements, and was quite disappointed with the performance.  I was hoping it would run better than MBC, but not unfortunately.


Even if the interface was slow, which I can understand with all the nice background image transitions and such, I do not understand why the video playback would choppy, yet in MBC no problem at all.  Perhaps this is some sort of internal trans-coding occurring on the MBT machine, but of course now I am guessing.  Can you please explain what occurs during video playback and why it would require such high CPU load.



Thanks very much in advance.

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@@Maudite, this issue seems to be happening to quite a number of MBT users. You have to also take into account that the software is very much still in its Alpha stage, and I've read on here that the focus right now is on building MBT feature-wise, and after the majority of it's features are implemented, the team will then start focusing on performance tweaks to get the CPU load down.


Devs feel free to correct me on this. I'm experiencing some video lag on one of my machines, but I'm chocking it up to the Alpha stage of the product.

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Last movie I watched, I kept switching back and forth between MBC and MBT to compare and contrast differences in playback (audio, video, subtitles, etc...)  My wife kept waiting for me to keep watching it to come and join me.  She got quite frustrated cause she thought I was not actually watching a movie.

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Great news. Our guy who handles the video player just committed a pretty significant changeset. I'll get it to you guys once we've had a chance to test it internally. Search is also coming very soon.

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Awesome! Will this potentially handle the stuttering issue for those of us that are experiencing this? 

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MBT is still in the early stages though where raw feature development is our main objective so just keep that in mind.

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What is the current most stable release of MBT? I may have accidentally upgraded to an unstable version, and now I can't seem to play anything... I'm on v3.0.5119.23168, I had dev updates selected, but switched to Official Release, uninstalled, and re-installed from the download link at the top of this thread, but I'm still getting errors every time I attempt to play something.


EDIT: I think I've managed to fix it now... It seems I had the server set up to download Dev releases as well, and for whatever reason the current dev release of the server didn't like to play well with MBT, problem solved!


Also, I noticed in the Dev release of the server there was a Live-TV section, and plugin  :o  Keep the updates coming guys! Great Work!

Edited by pmac
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I'll leave it to you to tell us once you have it.


Will do.


MBT is still in the early stages though where raw feature development is our main objective so just keep that in mind.


Yes, I know and I am fine with that. It's just that "user impatience" factor that I know the Devs "love" to hear.  :)


I am very satisfied with everything you guys are doing and I know these things take time to work out the bugs and such. I at least have MBC which plays totally fine at the moment. I am sort of like a kid when it comes to new technology and new things to play with on my HTPC. It drives my wife nuts, but...


Anyway, thanks again for everything that has been, is being and will be done!

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since live tv is out for the server end just no backend yet released does that mean that Theatre and other clients can no build on it?

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yes and some of the developers have gotten started already.

thats awesome! Is there a way to follow or maybe getting a update site for clients

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I updated to the latest release of MBT 3.0.5129.37166. I am still getting the exact stutter issue as with the earlier versions.


I have tested each of the new settings for the hardware acceleration, allowed the player to bitstream the audio, turned that feature off, etc.


The stutter is the same for each setting - no worse, no better.


I did get a log file (I hope it's the correct one you need) I posted it here: http://paste2.org/OnthnK2E


I am running Windows 7. 


Let me know if you need anything else.

Edited by jasonmcroy
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Yes we have a developer over on doom9 working on it. You can follow the thread there but please allow him to remain uninterrupted. If you have another developer who can possibly join us then that would certainly be fantastic.

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Great. Andy really knows his stuff, so I generally just go with whatever he suggests and try to get him the things he asks for. He's currently waiting for something from me before he can work on exclusive mode, however I'm not able to put any of our existing developers on it because there are other higher priority items.

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