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  1. Español: Buenas. Estoy comenzando a utilizar la API, cosa que se me ha hecho muy interesante. En contexto, cuando se crea un usuario, tiene acceso a todas las librerías por default, para eso modifico sus políticas, por ejemplo: Aquí le estoy diciendo que excluya esas dos subcarpetas, en el parámetro "ExcludedSubFolders". Pero me gustaría saber, si hay alguna forma en que al momento de crear el usuario haya algún parámetro que por default haga que NO tengan acceso a ninguna librería, y después yo pueda asignar a tal usuario a qué librerías SI podría acceder? English Good. I am starting to use the API, which has been very interesting for me. In context, when a user is created, he has access to all the libraries by default, for that I modify his policies, for example: Here I am typing that exclude those two subfolders, in the "ExcludedSubFolders" parameter. But I would like to know, if there is any way that at the moment of creating the user there is some parameter that by default makes them NOT have access to any library, and then, I can assign such a user to which libraries he or she could access? Thanks! @@chef @@rechigo
  2. English: Hello I suggest expanding the security: - user blocking function, 5 items (to be determined by the administrator) of consecutive incorrect logins - blocking the IP address (DDOS, Firewall), if for a period of 15 minutes (to be determined by the administrator) there will be an incorrect authorization (amount to be determined by the administrator) for 1 hour (to be determined by the administrator). IP addresses should be visible in the menu, it should be easy to clean the individual or all addresses, there should be a schedule for cleaning these addresses set by the administrator (for example: always Monday 1:00). Firewall in Windows (command block in php): shell_exec("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=EmbyServ_".$time."_".$ipp." profile=any dir=in action=block enable=yes remoteip=$ipp"); command no block in php: shell_exec("netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=..................); Polish: Witam Proponuję rozudowę security: Proponuję rozbudowę security: - funkcja blokowania użytkownika po 5 szt. (do ustalenia przez administratora) kolejnych nieprawidłowych logowań. - blokowanie adresu IP (DDOS, Firewall), jeśli przez okres 15 min (do ustalenia przez administratora) nastąpią nieprawidłowe logowania (ilość do ustalenia przez administratora) na okres 1 godziny (do ustalenia przez administratora). Adresy IP powinny być widoczne w menu, powinno być łatwe menu czyszczenia pojedynczych lub wszystkich adresów, powinien być harmonogram czyszczenia tych adresów ustalany przez administratora (always Monday 1:00). Firewall in Windows (command block in php): shell_exec("netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=EmbyServ_".$time."_".$ipp." profile=any dir=in action=block enable=yes remoteip=$ipp"); command no block in php: shell_exec("netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=..................);
  3. RyonM

    Block direct Ip

    Hello, I'm hosting my Emby server through Cloudflare which is connected to my router. With that I got https and my IP is hidden when I use ping. But is there a possibility that you can blacklist direct IP connections like 94.***.***.* through Emby. So that I only am able to use my Cloudflare domain. And not my router IP. Kind Regards, Ryon
  4. Hi, hopefully this is user error but I need to ask. I created a user called Kids and then I added a tag to some TV called NoKids. I then changed kids so that it Blocked Content with the tags "NoKids" However when I log in as Kids I still see all the content and I can play it. I created the tag at the Series level and that didn't work so I then created the tag at the Episode level and that didn't work either. Which should work? I've attached screenshots. You'll see the tag on the series and the episode. I've also restarted the server and logged out and logged back in. Thanks
  5. I've only just recently noticed that even the smallest files on my NAS are taking 256MB of space - this adds up to many, many gigabytes of wasted space. I'm sure this has something to do with the block size that is being used. I have a single volume consisting of 8 x 2TB drives in Raid 6 using EXT4. I can't remember if there was even a block size option when I set up the volume. 256MB seems way too large. Most of that data on the NAS is obviously video, but with all the associated metadata and images taking up 256MB each, I'm filling it up far quicker than I should be. Here's an example: I ripped and encoded the Freaks and Geeks DVDs and the main series folder contains a total of 84 files (18 video files, 46 images, 19 xml files and 1 mp3) - the total size is 9.48 GB but the size on disk is 30.0 GB ! I just performed a search for "backdrop2", "backdrop3", etc in one of my folders just to see how much data I could save my deleting these additional (nice to have) backdrops - I found 167 files which would give me back 41.7 GB ! (I wonder if this is actually just Windows reporting the wrong size on disk for an EXT4 volume over Samba)
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