widget100 8 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 Ok, I have some good news. Your previous DLNA theory looks like it's correct. I disabled Enable DLNA server and Blast alive messages and got no Abrt/6 overnight and no hangs during today at all. Been up since 21.44 last night. Hopefully the OP on this thread can try the same test? i also tried to disable Enable automatic port mapping but every time I uncheck it, save and change screens it re-checks the box, so you still have that bug. Also my logs are flooded with the following. I saw in another thread that this had been previously fixed - any ideas on how to supress it? 2018-07-19 17:15:16.814 Error Dlna: Error in BeginListeningForBroadcasts *** Error Report *** Version:
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 Thanks but what bug about port mapping? the config screen seems to work fine in my testing.
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 When you uncheck that setting you get a dialog box. It sounds like you didn't click the button in the dialog box.
widget100 8 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 Just tried again on both FF and Chrome. Uncheck the box, no dialog, just the unchecked box with a green shaded circle. Hit Save, screen pops up saying Hosting Settings - Changing these values may cause instability or connectivity failures, (URL is!#dlg1532025674799) Hit Got It, second screen pops up saying Hosting Settings, To enable HTTPS for external connections etc, hit Got It. Box appears unchecked. switch to another menu item, back to advanced and the box is checked again.
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 You need to disable secure connections if you haven't provided an SSL cert. that's why your settings aren't saving.
widget100 8 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 Well that's not exactly obvious is it Was set to Preferred but not required, set disabled and it saves as you say. It's not clear that those settings are in any way related. Just the logs flooding with this every min or so now and we'll be set and I'll go and leave you in peace 2018-07-19 18:49:16.812 Error Dlna: Error in BeginListeningForBroadcasts *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_armhf.deb Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: False 64-Bit Process: False User Interactive: True Processor count: 4 Program data path: /var/lib/emby Application directory: /opt/emby-server/system System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (98): Address already in use
justwondering 10 Posted July 19, 2018 Author Posted July 19, 2018 Sorry I've been missing. Still getting the same crashes, when idle and during playback. I missed the theory about DLNA and I don't see that in the thread. Was that discussed somewhere else? I've gone ahead and disabled "Enable Dlna server" and "Blast alive messages" from the "DLNA" pane under "Devices". I don't see "Enable DLNA Play To" mentioned, and it is checked by default, so I'm leaving that. Please let me know if it would be useful to check "Enable DLNA debug logging" too. I also set "Secure connection mode" to "Disabled" in the "Advance" pane under "Expert", and unchecked "Enable automatic port mapping". Let me know if I missed anything, or if there's anything else I should try. Thanks!
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 It was a defect in the last release which is now resolved and won't happen anymore for new users.
widget100 8 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 (edited) Sorry I've been missing. Still getting the same crashes, when idle and during playback. I missed the theory about DLNA and I don't see that in the thread. Was that discussed somewhere else? I've gone ahead and disabled "Enable Dlna server" and "Blast alive messages" from the "DLNA" pane under "Devices". I don't see "Enable DLNA Play To" mentioned, and it is checked by default, so I'm leaving that. Please let me know if it would be useful to check "Enable DLNA debug logging" too. I also set "Secure connection mode" to "Disabled" in the "Advance" pane under "Expert", and unchecked "Enable automatic port mapping". Let me know if I missed anything, or if there's anything else I should try. Thanks! The DLNA theory was something Luke suggested to me on my original thread about crashes during scanning of libraries (which goes away if you mount the folder and scan it rather than just using SMB paths as \\192.168.1.x.\media\music) I've got Enable Play To still checked as well, and it's been rock solid all day. Don't think you need to uncheck the Enable Auto Part Mapping, that was a hangover from a previous thread. I'm going to add TVH and a couple of other plugins back now and hope it all hangs together. Thanks again Luke. Edited July 19, 2018 by widget100
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 if all you've disabled is the dlna server then that's going to eliminate some periodic broadcasts advertising the server on your network, and will eliminate some communications from other devices on your network. we should give it more time to be sure it's not a fluke.
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 The issue could also be that our blast alive interval is just way too aggressive. What you could try is turning the dlna server back on, but then set the blast interval to 1800 (30 minutes). Then restart the server. I'm going to make some changes here and make that our default anyway, it will be in the next beta.
widget100 8 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 I'll run as I am overnight and if nothing crashes I'll set the blast interval on and 30 mins as you suggest. As I am at the moment I've not had a crash or hang in 23 hours. I'm not sure if you answered about the Error Dlna: Error in BeginListeningForBroadcasts/System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (98): Address already in use. Was your response that it was a defect in a previous release and doesn't happen to new users? It's certainly happening to me and I'm new Should i reinstall from scratch or is there something else I can do to nuke that error.
Luke 38968 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 No i meant that about the config page. I am not yet sure about the dlna error. Sometimes there are certain things that are device specific and they take a little longer to chase down.
widget100 8 Posted July 19, 2018 Posted July 19, 2018 Crashed with abrt/6 within an hour of re-adding TVH and Playback reporting plugins. Tried to enable Blast interval of 30 mins but max in the field is 300 seconds. Removed plugins again and rebooted. I'll see how it goes.
Solution justwondering 10 Posted July 21, 2018 Author Solution Posted July 21, 2018 Disabling the DLNA server, blast alive, and automatic port mapping seems to have done the trick. Since then I've had no crashes or hiccups of any kind, during playback or while idle. I don't need DLNA, so for the moment my problem is solved. If you'd like me to check anything else, please let me know. Thank you for your help, and for making a great media player!
widget100 8 Posted July 22, 2018 Posted July 22, 2018 Same here. Added the TVH plugin back yesterdaya and it's still rock solid running I'm going to try switching the DLNA stuff back on now with blast at 1800 seconds and see how I fare.
widget100 8 Posted July 23, 2018 Posted July 23, 2018 Fell over 7am with 11/segv whilst idle. Turned on debug logging now as there was nothing in the logs to show why. I'll come back with more info next time.
widget100 8 Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 Ok been running 3 days with debug logging on and I've had one glitch where it hung whilst playing to the TV across DLNA but since the SSH session I had open to the Pi dropped at the same time I cant level that at Emby. so I think we can call it fixed with the new blast setting. The only issue I still have is the following 2018-07-26 00:01:07.520 Error Dlna: Error in BeginListeningForBroadcasts *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_armhf.deb Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: False 64-Bit Process: False User Interactive: True Processor count: 4 Program data path: /var/lib/emby Application directory: /opt/emby-server/system System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (98): Address already in use If you could put some code in there to report on exactly what is conflicting we'd be golden
widget100 8 Posted July 31, 2018 Posted July 31, 2018 Unfortunately it was short lived and had a hang and a crash in the past 24 hours. Good news though is I have logs which actually show something this time - this from syslog and the attached. Jul 31 01:52:06 raspberrypi emby-server[30957]: *** Error in `/opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x74902330 *** Jul 31 01:52:07 raspberrypi tvheadend[643]: htsp: [ widget100 | TVHclient4Emby- ]: Disconnected Jul 31 01:52:07 raspberrypi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT Jul 31 01:52:07 raspberrypi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state. Jul 31 01:52:07 raspberrypi systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'. Log.txt
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