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Emby Server on Raspberry Pi crashing

Go to solution Solved by justwondering,

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Posted (edited)

I have Emby server beta on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Raspbian Stretch (2018-06-27), and the server crashes constantly. I upgraded to the beta from for unrelated reasons (problems with .AppleDouble files) but I believe the crashes were happening under that release too. It's just Emby crashing. Raspbian continues fine, and I can login and restart Emby with no problems.


It seems to crash when left alone for too long, or anytime I make too many changes to the library contents (adding, removing, or renaming video files).


Attached are three crash logs from today. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

2018-07-12 07.15.txt

2018-07-12 17.02.txt

2018-07-12 17.50.txt

Edited by justwondering

It crashed again last night while idle:

Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: Sqlite compiler options: COMPILER=gcc-6.4.1 20170707,ENABLE_COLU
Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: Default journal_mode for /var/lib/emby/data/sync14.db is wal
Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: PRAGMA synchronous=1
Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint. D
Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint
Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoi
Jul 12 17:54:21 Mothership emby-server[6688]: Info App: All entry points have started
Jul 13 01:50:25 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Jul 13 01:50:25 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jul 13 01:50:25 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'.

Log attached. Curiously, the last log entry occurs at 00:00:24, almost two hours before systemd registers an error.

2018-07-13 00.00.00.txt


Hi, where is your media located? 


Thanks for looking.


My media is on a powered external USB drive (WD My Book, EXT4 format) mounted to /mnt/external1 via fstab.


I notice the realtime monitor enabled in one of your logs. can you try turning that off and see if that makes any difference? thanks.


I turned off realtime monitoring for each library. I'll update in a day or two if there are no further crashes. Thanks!

Posted (edited)

Crashed again while not in use. Realtime monitoring is still off for all libraries. Log attached.


Edit: Another crash overnight. Last log entry is at 7:51 AM, systemd killed the process at 10:20 AM. Log attached.

2018-07-13 15.19.32.txt

2018-07-14 07.51.18.txt

Edited by justwondering

On the off chance that this is related, I am seeing one other odd behavior. The preview cards for my libraries are showing up strangely:




There are 103 other movies in the Movies library, so it's strange that it picked Doctor Zhivago four times. Same for Kid Movies and Kid TV Shows. I don't know if these are supposed to change or update, but they have been exactly like this since I first created the libraries. Not a big deal, but just thought I'd mention in case it's related to the crashes.


Thanks for the info. They will change periodically. That's not going to be the cause of the crash.


OK, thanks for looking at that.


Attached is this morning's crash. It looks a little different than the previous service status readouts, as there's an actual error this time:

Jul 14 15:39:51 Mothership emby-server[15269]: Info App: Default journal_mode for /var/lib/emby/data/sync14.db is wal
Jul 14 15:39:51 Mothership emby-server[15269]: Info App: PRAGMA synchronous=1
Jul 14 15:39:51 Mothership emby-server[15269]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0725819 seconds
Jul 14 15:39:51 Mothership emby-server[15269]: Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint
Jul 14 15:39:51 Mothership emby-server[15269]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint. Duration: 0.0065129 seconds
Jul 14 15:39:51 Mothership emby-server[15269]: Info App: All entry points have started
Jul 15 10:21:56 Mothership emby-server[15269]: *** Error in `/opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x6f82f200 ***
Jul 15 10:21:56 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Jul 15 10:21:56 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jul 15 10:21:56 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'signal'.

I'm installing beta. Any further things I should try? Is it helpful to keep posting logs?


I think I could set systemd to auto-restart emby on crashes by adding "Restart=always" to its emby-server.service file, which would make the crashes less of an issue. But that's an ugly band-aid that would prevent ever actually solving the crash, and there's probably a reason you guys didn't put it in there by default.


I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my issues. Thanks!


2018-07-15 09.40.46.txt


Yea that would be ideal. Please try beta once available, although it may not make any difference. Thanks.


Tonight it crashed while playing. About 14 minutes into a tv show, playback stopped, server was down. I restarted the service and was able to resume. This is on Log attached.


I'll install .34 as soon as I see it available. Thanks.

2018-07-15 22.49.04.txt


Hi Luke, I've got exactly the same issue with crashes on the Pi. I'll leave my other thread alone now, as this isn't the same as when I had the libs pointing to \\192 etc.


Exactly the same symptoms as justwondering - sometimes crashes whilst playing music or video, sometimes at random, go to sleep and it's dead when I wake up. No consistency with the exit code either. Seg11v or Abrt6.


Also sometimes Emby is still running but no response to web interface so have to restart the service.


Upgraded to .35 a few hours ago, so we'll see how it runs overnight.


And I spoke to soon, there it went in the middle of a video.


● emby-server.service - Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device.
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/emby-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: signal) since Mon 2018-07-16 20:22:14 UTC; 1min 10s ago
  Process: 12038 ExecStart=/opt/emby-server/bin/emby-server (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
 Main PID: 12038 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)


Log attached.




I would suggest removing these plugins in order to reduce the scope of the troubleshooting:

2018-07-16 17:53:53.997 Info App: Loading Emby.AutoOrganize, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from /var/lib/emby/plugins/Emby.AutoOrganize.dll
2018-07-16 17:53:53.997 Info App: Loading MediaBrowser.Plugins.TuneIn, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from /var/lib/emby/plugins/MediaBrowser.Plugins.TuneIn.dll
2018-07-16 17:53:53.997 Info App: Loading statistics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from /var/lib/emby/plugins/Statistics.dll
2018-07-16 17:53:53.997 Info App: Loading TVHeadEnd, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null from /var/lib/emby/plugins/TVHeadEnd.dll



Done, fingers crossed.


Here's my crash log from last night. This time systemd didn't register a crash, but the server was non-responsive. When I tried to stop the service it hung until it timed out.

Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Security.PluginSecurityManager. Duration: 0.000542
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Sqlite version: 3.24.0
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Sqlite compiler options: COMPILER=gcc-6.4.1 20170707,ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA,EN
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Default journal_mode for /var/lib/emby/data/sync14.db is wal
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: PRAGMA synchronous=1
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncManagerEntryPoint. Duration: 0.064
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint. Duration: 
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: All entry points have started

pi@Mothership:~ $ sudo service emby-server stop

pi@Mothership:~ $ service emby-server status

● emby-server.service - Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device.
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/emby-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: timeout) since Mon 2018-07-16 14:19:33 PDT; 13s ago
  Process: 12495 ExecStart=/opt/emby-server/bin/emby-server (code=killed, signal=KILL)
 Main PID: 12495 (code=killed, signal=KILL)

Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Starting entry point Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: Entry point completed: Emby.Server.Sync.SyncNotificationEntryPoint. Duration: 
Jul 15 22:52:35 Mothership emby-server[12495]: Info App: All entry points have started
Jul 16 14:18:02 Mothership systemd[1]: Stopping Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device....
Jul 16 14:19:33 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Jul 16 14:19:33 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Killing process 12495 (EmbyServer) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 16 14:19:33 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Jul 16 14:19:33 Mothership systemd[1]: Stopped Emby Server is a personal media server with apps on just about every device..
Jul 16 14:19:33 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jul 16 14:19:33 Mothership systemd[1]: emby-server.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.

This was still on .33. Upgrading now to so we'll see how that goes. Would it be helpful to check "Enable debug logging"?

2018-07-16 03.42.28.txt


Yes that would be helpful, thanks.


Great, thanks.


Same story. Crashed with Abrt/6 around 1.30am this morning. I restarted this morning and at some point during the day the web interface has become unresponsive again. Stop service and restart and it all comes back.

Had removed all plugins and rebooted yesterday evening. Haven't actually accessed Emby at all during the day until now to see if it was still running. Only thing I've done that may have impacted the server was to add a couple of files into the library folder







Thanks for the info.


Same again, crashed overnight with abrt/6 and then hung during the day without an actual crash. (not the same time overnight though sometime around 4am).

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