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New Chocolate Detail Screen


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Hi ebr,


Just playing around with Chocolate and noticed this. When in the Movies Details screen and I select either the Cast or Scenes button, the Movie title text  appears behind the cover and scrolls if it is longer than the cover is wide (you can just see the beginning of the title on the LHS of the cover), move forward or back to a different movie and the text changes to the current title. Back out to the collections view, go back into detail view and the title text is not there until I select either Cast or Scenes again. Not sure if it is meant to be there or if it can be disabled.




Sorry, afraid I didn't follow that... the cover?  What version of chocolate?  Be sure it is the latest beta and, if it still happens, post a screenshot.  Thx.

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ebr,  apologies for my confusing explanation...pls see the screen shot.



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EBR, it appears the latest update has broken Chocolate.  In TV series with more than one season, it shows as 0 episodes, and I am unable to play anything.  TV shows with only one season work okay though.

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All good EBR.  The wife panicked, which caused myself to panic.  :)  I am only on beta level, but figured it all out in the end.  Do appreciate what your doing to Chocolate.

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Wasn't your fault.  MBC currently ignores the update level for plug-ins.  I guess I never implemented it and forgot.  The next MBC will fix this.

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I think I'm going to redesign this once more.  For a detail screen, it is restricting one of the most important details - the overview.  So, thinking about going like this:



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Is it possible to put refresh button back in?


I don't really want it there cluttering up the interface.  It should almost never be needed.  Why do you need it?

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I don't really want it there cluttering up the interface.  It should almost never be needed.  Why do you need it?

I mainly use it when I add a movie when it first comes out and after it's been out for a while more complete metadata becomes available.


I also have an issue where Cover Art doesn't always detect and show a HD cover and sometimes a refresh would fix it.  I believe this might be an issue with Metabrowser.



I don't really need the refresh button I've just gotten used to using it.  I can still browse to the file and use the record button on the remote.

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I mainly use it when I add a movie when it first comes out and after it's been out for a while more complete metadata becomes available.


I also have an issue where Cover Art doesn't always detect and show a HD cover and sometimes a refresh would fix it.  I believe this might be an issue with Metabrowser.



I don't really need the refresh button I've just gotten used to using it.  I can still browse to the file and use the record button on the remote.


Instead of using the update button

wouldn't it be better to get a resolution to the problem's u have instead of a work around?

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How do you get the colorful video parameter icons (Dolby, AVI, MP4, etc.)?

Or are those changes limited to Dev, right now?

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How do you get the colorful video parameter icons (Dolby, AVI, MP4, etc.)?

Or are those changes limited to Dev, right now?

Find the media info icon pack of your choice and then copy yo the MediaInfo\themename folder under the imagesbyname folder on the server.


So here: http://community.mediabrowser.tv/permalinks/8660/new-mediainfo-icon-sets-for-hydra

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Got it CBers. thanks!


Since the updates to the Chocolate theme I cannot play TV Show titles through MBC.

I can see them but they cannot be highlighted and thus cannot be activated past the Season heading.

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Got it CBers. thanks!


Since the updates to the Chocolate theme I cannot play TV Show titles through MBC.

I can see them but they cannot be highlighted and thus cannot be activated past the Season heading.


Sounds like you have the "0 Episodes" problem.  If so, go to the config page and turn off the Custom TV view for chocolate.

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Is it possible to remove the list of details on the top left from the main home screen? The theme is perfect apart from this. It ruins the clean look of the home screen. When I have the "Movies" folder highlighted for example, I don't want to see a list of how any hours of movies I have, or a short cut-off scrolling list of movies in that folder. It also blanks off half of the backdrop, again ruining the eye candy.


Can't find any options for this, but hoping it's there somewhere. Thanks.



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That isn't actually the main home screen.  You have turned off the EHS.  First, I would suggest you turn that back on.  If you really don't want the EHS, then you have selected CoverFlow and you can turn off that detail information via the config.  Or, you could select any one of the other views.

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That isn't actually the main home screen.  You have turned off the EHS.  First, I would suggest you turn that back on.  If you really don't want the EHS, then you have selected CoverFlow and you can turn off that detail information via the config.  Or, you could select any one of the other views.


Yea, I know EHS is off. I don't like all the extra stuff on the EHS like "last added" and things like that. This way my home screen is simple and all I need.


I've looked all through the config, but hadn't been able to find it. Until now. After you said it's in the config, I knew it had to be there so I checked again and found it. Thanks :)

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