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PLAYz emby for LG Smart TVs

Go to solution Solved by ellnic,

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Select All TV Shows (note that "TV Show" is actually the name you assign to a media library in emby server; in my case its named "Television"), then select the show you want to watch.  On the subsequent screen select the season you want.  On the subsequent screen, select the episode you want to view.


The "A B C" list is a shortcut to get you to the first item that starts with a given letter.  Concur that its not much use if you don't have more than one screen of shows but I leave it there for consistency.

Edited by kwilcox
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Today I turned on the TV to find out the app is gone again -_-  .....euuurh!..this is really annoying, how can a product succeed if we're not allowed to play with it, customize it , etc ..come on LG , we're in 2017 already, Android , Apple TVs are not easy competitors and the LGWebOS store releases one new app per 2 or 3 months ? lol..You must be kidding..
@@kwilcox are you updating your app , because I installed the latest version, please notify me of any update so we can be on the same page...when I select all of a TV Show (with assigned name) I got seasons , when I try to navigate back and forth between season to open one of them , it gets laggy ..well sometimes the greenish border doesn't move at all ...I don't know if because I have too many season or something but this is what is happening, I'm trying to use navigation circle on my remote (arrows) , I can use magic remote cursor as well, but It doesn't (activate) highlight a border when the cursor passes by some season's box or thumbnail. (on hover or something) , by the way, I'm no developer ,but I have a geeky background, learned some html css and c# back in the day, didn't go further because of my job & other obligations and life problems in general. So , how's the LG webOS development is going for you ? , is it easy ,hard ? fun? ...what is exactly the programming language used?
About the "A B C" list , I was talking about its presence on the "seasons" screen , where "boxes/thumbnails" only got names like "season 1" "season 2" ..ect
I hope you would notify me of any updates, or any way to make that app permanent on my TV. What LG were thinking? people would develop an app in 3 days lol? Sorry if I'm not easy on LG people but they deserve it ;).
Good luck @@kwilcox

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Hi @@kwilcox, nice to see your progress, and also that more people being involving on the project.
I have a nice news, these last days I have discovered another app in development for Plex https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109437745383203167545. It seems with the original Playz app from Simon, but the interesting is the way people can play with it.
I did as the developer instructions says:

For run application need:

1) Download the app file (.zip) on your computer. 
2) Unzip it to the folder "/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications" of USB drive (must be formated as FAT32).
3) Insert the USB into TV.
important: you have to enable the developer mode on the TV, before plug in the USB stick on it.
 and for my surprise it worked! so, I started investigating what is the magic behind.
I discovered that the path "/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications" is the same if you decompress an ipk package generated by the WebOS IDE, but you have to add the folders /developer/apps/ at the begining
I didn't done any test with our app yet, but I'll grab the last update from github and test it today at night. If anybody else could test, please tell us the result.
Perhaps we also can use this method to test our app in a easier way.
The only thing I see different between app packages are these two files, that we have no:
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Wow... very interesting!  In other news: Major change pushed today, includes settings logic.  Not all settings are there, this is more of a GUI navigation exercise for magic/standard remotes.  I think I nailed it, but I'm the developer...


Play with it, see if you can figure out how to change/revert settings with various remotes, give me feedback!


I'm also working on a way to give LG QA a way to test with a subset of my library.  Getting ready to submit!

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I did that before, only I put the compiled IPK file in /developer/apps/usr/palm/applications folder in a FAT32 usb key , and now following your suggestion I've downloaded the latest zip from github and extracted it into that directory . enabled developer mode restarted my TV , nothing...what am I doing wrong?

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I have tryed it last night, but unfortunatelly our package not worked  :(
perhaps our package miss something, or perhaps it needs to pass by some sign process before.

Let's investigate more..., I'll try to contact the developer of PlayPMS app, who knows he reply me  B)


@@EmbyLover did you tryed the PlayPMS package? Even if you have no PLEX server, just to know if it really work to more people.

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O.K back again from work...today I've tried to deploy the app again after downloading it from github and packaging it <_<  and activating developer mode  <_<  , login in with my username and pass <_< , rebooting the tv  <_<  activating key server <_< , and I'm now getting this error so I can't install the app...whether I use dhcp or fixed ip...
" .ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Connection time out. please check the device IP address or port."

Not yet , but I'd try it if you want, where can I find that package? ..I'm using WebOS 3.0 TV btw

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Bad news guys.

I have contacted the guy that develops the PlayPMS app, see what he told me:




Hi man, nice to see that progress continues.
Keep going with this great job!

I would like to ask you something nothing related to your app, but with developing on WebOS.
Could you tell me how did you package your app? I mean, what the prerequisites to be able to install it with a USB stick?

I'm working with another community in a emby client app, it almost same yours, it is based on Playz code, but we can't generate a package that works like yours. And install using the WebOS IDE everytime is a pain :-(

We are using the WebOS SDK v3

Thanks in advance!
nenhuma marcação com mais um
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  • photo.jpg
    Mega DiabloProprietário

    At the moment I can't generate signed packages, because LG blocked this function on the site of developers. But I earlier integrated the function auto update from my personal server. And if I need send users "update" I just public new version on my server. And if user use auto update catch new version.

    So I can't help you. I'm so sorry.

    2 d
  • photo.jpg
    Thanks for your prompt reply!
    So, just to I understand, the .zip package you shared here is a signed package from LG developers website? and this is not allowed anymore, that's it?

    sory to bother you again :-(

    Thanks a lot!
    22 h
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    Mega DiabloProprietário
    Yes, you understand me correctly.

    No problem :)
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O.K back again from work...today I've tried to deploy the app again after downloading it from github and packaging it <_<  and activating developer mode  <_<  , login in with my username and pass <_< , rebooting the tv  <_<  activating key server <_< , and I'm now getting this error so I can't install the app...whether I use dhcp or fixed ip...

" .ares-install ERR! ares-install: Error: Connection time out. please check the device IP address or port."


Not yet , but I'd try it if you want, where can I find that package? ..I'm using WebOS 3.0 TV btw


stupid question, did you connect the IDE with the target TV?

I mean, that connection on IDE.


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@@cmarques: the two files you identified "developer.test" and "build.hash" sign the app.  It's really a shame that LG discontinued this because it limits beta exposure to new apps.  Because of this, I'm going to submit the app as it currently stands to the QA team and start the process.  At least having the app in the store will allow me to expand to a more public beta.  I'll also ask the QA team if they have suggestions around creating a more public beta platform like Apple's TestFlight. 

Edited by kwilcox
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Hi all, i just decover emby server and i try to install in my all device :)

In my qnap is very simply all done is ok !

In my smart tv..... Is very difficulte :-(

I have a lg smart tv 55LA660S and i try to install but i'm lost :-(

I see my tv is "not compatible" with developer mode app ! So i dont know how install emby in my smart tv.

I have downloaded sdk and zip in github....

Anybody could you give me a smart tutorial for easy install (i'm new in smart tv lg world)

Or send me direct ipk if it's possible to install in usb without developer mode :-/

Thank you in advance for help ! And thank you for dev this fantastic apps Hope i try emby in my smart tv very soon :)

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IDE failed , CLI same thing...:\ ...I haven't change anything from before..I installed it already 3 times before now, with same configuration nothing changed, weird...I think I'd have to wait for the app to be available at the store..see ya next time guys .

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Hi all, i just decover emby server and i try to install in my all device :)

In my qnap is very simply all done is ok !

In my smart tv..... Is very difficulte :-(

I have a lg smart tv 55LA660S and i try to install but i'm lost :-(

I see my tv is "not compatible" with developer mode app ! So i dont know how install emby in my smart tv.

I have downloaded sdk and zip in github....

Anybody could you give me a smart tutorial for easy install (i'm new in smart tv lg world)

Or send me direct ipk if it's possible to install in usb without developer mode :-/

Thank you in advance for help ! And thank you for dev this fantastic apps Hope i try emby in my smart tv very soon :)

I believe your TV runs the netcast OS.  Unfortunately, this app only runs on LG TVs running WebOS.

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@@cmarques: the two files you identified "developer.test" and "build.hash" sign the app.  It's really a shame that LG discontinued this because it limits beta exposure to new apps.  Because of this, I'm going to submit the app as it currently stands to the QA team and start the process.  At least having the app in the store will allow me to expand to a more public beta.  I'll also ask the QA team if they have suggestions around creating a more public beta platform like Apple's TestFlight. 

too bad, LG disapointing the customers in many ways, dispite the good WebOS software  -_-

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screenplay was submitted to LG for QA testing today.  :)

Finally a very nice news! I hope it do not takes ages to accept the app, according to @@Luke the official emby app is already in LG's queue about 2+ weeks

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That's good news also!  I wonder where the repository is; I'd like to give it a spin in dev mode.

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That's good news also!  I wonder where the repository is; I'd like to give it a spin in dev mode.

you mean the official emby project?

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@@kwilcox this weekend I did some tests with the latest version of screenplay.

Don't know if this is a server issue or not, but the playback isn't smooth, it pauses every 30sec?!?


I have tested the same content over Plex server (with X Play, PlayPMS and Playz apps) and I have no issues.


anybody having some issues like this?


just to you guys know, I have the Emby Server and the Plex Server over same server machine, it shares the content library. The problem occurs even if just one server is running, it doesn't matter...

usually I use the wifi connection (server and TV) but this time I have used both plugged by cable , just to avoid any connectivity or signal loss.

at playback time I have checked the emby server, but no transcoding task was running... this set me worried.
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