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Beta 3.4.0


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Damn, did I miss one, Is there a limit on the number of row you show in the tv  grid?


I can't seem to get past 50

Argh!! I guess we have feature for 3.4.1 then.

Will start with that asap.

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I can say windows 10 compatible in the blog post, right?


For 3.4.1 I would also make the tv grid borders a little more subtle. they're just really strong right now. and each row should have it's bottom border go all the way across so that there's no empty areas.

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Saying the app is Win 10 compatible is a bit understated. It natively supports enhanced Win 10 playback formats. I think things like mkv support will be a big deal for emby users. It is also great PR for the whole emby ecosystem, another leading edge client.


It showcases all the coolness of the server, being able serve up content in whatever format the client can consume. The maturity of emby plugins and the vibrancy of the developer and user community. 


Throw you PR hat on and give 7 some props that are well deserved.

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can you post a screen of the app on windows 10, that clearly shows it's windows 10? for example, maybe with the app not taking the full screen and having the start menu open, something like that

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Sure thing!!!!!! My update just came through the Win 10 store on one machine. Like I said a very big deal.





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That's more of a question for 7. As I understand it, first pass it is the direct stream of mkv,with h264/HEVC and support for flac and alac. Then More Goods things to come.

Edited by Vicpa
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That's more of a question for 7. As I understand it, first pass it is the direct stream of mkv,with h264/HEVC and support for flac and alac. Then More Goods things to come.


When will those be added to the StreamingProfile?

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Should be there now.


But hold on...


Luke one more thing.


The screen scaling in 10 is also supported nicely.


You can play with the setting below to show more or less .







I can't get a decent screen shot, but works nicely.


Happy2Play have you played with that?

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Hi 7,


Well done on some massive update. Things are looking really impressive! Just regarding the EPG, it might be worth reviewing the colour scheme a little. 

Edited by swhitmore
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Definitely a 7 question


I have played with so many tweaks to the profile. As I recall before I first installed the beta, I deleted my existing profile and the mkv and h264 and flac was added on my Win 10 machines. I subsequently tested HEVC and alac and they worked as well.


Frankly I have no clue at this point :)

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Well deleting the profile was the trick for it to update on 10, so that may be an issues in the future.

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Does the app crash for you if you go to "My preferences"?  I posted the logs in app forum.

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So, everyone who upgrades to Win10 will need to basically uninstall and reload the app?  I don't think people will know where StreamingProfile is and that they need to delete it

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yea happy2play it does. I reported it in testing but I guess it slipped through. I don't think its a big deal as the app uses/updates the server preferences anyway. So They can be tweaked there, maybe someday we can have app specific preferences who knows.

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I think we should wait for 7 before we assume that frostbyte. It would be confusing if you had to delete the profile. If you uninstall and reinstall the app the profile will be deleted , you don't have to do it manually but that is not an ideal scenario either. there are a couple weeks before the official 10 release. I am sure 7 will address it.

Edited by Vicpa
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The profile should be deleted when running the app after the update. It's a bit untested though, I can review this for 3.4.1.

Vicpa, can you send me your custom profile so that I can compare it with the default? (just to make sure I got all the win10 formats in there)


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A thought.  It is totally your call 7, but as you know I am never shy about offering an opinion :) I wouldn't worry about the Win 10 stuff yet. If it fits your schedule I would just concentrate on the preferences bug and the number of grid rows. Push something and take a few days off.


There has been good feedback about tweaks to the grid and there will be more as the community goes at. Same for Win 10, @@Happy2Play and others will have a chance to "exercise" the app under 10 and give feedback for you. It is still in prelease and if you are willing to be an "Insider" you are willing to playing with the profile settings as needed.


Gather some feedback on 10, I am sure the will be at least a couple releases of 10 in the coming weeks and the target something towards the end of the month to but the polish on Win 10 support. I think it is pretty great now :) and worthy of an official announcement asap. But is no rush.


Anyway only my opinion, great work on this release !!

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Great work 7, this client is really looking nice. Congrats on the release.

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I'm almost ready with the beta for 3.4.1

Got paging for Guide finished together with some Syn bug fixes.

Just can't reproduce the "mg preferences" bug.

@@Vicpa, if you log in with my account on your server, does it crash then?

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New version .323 (will change to if you aprove of it prior to sedning it t store)


Should fix all the mentioned issues together with some other unmentioned. ;)

Thanks to Vicpa for his trust, otehrwise the issue wouldn't be resolved. Very much appreciated!


Have a play with the build and I'll submit it in a few hours if ok.

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