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I had this issue where files wouldn't play over the weekend. It seemed like only recent files wouldn't work, but old ones would. I reinstalled and everything was fine. Unfortunately I didn't have time to really investigate further (and since MBT is in the midst of a rebuild, it might not be worth looking into it). 

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Happening here as well.  It's now using something called EVR+ renderer for video.  Something I haven't heard of before.  Does this mean LAV filters has been ditched?


edit: sorry it was the trailers playing through Cinema mode that are not playing.  Although it would be interested to know about this EVR thing, and what's this "from inside" and from "outside options"?  What do I select?  EVR or EVR+?  What's the difference?  I googled EVR but came up with nothing.


Yep, for me it was an issue with Advanced Intros that was causing the problem. I had an empty profile for my user intended to disable trailers. This worked in previous versions of MBT, but apparently something changed and it didn't like the empty intros profile.

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Is there any way to get back to a previous release? Since upgrading to the latest some of my files won't play at all.


Typically when MBT updates it does write a back up copy of the previous version System folder named System.OLD in the MB Theater directory (C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Theater).


In the past when I have had an issue with an MBT update, I will just make copies of both the System and System.OLD directories.  I will then delete the System directory and rename the System.OLD directory to System.  Of course, you will have to be quick when MBT starts up and go to the Settings and cancel any updates it is trying to download. But, you will have a working copy until any issues are resolved. I wish there was an option inside of MBT to toggle ON or OFF updates just for instances like this.

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MBT just auto-updated to 3.0.5421  :) . Is there a changelog somewhere?

Edited by jluce50
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  • 4 weeks later...

@@Luke, I haven't really ever put much consideration into MBT but today I was looking at your first post and I saw libretro integration on the MBT roadmap


Is anybody actually pursuing that currently, and what is the plan for it? Would it just be a launcher for retroarch (libretro) or a truly integrated experience that would allow you to pause / play / back out of / and back into a playing libretro game in MBT?

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After launching MBT (up to date), the first video backdrop fails to stop playing after backing out of the details page. Anyone else notice this, or is it just me??

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Hey, just tried it out with a couple of tv series. As soon as I selected the show the video backdrop started playing. It kept on playing ir repeating whilst I was inside the show regardles of the page I was viewing. However as soon as I backed out to the show/series listing it stopped. This hapened on each show I went into.

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Yeah, something like that. Didn't count. Was just seing if it stopped when I exited back to the list/menu

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Mine happen for movies... The first one I enter, the video backdrop starts... If I back out of the movie, its supposed to stop, but doesn't. I've duplicated this numerous times.


Happened here as well, I'll enter a movie and it will play, ill back out and keep browsing and it will continue playing

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I just noticed that everything I play in MBT is now being transcoded. Does anyone else see this? I need to do some digging to figure out when it started and why.


Edit: Ignore me. I just realised I changed the server password, so the HTPC probably can't access the files directly anymore.  :blink:

Edited by swhitmore
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Mine happen for movies... The first one I enter, the video backdrop starts... If I back out of the movie, its supposed to stop, but doesn't. I've duplicated this numerous times.

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@@Luke, @@Aphid


When you minimize MBT to the taskbar and then restore it by just clicking on the taskbar icon, the overlay is not correctly maximized...

To fix you must click the restore button then the maximize button...



you end up with a weird black border on the right and bottom of the screen

Edited by Delphi
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@@Luke, @@Aphid


When you minimize MBT to the taskbar and then restore it by just clicking on the taskbar icon, the overlay is not correctly maximized...

To fix you must click the restore button then the maximize button...



you end up with a weird black border on the right and bottom of the screen


I've seen that, a weird offset black bar on the bottom and right side.. just didnt know where it was coming from.

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After launching MBT (up to date), the first video backdrop fails to stop playing after backing out of the details page. Anyone else notice this, or is it just me??

Thanks for the fix?...


Nope, still doing it. Disregard.

Edited by Xzener
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  • 1 month later...

I Think MBT has been forgotten. Seems people are more worried about being able to watch movies on their phones now??? 

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I know... Just looking forward to MBT... Being THE client again. My theater room is anxious. ;)

Edited by Xzener
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Doesnt seem to have been any news or updates on the MBT re-write for some time. Would be good to see where it is at or possibly a Dev release etc.

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Doesnt seem to have been any news or updates on the MBT re-write for some time. Would be good to see where it is at or possibly a Dev release etc.



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The dev group has access to the new version. We're not quite ready to make it publicly available and take on all the things that come along with that. But soon :)

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