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  1. ye I installed the plugins mentioned in the title but none of them is working. Am I doing something wrong? Or is there more to do than just to install them? I set my language and country to german/germany, perhaps this stuff dont work with "german" settings?
  2. Hi, I have some problems I can't solve. I searched for answers on the forum, and only for some of them I found a solution. I performed a test with a Chocolate and Classic themes... Movie Theme Songs: Works fine, but not perfect. Because when I enter into my media collection, the song is playing well, and the backdrops image is not rotating as usually, just stuck in the first picture. The above doesn't happen when there is no song theme in the media folder to play. - Probably a problem in MB3. Still the same problem in Chocolate and Classic themes.. Sometimes when the song begins, he play for a second or two, then returns to the beginning again and work well. - It seems that the problem in ROC them, Happens only There.. Menus: Sometimes, When I scrolling through my collections. I click right or left button to the next film and the selection jumps forward number of movies. - It seems that the problem in ROC them, Happens only There.. The second thing - Is there a way to lock the menu bar at the top end as it was possible in previous themes, so there will not be able to choose the top menus? I'm using a theme ROC, and there are lots pop-ups with messages, it is very bothers and I want to disable this option. Can it? Trailers Is the trailers download and stored somewhere If not, is there an option to save them? So that will not be required to buffer the trailers every time I want to see? One last thing about the trailers, when I click on the icon of the trailer is played but the video window does not appear. You need to click on the icon "screen magnification" to see it. - It seems that the problem in ROC them, Happens only There.. A lot of questions, but I would appreciate to get some answers, and if there are Unknown problems than it happy to help in improving the user experience. Rafi
  3. Hi, I have some problems I can't solve. I searched for answers on the forum, and only for some of them I found a solution. 1. Movie Theme Songs: Works fine, but not perfect. Because when I enter into my media collection, the song is playing well, and the backdrops image is not rotating as usually, just stuck in the first picture. The above doesn't happen when there is no song theme in the media folder to play. Sometimes when the song begins, he play for a second or two, then returns to the beginning again and work well. 2. Menus: Sometimes, When I scrolling through my collections. I click right or left button to the next film and the selection jumps forward number of movies. The second thing - Is there a way to lock the menu bar at the top end as it was possible in previous themes, so there will not be able to choose the top menus? I'm using a theme ROC, and there are lots pop-ups with messages, it is very bothers and I want to disable this option. Can it? 3. Trailers Is the trailers download and stored somewhere? If not, is there an option to save them? So that will not be required to buffer the trailers every time I want to see? One last thing about the trailers, when I click on the icon of the trailer is played but the video window does not appear. You need to click on the icon "screen magnification" to see it. A lot of questions, but I would appreciate to get some answers, and if there are Unknown problems than it happy to help in improving the user experience. Rafi
  4. Movie Theme Songs Downloads Theme Songs for Movies Theme Songs for Movies The Movie Theme Songs Plugin will download Movie Theme Songs where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the theme intro songs downloaded,they will be played whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Songs are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current Supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Roku Client (TBC) Android Client (TBC) Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads movies beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Contributors Network This Plugin supports the Contributors Network, for more details, click Here. Support For support, please post here
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