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Found 8 results

  1. I have some automations in home assistant and one of them is one turns the lights off when we are watching a movie, turns on some dimm lights when pause and turns on all lights at stop. So this is the request: A way to recognize the end credits on the movies and to report what chapter is playing to homeassistant. That way an automation can be triggered when the end credits scene is playing, like turn on dimm lights. I'm aware that it appears to be 2 request in one, but really only chapter reporting is the one needed, end credit detection could be a nice to have thing. To do the first is needed to recognize the end credits for the movies, for this the new intro detect feature could be used (i already voted up the FR for end credits detection). But as i said before this feature is not that needed since most of the movies well ripped already have a chapter marker for the credits scene although most of the time they don't have the title "EndCredits" only the time marker for the chapter, but that's easy to fix editing the chapters. However the real feature request here is for emby to report what chapter is playing that could be via a new WebHook event or to make emby to report what chapter is currently playing as an attribute on Home Assistant. Currently there is so much attributes passed on to HomeAssisant so i hope that adding current chapter is not that difficult to add. (i added a little mockup to illustrate what i'm referring to)
  2. Would be nice to have possibility to allow run custom scripts (e.g. Python, Bash) on some Emby events. At least for movie delete event from Movie details screen For instance: Add "Run script on movie delete action" field somewhere in administration page (empty by default). If path to script is defined then it will be executed with path to the deleted movie (or movie name) as first argument as soon as movie gets deleted from movie details screen. Why I need this: I have my own script with Prowl notifications. I would like to run this script (and notify me) when somebody delete movie Also it can be logging script or whatever. If it is possible to implement with a plugin - it would be nice as well
  3. https://github.com/travman1900/DroneFactoryReplacement check this out!
  4. Hi guys! Just bought some philips hue lights (still waiting for them to arrive), and then I got this thing in my head: What if MB3 could controll these lights and make them change color based on the backdrops (picks 2-4 points in the picture to reproduce that color, like the philips app does) Automatically dims the lights off when a movie start, and turn them back on when the movie is finished. (when externalplayer closes / when MBT stops playing). This would be super cool, and would fit MB3 very good! There is also alot more we could do with this, with pre defined scenes etc.. What do you guys think?
  5. I find myself more often than not using the web interface or the iOS app to initiate playback on various displays I have in my home as I am sure many of you do. This is great - however what is severely lacking is the ability to control other aspects of my media environment - specifically powering on/off my TV and AVR as well as controlling volume etc. These days almost any modern AVR or TV worth its salt has IP control built in. And if it still needs IR then there are devices like Global Cache's iTach to control it. All these devices can be controlled via simple commands that can be sent and received over HTTP. My question is this - is it possible to build a plugin that could render support for these devices from within the web/app interface? And if so - are people interested in this? I for one would LOVE to ditch my other automation control apps and use the Emby app alone for control over it all. Thoughts?
  6. When I delete movie from Emby ios app then local trailers (files with "*-trailer* in name) remain on server and what is anoying - they started treating as movies by Emby server (adding to library, creating "*-trailer.nfo" files, etc.). This forces me delete all these files and rescan library manually each time, this is not a big problem but not so convinient as it may be. So I would suggest several solutiins (starting from prefered ones): 1) Add "Delete related local trailers when movie is deleted" option somewhere in administration page (disabled by default). If enabled - then all files with "*trailer" prefix will be deleted 2) Add "Do not treat local trailers as movies" option somewhere in administration page (enabled by default). If enabled - then all files with "*trailer" prefix won't be processed as regular movies (not need to generate nfo, posters, etc. data for them) 3) Add "Run script on movie delete action" somewhere in administration page (empty field by default). If path to script is defined then it will be rised with path to the deleted movie as first argument as soon as movie gets deleted from UI. Then I'll be able to delete my trailers writing and using my own script. BTW. Third variant would be extended for other actions in future such as "new movie is added", "user X is strating warching movie", etc...
  7. Just a heads up really; if you have any of the Mi.lights, Easybulb or LimitlessLed wifi bulbs, you can now set them to dim when you play a movie and/or tv show in Kodi. http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=246319&pid=2158873 Obviously it works fine with the Emby for Kodi plugin, and it's pretty cool to have the lights dim automatically and come up again when you hit stop/when the media stops. Just thought I'd let folks know here incase they were interested
  8. Just wanted to give you guys some ideas to mess with. I have successfully setup my system to do the following by voice: Turn on and off all of my theater equipment. Launch and close Media browser. Turn on and off lights. Using the following: veralite controller Galaxy tab 3 7.0 with IR blaster Touchsquid universal remote app Tasker evenghost autovoice openmic+ Basically I have it setup like this. The tablet is my remote using touchsquid. Installing tasker with auto voice and openmic allows you to set your device to always listen ala the moto x In tasker you setup your profile and what commands it sends Autovoice translates voice commands to tasker. Openmic+ keeps it listening. So I say theater on, my tablet launches touchsquid and clicks the turn on all button, my theater equipment turns on. I say launch media browser and the tablet clicks the media browser shortcut (touch squid has an app that runs on the pc to control it) Eventghost watches for media browser to start and will issue a command to the veralite controller to turn off the lights. Then the reverse for turning everything off. The following to videos will give you info on setting up and using taker, autovoice, and openmic+ tasker and autovoice tasker and openmic+ That should be a good place for people to start, if I can help shoot me a message.
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