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  1. A Suggestion on Cues and UI pertaining to Identification... It seems that Identification of albums is only performed once on initial ingestion....maybe thats the same for all media types? It seems If no ID (MBZ?) is attributed to the album during initial ingestion, then no amount of scans or refreshes, advanced or otherwise would ever check the ID is correct, or try to fetch a missing ID. If a primary ID provider is down during initial ingestion, doesn't the user need a way to bulk identify objects? If the user has gone to the trouble of clicking refresh ... would it not be good for MB3 to retry to retrieve a primary identification for objects that do not currently have one..in case the provider was down during initial ingestion (or some other issue)? might it not be good for the user to be able to ask that content already with ids is reevaluated..(because the current identification is known to be false or the providor has changed their ids)? might it not be good for the user to be able to check that IDs are correct (eg for when matching logic has improved or the provider has changed their master info), so that mismatched IDs are included in reports for manual correction when required? It was not obvious imo in the current interface that refreshes do not attempt primary identification... Would there be a downside to identification being part of the default refresh for objects without primary id? Could the other options be added to the advanced refresh ui? Perhaps MB3 could beef up the remedial UIs (perhaps accessible from the quick overview pane in dashboard ui) Red Exclamation (as is current) for not identified - launch UI to choose correct match (or allow manual/null/give up) - (Identification Results could be presented more clearly and searches could be more targeted when possible e.g.. include artist in album searches) Amber Exclamation - A (potential) mismatch, worthy of further investigation..the providers name for ID does not match the library's name, or The ID no longer exists on providor. For casual users for something as critical as identification, and fuller more accessible remedial interface to identify/correct the outlying cases would make the ui more informative and immersive imo.
  2. Just noticed Foreign languages genres for movies showing up. Deleted metadata for one movie "Lord of War" and performed library scan and metadata looked fine, then performed "Identify" and genre changed languages. Looks like this happened on the 12th according to xml modified date. Edit (Version 3.0.5518.3) movie.txt wouldn't attach so here is spoiler.
  3. Version 3.0.5509.223 This Film with this folder name is not identified.. A local .nfo has localtitle tag populated as St. Vincent (2014) Further use of identify function, without manual changes, does not detect. The Following Work as manual ammedments within the identify function... St. Vincent - without the year St Vincent (2014) - without the full stop St. Vincent 2014 - without the year in brackets %Movietitle% (%Year%) ...has always been a good way to get 100% detection...so is this a bug/an opportunity to improve? or am i out of step with naming convention and need to change...? I have OMDB First and TMDB second as metadate fetchers... edit noted server version
  4. I noticed today that much of my movie metadata was very out of date with TMDB. It was as if MB had synced once on initial library ingestion, but then never synced again. Hitting the refresh button ensured that those films which had no community rating or parental guidance value or overview, now did so, (presumably this metadata had been completed on the master providers after initial library ingestion) Personally I would like all metadata synced with the providors* except folder.jpgs and backdrop.jpgs (unless mine are currently blank). I would like to designate those aspects that i dont want to hand over responsibility to the online providors to change (ie dont sync). but i would like everything else to match the providors, album overviews, artist overview, all movie metadata, all tv metadata, everything. MB3 already instances the concept of "metadata the user does not want overwritten". so users can protect metadata they do not wish to be overwritten. Could MB3 implement an ongoing sync option, with a set of stated exceptions - (Sync Criteria) Users would have to positive choose to sync and only if their set of required exceptions were currently supported. If the user's case for required exceptions was not currently supported, then the user wouldnt enable sync and "no harm no foul". (but they might add a feature request)..ie to keep the option safe. Perhaps there could be a set of object types enabled/disabled for syncing (Episode, Season, Series, Movie, Collection, Album Artist etc) there could be a full set of metadata types in the ui.or more simply in the first instance just Primary Images, Backdrops, All other metadata For each metadata type for each object type there could be synchronise criteria = Never Syncronise, Only if Im blank, Always, Always except if provider is blank [don't overwrite metadata i have added locally but is not populated on the provider), Respect current granular setting For each object of object type (Episode, Season, Series, Movie, Collection, Album Artist etc) MB could instance a 'Last Synced' timestamp in the database along with an "empty" event flag (data was empty eg. no backdrop, no episode image). MB could stipulate a schedule for re-syncing per object type, or allow the user to stipulate a schedule. But a mandated schedule in first instance would probably suffice...eg The task might be scheduled to run daily. For each object in enabled objects for syncing If - is <10 days and emptyflag=true, then sync according to the sync criteria (The most common use case for these is episode images which are not in place on day 1 but tend to be posted fairly quickly, or episode names which have changed) if - is >30 days then sync according to the sync criteria In this way, the user is handing over responsibility to, MB3 and the providers, for the set of metadata for which they are comfortable. Would anyone else like to see more metadata syncing, What are the types you would definitely want to see or not want to see synced? thanks for considering. Edit..perhaps other physical filesystem objects can also be included like movie.xml or artist.xml...there have been instances when mb3 looses confidence in owning these files..and taking responsibility for their content..personally i would be happy to let mb3 manage...moreover i want mb3 to manage always..even deleting and recreating if neccessary. Edit Another potential use case is ibn person info...i regularly used to find that if i cleared out empty folders and rerun person sync task i would get more data downloaded..imo it would be an improvement if mb3 would maintain itself more automatically in this regard.
  5. 2014-09-15 04:27:27.1767 Debug - App: Running TvdbSeriesImageProvider for \\Q6600\TV2\Quantum Leap 2014-09-15 04:27:27.1867 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-2.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:27.3367 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-5.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:27.5567 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-4.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:27.6567 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-1.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:27.8167 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-6.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:28.0067 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-3.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:28.1267 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-8.jpg 2014-09-15 04:27:28.2367 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/72248-7.jpg 3.0.5367.29698 seems like every time a scan is initiated, the internet providers are referenced for image metadata. in the logs the tv show 'keeping up appearances' as an example, references 'internet gets' in logs twice in one day. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/84611964/server-63546280072.txt edit in case its relevant - an 'unexpected'? behaviour i am experiencing is that all content added seems to precipitate a full library scan. I have my scan library task set to every 6 hours and on wake from sleep (my pc doesnt sleep)
  6. I think the album description fetching is very good and informative. I was surprised to find a couple of albums in collection (without having to look hard, I suspect there are a few) where the mbz album id was populated and the album description was either blank or the old last fm one with html tags. in both cases by manually populating the release group id (which was blank), the good album description fetched. but as the there is only one known (to mbz) release group id for an album id....shouldn, t mb3 have already populated the info?
  7. Version 3.0.5306.42925 I had a couple of films that refused to fetch tmdb data. even went to the trouble of deleting them using the dashboard ui, and re-adding. They would identify (using manual option not automatic) , but would not fetch tmdb overview etc... i notices all-en.json was blank, unlike in the other ids (in \cache\tmdb-movies\id). by deleting the id folder (and the contained blank .json), a refresh on the objects would then work. dont know if its related.... but the two films that failed to id also showed ffprobe errors ( and continue to show this error) 2014-07-13 15:46:53.6397 Debug - App: Running FFProbeProvider for \\Q6600\NewMovies\Little Children (2006)\Little Children (2006).mkv 2014-07-13 15:46:53.6397 Error - App: Error in ffprobe Object reference not set to an instance of an object. System.NullReferenceException at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeHelpers.NormalizeFFProbeResult(InternalMediaInfoResult result) at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.<ProbeVideo>d__0`1.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.<RunCustomProvider>d__41.MoveNext() even though ffrobe had no trouble being manually run on the files. the ffprobe error is still apparent on a refresh of the objects. wonder if the cache from the primary id provider is related to my separate recorded issue of some of my artists identifying manually fine, but not being fetched automatically by a scan library task....
  8. Version 3.0.5289.18702 I have an estimate 200 artists with red exclamations on them, not associated to a music brainz id. not strange in itself, however their names and content match (non ambiguously) music brainz 100%. proven by the fact that when i click 'identify' in dashboard i get a single match on music brainz. should i expect a scan library task to match automatically? A refresh on artist, automatically matches. How do i force a refresh of all artists (not album artists)? i dont think that the affected artists are showing in the log after a scan library task. thanks
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