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Thanks, I don't know the difference. I just don't want subtitles to show up at all, guess I will unchecked them for future rips.


Why are they even turned on in the first place?



Edit: While watching Madagascar 3, you can pause the show and hit play, and the subtitles turn themselves back on! My five year old daughter is having none of this.

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I really don'


Thanks, I don't know the difference. I just don't want subtitles to show up at all, guess I will unchecked them for future rips.

Why are they even turned on in the first place?

Edit: While watching Madagascar 3, you can pause the show and hit play, and the subtitles turn themselves back on! My five year old daughter is having none of this.


I really don't know, I don't have this issue.  My guess it's something to do with the way the MKV is packaged.  If the subtitles are marked as "Default" in the container, than it may cause this.  That's why I suggested the use of external subtitles.  It gives you more control, and easier to stream media to various devices.

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My guess it's something to do with the way the MKV is packaged.  If the subtitles are marked as "Default" in the container, than it may cause this.  That's why I suggested the use of external subtitles.  It gives you more control, and easier to stream media to various devices.


I had to manually edit the config for MakeMKV to not set the subtitles on by default.  That has worked for me across all applications.  I am still able to include subtitles in the MKV files, but they need to be turned on manually.  External subtitles is just messy for me personally, and I like simplicity.


A small update on some of my own issues with the Amazon Fire TV (2nd generation).  I was able to reset the Intellipark feature of my WD Green drives to 300 seconds versus the default 8 seconds, and this resolved my slow loading issues.  I still have the same issue with direct-playing content that is SD with AC3 tracks (MKV files) in that it doesn't display any video, only audio.  I can play these files fine directly with the stand-alone VLC player on the Amazon Fire TV as well as on my Nexus 7 tablet with the Android Emby app there.  HD content does not have this issue although I have not tried to play every single movie or TV show that I have.  For now, I am resigned to turn off the built-in VLC player and transcode everything, but I hope that this gets resolved some day by chance in an update as it is annoying since it not only forces me to transcode all movies but also live TV.  I plan to try an Nvidia Shield TV on another TV, so we'll see how the Emby app for Android TV handles the same files there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just started using the Fire Stick for Emby.  Any way to get 5.1 audio?  If not, is this on the horizon?


Under what exact circumstances (media type/content and configuration) are you not getting 5.1 audio?


Probably best to start a new topic.

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I'm thinking it should be something simple. Netflix and Amazon Prime gives me DD+ on the AVR screen. Emby (live TV that is DD and blu ray MKV rips that are DTS) only yield 2 channel (PLII).

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Ok I enabled VLC player (left "use VLC player for streaming" unchecked) and checked the box "direct" for audio instead of compatible.  This yields 5.1 PCM audio.  Is this as good as it gets?  


Also, I noticed the video freezes (audio continues) when setting the bitrate to 40 mb/s is this unusual or does the Fire Stick not support 40?  At 30 mb/s it works fine.


Still, live TV is only two channel when I'm pretty sure all the channels I was trying are supposed to be DD 5.1... Does DD some how not turn into PCM like DTS is?



EDIT:  my server dashboard show blu ray rips transcoding.  Is there no way to get them to direct play?

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DD does not bitstream properly on that platform and Android


DTS will decode to 5.1 PCM and that sound is identical to what you would get otherwise.


Transcoded items can also be 5.1 because we transcode to aac on the server.


The stick is so limited in processing power that it is not surprising it cannot handle 40mb.  The Amazon specs say max of 21.  Also, due to this relative lack of power, any HD content is not run through VLC and, more than likely, will transcode as well (unless it is already h264/aac in mp4).

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Ok thanks for your response ebr.


A couple clarifying quesions:


Does the new AFTV (4k version) bitream DD properly?


In order to direct play on AFTV does the container have to be MP4? All my rips are MKV.


What device should I try in order to achieve direct play?

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Does the new AFTV (4k version) bitream DD properly?


Unfortunately, not yet as the new FireOS is based on Android 5.0.1.  I was expecting this to be fixed but it hasn't been yet.



In order to direct play on AFTV does the container have to be MP4? All my rips are MKV.


No, on a real FTV (not a stick) we can use VLC for most everything and MKVs will direct stream just fine.

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Thanks again ebr.  With that said, what is your favorite device?  I'm building an HTPC at the moment for Emby Theater but would like to direct stream from a faster device.  What should I get?  The Nexus player?  The Nvidia Shield?  Roku 3/4?  Or lastly the Fire TV console?

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It depends.  If you want Amazon Prime then the Fire 4k.  If you don't care about that, then find a Nexus Player for $50 bucks.  Those are running 6.0 and will bitstream DD and decode DTS as well as direct stream most everything.

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I found a Nexus Player at the Asus store for $49 so I grabbed it.  I'll stick with the Fire Stick for Amazon Prime.  Thanks for the recommendation ebr!

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What version of VLC is the Emby app for the Fire TV and Shield TV using?  Will it be updated at any time?  I have the same issue on the Nvidia Shield TV with Emby that I have on the Amazon Fire TV.  It plays audio but not video for my SD MKV files.  It will play the raw, uncompressed versions of the files fine.  The only thing that changes from the uncompressed to compressed versions is that I use h264 compression on the video with a 4.1 high profile to compress the original mpeg2.  The audio and subtitles are passed-through.  The same files play perfectly fine on the stand-alone VLC player for both the Fire TV and Shield TV.  Emby plays HD MKV files fine.  I'm hoping that this will be resolved when the built-in VLC player gets updated.

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What version of VLC is the Emby app for the Fire TV and Shield TV using?  Will it be updated at any time?  I have the same issue on the Nvidia Shield TV with Emby that I have on the Amazon Fire TV.  It plays audio but not video for my SD MKV files.  It will play the raw, uncompressed versions of the files fine.  The only thing that changes from the uncompressed to compressed versions is that I use h264 compression on the video with a 4.1 high profile to compress the original mpeg2.  The audio and subtitles are passed-through.  The same files play perfectly fine on the stand-alone VLC player for both the Fire TV and Shield TV.  Emby plays HD MKV files fine.  I'm hoping that this will be resolved when the built-in VLC player gets updated.


Our current version is 4 months old i would say. Updating is on our radar.

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What version of VLC is the Emby app for the Fire TV and Shield TV using?  Will it be updated at any time?  I have the same issue on the Nvidia Shield TV with Emby that I have on the Amazon Fire TV.  It plays audio but not video for my SD MKV files.  It will play the raw, uncompressed versions of the files fine.  The only thing that changes from the uncompressed to compressed versions is that I use h264 compression on the video with a 4.1 high profile to compress the original mpeg2.  The audio and subtitles are passed-through.  The same files play perfectly fine on the stand-alone VLC player for both the Fire TV and Shield TV.  Emby plays HD MKV files fine.  I'm hoping that this will be resolved when the built-in VLC player gets updated.


Can you please post the Media Info from the server dashboard for one of those SD mkv's that don't play. I'd like to see what they're composed of.

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Also, please confirm that VLC is, in fact, being used when you have this problem.  You can tell by the OSD saying "Direct/V".  Thanks.

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I checked the box in the settings for the built-in VLC player, and it definitely states "Direct/V" when playing.  In this case, the video does not play, only the audio.  When I uncheck the box for the built-in VLC player, the video does play, and it states "Transcode/L" or something along those lines without being able to look at it directly at the moment.


The same file does play directly from a USB drive with the stand-alone VLC player without issue.  Without any h264 compression used on the video, the original file does play in Emby with the built-in VLC player as well.  Of course, ultimately I'd prefer that it not transcode as that is always my goal, and I need the compression to save storage space as I have a ton of media.


For the post with the dashboard media info for the file (SD movie with AC3, no video), see my previous post.



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What do you mean by "with no H264 compression used on the video"?  What, exactly is different here?  You encode it differently?

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ebr, I think the issue he's seeing is because VLC is loading the dvdsub as the video track. At least based on the MI provided in that link. VLC lets you specify what track to use for video, maybe it's worth a try.

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ebr, I think the issue he's seeing is because VLC is loading the dvdsub as the video track. At least based on the MI provided in that link. VLC lets you specify what track to use for video, maybe it's worth a try.


Ah, that does seem to be the common element on the ones that don't work.  Why would VLC think that is the primary video track...?

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I'm not sure. You could ask on the vlc forum but his answer would probably be





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@@Kramerika if you PM me the email address associated with the Amazon account on that device, I can add you to the beta and you can see if this fixes your issue.  You will need to enable all marketing communications from Amazon at least temporarily in order for the invite to get to you.  Thanks.

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In all seriousness though it would be interesting to see if VLC is detecting that DVDSUB track as track 0. You'd think VLC would be smart enough to tell the difference between a graphical sub and a video stream.


@@Kramerika Would you be willing to provide a sample of that first movie (saving private ryan) for testing. 


You can extract a 5-minute segment with the following argument. There will be a copy of ffmpeg included with the emby server install.

ffmpeg -i "input.mkv" -t 300 -c copy output.mkv 

edit: nvm, try ebr's solution first.

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