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ah, that makes sense.  

Is it possible to get an update to support vobs or do i need to change the container for those files? 

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Next year Luke, when you read this post again. I told you so. ;)


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Been a year plus.. Seams amazon is doing just fine.

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Seems. The word is spelled s e e m s. If you are going to call the kettle black, at least spell correctly. Or did you mean "seams"? The edges of the device are staying together? It isnt falling apart yet? Whatever it was, it just makes you look as silly now, as I did then. But my point then still stands today.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Sorry for my spelling error. I trust you'll forgive me.


So you think amazon will fail? Sounds like you have an issue with them that may have nothing to do with the FireTV. Their stock has done nothing but go up in the last couple of years, but that may have nothing to do with their market share or value. In 1995 they were setting out to be the world's biggest book store. I think they accomplished that by the early to mid 2000's. Now they are setting out to be the earths must customer-centric etailer. In my dealings with them on various purchases over the past 10 or more years, IMHO, they are doing that too. I've had nothing but positive interactions with amazon.


Now, about those "hits" and them being a pusher.. I have to agree with that and trust me, that is a big concern of mine. When they push everyone else out of the way will they still be so customer-centric? Only time will tell but if history is any harbinger, I think not.

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Speechles. The word is spelled s p e e c h l e s s. If you are going to call the kettle black, at least spell correctly. 


Dude seriously who cares if there is a spelling mistake stop being so petty.

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I was talking their devices bro. Amazon has a poor track record with android. If you like being held hostage, apple or amazon are a good choice for a device. I am only talking about their consumer hardware division. It has to be a pure money loser. Sell the device at, or below cost and pray the amazon prime video/fire store software divisions can keep that hardware division afloat. Apple doesnt cut its hardware prices. It basically screws you on both ends of the spectrum, hardware and software. People are gullible. They also tend to be like sheep and just follow advice without having a mind of their own. So Amazon realizing this can rely on reviews that are actually sponsored content. Amazon is the king of sponsored content reviews on websites. At Amazon HQ the song "us and them" by pink floyd plays on a constant loop. Rather than feed all my coins into the same piggybank I spread mine around. If Amazon could pull their video app off of roku I am betting they would in a heartbeat. The sentiment that brings, would be bad for them so I see why they havent yet.


I just see Amazon differently than you I guess. Yeah they were "trying" to become the biggest bookseller ( http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2012/04/e_book_price_fixing_amazon_is_the_real_bad_guy_.html ). Amazon has little respect for itself, and no shame.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Speechles. The word is spelled s p e a c h l e s s. If you are going to call the kettle black, at least spell correctly.


Dude seriously who cares if there is a spelling mistake stop being so petty.

Now it has gone ridiculous. Speachless? Really? I believe its "speechles" the same as it is on IRC bro. So before you walk into moving traffic, look both ways lest a bus run you over.


You care there was a spelling mistake, otherwise why post at all? If you cant be constructive to the conversation dont be a part of the conversation eh?


Edit: merry christmas ho ho ho.. Dont be bad, you might get coal in your stocking...


See what the 5 year old below me just posted. This is how you have intelligent debate with a child. Now go to your room. No dinner. Haw

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Sorry. I didn't mean to stir things up. I don't have any amazon or apple consumer electronics so cannot speak for them too much. I was talking about the company itself. I see good and bad in them as I already pointed out but I do believe they will be around for quite some time.


Now, about that FireTV app. If I were to get an amazon Fire where might I find the app?

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From the Amazon app store. It has to hook into their store for in-app billing. The Google play version wont play nice since it requires Google framework. The Amazon version wont play nice on google branded devices since it requires Amazon framework.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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In all seriousness, I'm surprised Amazons Android foray has lasted this long. Their app publishing is not developer friendly. The fact they can decide what you can and can't put on your home screen isn't consumer friendly.

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When you undercut everyone on prices as they do when they initially release hardware, and when you put it all over the amazon home page, it's bound to succeed to some degree. i don't think it will be too long before devices become cheap enough that they're completely free for prime users. that might have some negative implications but it's inevitably going to happen.

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What is funny is they pulled appletv and chromecast from their amazon store because they use their own app/video feeds. It was damaging their "core" amazon prime video/instant video business which helps them recoup hardware losses. They havent pulled roku, likely because it doesnt have its own app/video feeds, but "pools" them from feeds of which amazon is part of. Its like watching a schoolyard fight, and all 3 are bullies: amazon, google, apple. Fist fighting it out by the playground. Everyone cheering all trying to gather support on their respective sides. Who will fall first? Stay tuned..heh

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Just as a point of comparison - Amazon devices running our app outnumber Google ones at least 3:1 and the NP going on fire-sale for $49 everywhere can't be a good sign for them.  So, I think - at least as far as this platform goes - Amazon is doing fine so far.


Of course, Google completely owns the mobile market.

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Just as a point of comparison - Amazon devices running our app outnumber Google ones at least 3:1 and the NP going on fire-sale for $49 everywhere can't be a good sign for them. So, I think - at least as far as this platform goes - Amazon is doing fine so far.


Of course, Google completely owns the mobile market.

Interesting. We just happen to have 3 Fire TV's and one Chromecast. I rarely use the Chromecast due to the convenience of Fire TV's remote. Plus I got tired of the Emby app not letting go of the connection once I close the app. Maybe it finally got fixed? In any case I want a remote.


Signature edited to appease the OCD's

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Is PIN support working as intended in this?


I'm on my local network, it automatically finds my local server and asks which user.  If I press down and select "Log in with Emby Connect" I get a PIN.  Entering that PIN on the site is successful, but nothing changes on the app.  When I press the "Next" button on the PIN screen, it then brings me back to the user selection screen.  In other words, the only way to login successfully seems to be to type my local user password (instead of the Emby Connect pw) into the app using the remote.

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Is PIN support working as intended in this?


I'm on my local network, it automatically finds my local server and asks which user.  If I press down and select "Log in with Emby Connect" I get a PIN.  Entering that PIN on the site is successful, but nothing changes on the app.  When I press the "Next" button on the PIN screen, it then brings me back to the user selection screen.  In other words, the only way to login successfully seems to be to type my local user password (instead of the Emby Connect pw) into the app using the remote.


No, that doesn't sound right.  That exact scenario (selecting connect login from the user screen) may not have been tested in a while so I'll take a look at it.


In the mean time, I think you can probably work around the problem by making your local server unavailable when you bring up the app.  Once you get logged in via Connect, you should then be able to bring the server back up and it should continue to go in via connect.

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Just as a point of comparison - Amazon devices running our app outnumber Google ones at least 3:1 and the NP going on fire-sale for $49 everywhere can't be a good sign for them.  So, I think - at least as far as this platform goes - Amazon is doing fine so far.


Of course, Google completely owns the mobile market.

I love our FireTV, and all the hard work you guys have done on the app to make it a viable platform.  I've pretty much replaced all my Xbox's and now have FireTVs through out the hose.  They are cheap enough to be affordable in every room, they work fast, take little power, and make no noise.  Not sure why some people "seem" to go out of their way to poo-poo the product. :/  Seems like a waste of energy.  If you like what you like, stick to that, but the consensus is that the FireTV is an excellent product.  Keep up the great work guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, the 2nd gen firetv is now turning on subtitles on everything I play.  I will even turn them off, back out of the video, resume, and they are back on!


I can't find a setting in the firetv app or on the server.  The only thing I can find is under metadata and is only for whether or not to download subtitles.


Where do I need to look?



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Hey, the 2nd gen firetv is now turning on subtitles on everything I play.  I will even turn them off, back out of the video, resume, and they are back on!


I can't find a setting in the firetv app or on the server.  The only thing I can find is under metadata and is only for whether or not to download subtitles.


Where do I need to look?




I have two 2nd gen FireTV's and none of them present this behavior.  Are you using external subtitles, or embedded?

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I think embedded from makemkv, I don't have any of the download languages selected.


I would recommend to use external (.SRT) subtitles.  It just cut's down on issues.  Sometimes there is issues reading the file and extracting the correct information, which can lead to the device not being able to use direct play, which in hence will cause transcoding.

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