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Bulky: Bulk(Mass) MetaData Editor


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Hello, I just stumbled onto this tool and it looks fantastic but maybe I am doing something wrong. I installed the Plugin from the Plugins tab and have version installed. It lists all of my Moves but when I click Edit or Bulk Edit (with multiple selected), I just get a blank screen...no info is shown to edit. I am sure I am just doing something wrong, just wasn't sure what to search for, for the answer.

 I have attached screenshots to show it showing my Movies and what happens when I click Edit.On the second screenshot you can see I just get some weird verticals lines with Save and Return at the top.



Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 10.41.07 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 10.41.18 PM.png

Edited by swindmiller
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WAIT!!! I think it was my browser. This is on Safari...seems to show fine in Chrome. 


Sorry about that!



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I just uploaded the latest plugin.  It includes all of the requests made recently.  It includes a new feature called "Channels".  A channel is a collection of videos that share a common tag. You can use that tag in the plugin virtualTV to create a TV channel.


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In the new 'Library Search'  is it possible to add the ability to search Live TV?

I have way too many channels, and would like to be able to search by the TAG, so I can bulk edit the TAGS

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@gillmacca01You can tag Live TV channels -- I will check on the searching part.  I think I can add it without to much trouble.


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Unfortunately, probably because the vast number of channels my IPTV provider gives me, I get a spinning circle and then my browser locks up.

I'm presuming I'm doing it the correct way - I just click on Live TV on the main page.

I did look under library search, but where it says 'select the type of data to search for, there is no live tv option

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Interesting, I tested it with several hundred channels. Please open the browser console and check for a red error message.


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@gillmacca01I would like to fix the problem you are having with editing a thousand channels. I can't simulate the problem myself, so I must rely on you sending me the errors you find on the browser console.  Together, we can fix the problem.


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@VicMooreI'm travelling at the moment, and will get to my hotel in a few hours. 

Will try and get the information for you then

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OK, run it.

I have saved the console to the txt document attached

I think most of the problem is the amount of channels I have. my M3U contains live channels and VOD.

According to Emby I have170023 channels


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WOW !!!!   170023  channels -- you probably exceeded the resources of the browser.  I will tak a look in the morning.  Thank you for your help.


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14 hours ago, gillmacca01 said:

According to Emby I have170023 channels

It's this the definition of INSANITY?

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That's why I am hoping I can use the plug in.

Not only tag the way I want them tagged, but also bulk disable what I don't want

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I added a new feature to Bulky. It's my first stab at creating Emby Channels.


When you click the channels button it brings up a dialog where you can define 32 channels.  Each channel has movie, tv series, and music video components. The media from your Emby libraries for each of these components is selected by clicking their respective movie, tv series, and music video buttons.


These buttons bring up the respective media in your Emby libraries. For example, clicking the movie button brings up all of the emby libraries that contain movies.


You can navigate through your media and select content that you want to add to your channel.  Clicking on an item selects it.  If the item is a folder, it's selected by "ctl-click".  Click the save button to save your selections.


When you click the save or channel buttons, you return to the channels page.  From there you can work on other channels or create a playlist for the channel that you are presently on. To create a playlist click the make playlist button.


To create a playlist, you must first select the rules that govern how the data that you selected for your channel is applied to create the playlist.


The next step in this project is to add a button that will cast the created playlist to one of your TVs or monitors that's connected to your network.

Please note that I currently don't show the playlist created. I will correct this omission in a few days.

My motivation for creating a channels option is to learn what a channel should be. I hope everyone will help me discover how to make it better.  For example, what rules should be added or modified for creating playlists. 

I use channels to create the 30 channels in virtualTV.  In virtualTV, I setup each channel to be populated based on a tag. Channel 1 has tag "_Channel_1", channel 2 has tag "_Channel_2", and so on for all 30 channels. Using the channels option above, I populate each channel with the content that I want virtualTV to display.

I will post this plugin in about an hour.

I look forward to hearing from everyone. Your ideas and comments all make this plugin better. 

I want to thank @pünktchen@softworkzand @GrimReaperfor their encouragement and ideas.


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No it's independent from virtualTV.  @NinkoI would be interested in what you would like the channels feature to be.



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Ah right ok.

I was asking because virtualTV doesn't play well with Roku, so it will be interesting to see if this new feature works any better.

Thanks for all your hard work on all this!

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After doing a quick test of setting up a channel, nothing appears in Live TV.

Maybe I'm missing something?

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On 7/24/2023 at 10:32 AM, VicMoore said:

Hello @MBSki as promised attached below is the Bulky plugin with the Library search button added. You can search for one or more tags across one or more libraries.  Let me know how it works for you and any suggestions that you might have.  Let me know if you find any bugs.  I plan to upload it to the plugin library in a few days.  Thanks for helping with this feature.

Hi @VicMoore! I'm finally getting a chance to look at this new feature. Quick question. How do you select multiple types of data? I see Movie & TV as an option, but what if I want Movies, TV, and Music?

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Hello @MBSki, you do that when you set up the rules for a playlist.  Click the "make Playlist" button to select the desired rules. I am still working on the rules and would like your comments. Soon I will display the playlist created and let you cast it to your TV.



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Good morning @MBSkiOnce you have selected the data that you want to watch from the emby libraries, you create a playlist that assembles the data into a linear order for viewing.  To do this click the "make playlist" button and choose the rules for each data type.   The code to create the playlist is what I am doing right now. It will be finished in a few days.


I would like feedback on the process for selecting media content to populate each channel and the rules for building the playlist.



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@VicMoore I'm not sure I understand. I just want to search across multiple libraries. Why would I create a playlist to do that? 

Btw, even for 1 type I can't get any results. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


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34 minutes ago, MBSki said:

@VicMoore I'm not sure I understand. I just want to search across multiple libraries. Why would I create a playlist to do that? 

Btw, even for 1 type I can't get any results. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.


Remove the * - it's doing a direct query for those tags.  If you had a Tag called 'Watch' then it would find it.

@VicMooreI notice it does not like spaces in the tag names.  So if I were to search for 'Special Edition' - it would not find it, despite there being many tags.  If I add a tag to an item of just 'Special' - then it finds it.

Thanks !

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Ah, thanks @rbjtech! The space is the issue then. I tried a bunch of different methods, but nothing was returning results. Looks like it's because there's a space in my tag. 

The other thing I don't understand is why I get individual movies that I have to click through when I select bulk edit. Is bulk edit not working? The below image is the same thing I get when I select Edit Each.


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