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Found 10 results

  1. Mikazuki1991

    How to uninstall Emby

    I would like to know how to Uninstall Emby? Please Help!
  2. Hi I tried the Emby Kodi plugin today on my orig RPi and quickly came to the conclusion that it is not quick enough for my use (the Pi that is) I've removed all the emby add-ons but it still gives me a list of all my recent movies/TV eps on the main screen, if I try to play one it tells me that I must download the emby add-on. How can I remove these cached images/references?
  3. jbuyense

    Removing Trailer Plugin

    I am running Emby Version 3.0.7200.0. I installed the Trailer Plugin but realized it wasn't very usefully unless I was an Emby Premier subscriber. I' tried to uninstall the plugin and restart, but it's still there. Is there a way to manually delete it?? Please help! Thank You! Emby Log.txt
  4. jasonwilliams

    Anniversary Update

    Hi All, Microsoft just push the Anniversary Update to my HTPC and when it came back online, Emby was uninstalled. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this behaviour? Thx
  5. This has been around forever but never got around to reporting it. If you move or delete the Start Menu shortcuts for EMBY and then later try to uninstall Emby, the uninstall process fails. If I recreate the folder and link structure the uninstall process works as expected. I move my program shortcuts into "usage type" of folders for organization in my Start Menu so I have Emby under a folder named Media so that's why they were missing. Thanks!
  6. I installed the Kodi addon and let it scan my library in. Due to performance issues I decided to remove the addon from addon section in Kodi settings and after removing it, I rebooted and now I am getting "Emby error: check the log for more information". I am also getting a continual pop-up saying "To use this feature you must download an add-on: Emby Would you like to download this add-on?" I am not able to find any information on your site for removing this add-on once you install it and right now I am kind of stuck since I cannot get off this pop-up screen. When I hit no, it just comes back and asks me again to install the add-on. I really don't want to have to wipe my media center to remove this product. If someone could be of assistance of removing this product, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
  7. Marianum

    cant uninstall Vine

    Hello, I have uninstalled vine but when i search on vine i'm still see all video's. on the path: C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\plugins is vine removed but still see the video's... I have also uninstall the plugin in the server self but wont help... is there an script or els that running on the background that i have to delete? cache delete wont help anyway... hope someone could help me? Koenske.
  8. Hi guys, I don't know where to open Troubletickets for Emby, so I will try it in this forum. My Emby installation is running on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS 64-Bit. For testing purposes I installed the Trailers Plugin, which I wanted to remove later on. I clicked the Uninstall button and the server stated to restart Emby. When I issued "sudo service mediabrowser restart" on the server console and logged back in to the web interface, the Trailers Plugin was still there. How can I remove the Trailers plugin from my installation? Am I missing something? Regards, Bondfreak
  9. marcelovz

    Can´t Uninstall Emby Theater

    Hi I downloaded Emby Theater on my Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and I wanto to Uninstall it. But when I go to Programs and Features and click to uninstall, nothing happens. If I got to Emby Theater folder and click in MediaBrowser.Uninstaller,exe, apeear a message "please goto Programs and Features" to uninstall. I.E. I can't uninstall it Could anybody help me please ? Thanks
  10. Smitty018210

    Uninstall or install Promblems

    I can't seem to uninstall or reinstall Media Browser theater, or MBC. I get an error for both. 2. Theater Uninstall - Can't find shortcuts then crashes 3. MBC Uninstall fine now can't reinstall (have log for that) The reason I was trying to reinstall of the programs is because neither could find my server on the home network. install.log
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