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  1. Past hour
  2. So it's not very practical. Hopefully Luke will get to the root of the problem.
  3. 所以它不是很实用。希望卢克能找到问题的根源。
  4. sjgidman

    IPTV keep channel logo's

    is there any way just to keep channel logos ratherit dispaly an image of the show
  5. Today
  6. user24

    Combine albums in music collection

    Sure, many of us have 1000s of albums, with varying levels of metadata completeness. But repeating that you have hundreds of problem albums doesn't really help other community members with giving you some possible useful ideas of how to fix your specific problems. If it is a matter of older ripped compilation albums missing a "Various Artists" Album Artist tag, then this can be easily rectified in Mp3tag: Load in a batch of Albums (not your whole library - pick a folder from your good structure) Click on the Album Artist column to sort by Album Artist Select the blank ones as a group Add "Various Artists" to the Album Artist field in the LHS Tag Panel Save the changes Rescan the relevant folder in Emby from the folder tab (or refresh metadata - I never remember which to use!) If the problems are something else, then another solution is needed! Fixing the metadata of (say) 500 albums could be carried out in 50 days (spend 1 hour a day fixing 10 albums). Even if Emby could implement a request that would help, it might not be easy and may not be high priority, so you could be waiting for years! I don't have that much patience and will happily use third-party programs and 'workarounds' to get Emby to display my media, my way! For me, it's important to have consistency between my embedded metadata and my Emby database BUT I don't want Emby changing the metadata of my media. I would prefer to have complete control over this with third-party applications designed especially for this. Therefore, perhaps a different viewpoint on how the Emby UI should operate? Yeah, it's annoying with all the errors that need fixing, so Emby would "kinda suck" for you right now, I guess? Anyway, with your programming background, I expect you'll figure it out, one way or another!
  7. Mibok

    Escaneo de bibliotecas tarda muchas horas

    Si, hace falta que subas los logs para que los devs puedan analizar a detalle tu situación. Pero haz considera que quizás sea algún disco duro que este fallando, por lo tanto la tardanza sea por los errores de lectura. Podría ser que una o varias películas estén corruptas. Por si acaso checa el SMART de tus discos quizás te de información útil.
  8. Hi, I'm having issues with a few .mkv files. If I play them from the start, it's usually ok, just buffers for a min or two before starting. The real problem occurs when I scrub ahead, or skip chapters, or when I try to resume (it usually kicks it right back to the start). When I try to skip ahead, in the example that I'm attaching log files for, it froze for roughly 8 minutes, then started to skip and pause after it finally restarted. The skipping and pausing does not go away. This happens regardless of what I'm watching on... Web, AppleTV (4k), etc. I've tracked it down to the fact it only happens on files that were encoded with DTS XLL audio. I finally had enough examples of it, and I extracted the media info. Attaching log files. Happy to troubleshoot anything you suggest. Appreciate the assistance. ffmpeg-remux-a5f93600-f868-4cfe-b6d0-138b4fc8bae7_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-3225bc27-8384-43db-be0f-b385e11d332f_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-cacd1663-9c48-4b89-ad03-92563dd6c40b_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-c2f9f4d8-751c-432f-8341-cd63fa1ee209_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-31222c44-9190-4c83-b608-1fd90631e9e5_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-99012f25-c79a-48c4-8270-8ae8126eb2f5_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-44d660fe-bcc2-45fe-88ae-4e4b9ecd7c15_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-75703db5-e3a4-451e-bd63-1866ca9f9b15_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-ac913a60-87e0-4b95-b5b8-a984f3944573_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-70a3d902-73da-4b37-90ac-b7c9edd3bccf_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-791519b3-eeea-402f-b0aa-6cf3f51e2c2d_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-36393b05-51f9-4e1a-905a-6d9a6e97a39d_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-f2a90eb2-2857-4efd-9dad-f54b89e1ecd0_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-67c9ab47-a253-444f-bfa5-a7e82b10ab16_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-84a35b5b-62bb-4a4b-bd5a-53a706718c0a_1.txt embyserver-2.txt
  9. xDDxxDDx

    Why is Emby transcoding, no transcoding plays fine

    Thanks for the quick response! I fetched the logs, attaching them now, I hope everything is correct! embyserver.txt ffmpeg-remux-17c6d271-e326-48df-923e-7bd93e5b81d6_1.txt
  10. tfarrell

    Combine albums in music collection

    It's a limitation for those with messy folder structure who want to dump everything in big folders and have their management program get it all right. It's a problem for those of us who have good folder structures and would like it to categorize our media well. I have all of my music in folders first by genre (like "classical" or "rock") then by album artist (like "Boston Symphony Orchestra") then by album (like "Ravel: Daphnis et Chloé") then individual files for individual tracks, named with the track number (like "01") and track name. My CDs were ripped with iTunes - if Emby can't handle files created by the single most popular CD ripping application, it has a Problem. Moreover the fact remains that the Emby UI does not allow correction of the actual data, even when we see that it's wrong. If I have to resort to use of a third party program to edit the metadata to make Emby happy with it, that is a UI failure. (I say that as someone who wrote his first computer program in 1974 on punch cards and has significant UI experience.) (I don't recommend punch cards as a UI. They kinda sucked.)
  11. i have not changed anything in the default series type library creation options. Unless i am mistaken, it uses tvdb by default which has been fine for me most of the times but there are certain series wherein tvdb has totally messed up the seasons/episode listing and i would like to use tmdb for that particular series. I saw some posts on the forum regarding this but it was quite inconvenient like switch to tmdb as default, then rescan that series then lock it and switch back to tvdb. I have all my content perfectly named with an indication of what metadata provider's season + episode listing is being followed, Can't emby simply make use of that information instead of having users do that process everytime they want to use a specific metadata provider for a series ? For instance all of my series folder have the tmdb/tvdb-XXXX mentioned in the folder itself - Is there a way to have emby automatically choose the metadata provider from the folder name instead of a fixed priority in library creation options
  12. finnsour

    Roku Playback now failing regularly and predictably

    Hate to say it, but just so you guys know if it helps your work: problem has resurfaced with again no clear reason as to why. One day it was gone. Next day it was back. No noticeable changes in the system. New data point though: Someone who is in another location is able to stream from my server just fine using a Roku SG 4.1.17, Hisense_Roku TV
  13. That's not really an OK answer. You already damaged our collection content. Those of us with large collections are suffering through the current screen now. The Emby team made the decision to make the change without consideration of how it would affect some of us. A vague statement of "more options are possible" doesn't solve anything.
  14. nailandgear

    opensubtitles plugin not working

    Just tried using https://hub.docker.com/r/emby/embyserver_arm64v8 image and same error, attached the logs. embyserver_default.txt
  15. MXYetvzxd4jkc

    Buffering/Playback issues

    @jaycedkNo difference with disabling quicksync Seems im just stuck!
  16. Luke

    opensubtitles plugin not working

    It's probably worth trying. The important difference is that the latter option is tested by us.
  17. nailandgear

    opensubtitles plugin not working

    I am running this on my RasPi 4 via Docker, using https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-emby/?h=emby image. I installed the image using docker-compose. Should I try out with the default https://hub.docker.com/r/emby/embyserver ? (I assumed there is not much difference between two images)
  18. HI there, can you please provide a specific example? thanks.
  19. Happy2Play

    Collection / subtitle issue

    Yep previous test was with nfo media. Retested and yes without nfo files the item gets removed from Collection with steps provided above.
  20. Luke

    Escaneo de bibliotecas tarda muchas horas

    Hi there, can we please look at a specific example using the emby server log? Thanks.
  21. Luke

    Live TV Italia canali rai e Mediaset problemi

    OK we'll take a look at it. Thanks.
  22. Luke

    Emby connect not working

    You may want to try unlinking and relinking your server with Emby Connect: Emby Connect
  23. Luke

    Emby connect not working

    It will use the addresses displayed on your emby server dashboard.
  24. Luke

    Collection / subtitle issue

    HI, the subtitle download will trigger a metadata refresh on the movie. Do you have nfo files in your media folders next to your video files?
  25. Luke

    Combine albums in music collection

    Actually, your perception of "much better" is what others would perceive as a flaw. They take the first album artist value and apply it to all songs in the same folder, thereby ignoring it for all subsequent ones. For someone with messy tags, this might make them think that Plex has great music handling, but for everyone else, it becomes a limitation.
  26. user24

    Using embedded music metadata Styles

    (FWIW) Some more thoughts/ideas/suggestions... I’d consider Genres-Styles as having a very similar Parent-Child relationship to Albums-Songs. For Genres-Styes, this would need to be a many-to-many database relationship because a Parent Genre could have many Child Styles, plus a Child Style could have more than one Parent. E.g. a Folk Rock Style could ‘belong’ to both Folk and Rock Parent Genres. If the current individual Genre pages evolved into detail pages (as described in my previous posts), then this potentially gives a relatively easy way to link/map Styles to Genres, within Emby. E.g. selecting the Edit icon (as on many detail pages now) opens up an Edit window. Genre appears in these windows now – replace it with Style within a new Genre Edit window. An enhanced individual Genre detail page would likely be useful for a majority of users, evidenced by the many forum Genre topics and discussions. A new individual Style page could be either detailed or simple. Perhaps simple (similar to the current Tags tree structure and pages) would be preferred because Style ‘sits below’ Genre and is likely less important for a majority of users. Style could potentially become a top-level menu tab. This would create some crowding of the menu bar, but this could be somewhat mitigated by implementing a customisable menu bar (which is a very popular feature request). Style could be added to various filter options. This may help where some people don’t have enough AND/OR options with Genres alone, now. Lastly, add a Links section to the bottom of individual Genre pages and automatically show links to the relevant MusicBrainz and Discogs Genre pages (if this is technically possible). I started drawing a diagram of the above and it got complex quite quickly! I also asked an unnamed AI source to do it for me, but it declined to help! So, we need the Emby gurus to perform some Style magic for us all!
  27. Happy2Play

    Emby connect not working

    Yes it should be your dashboard address. But if you go to Change server you should be able to click the menu options on your server to show server info.
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