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  1. Past hour
  2. sargenthp

    Emby on Ubuntu server, Let's Encrypt, DuckDNS, certbot

    Getting back to this now that I am home... I did end up creating a script that takes the letsencrypt certs and dumping them into a pfx file in a location that Emby can read from... openssl pkcs12 -export -out /output_path/certs/emby_ssl.pfx -inkey /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/privkey.pem -in /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain/fullchain.pem -keypbe NONE -certpbe NONE -nomaciter -passout pass:
  3. Francintrava3

    Collection of Free Emby Pre-rolls

    hi, I looked on pre rols but it tells me that the videos have all been deleted from youtube...I really need them...can you tell me where I can find them now? or could you send them to me privately? A thousand thanks
  4. LongMan

    Collections of TV Shows as Tags

    Works in 10.0.20. Thanks
  5. The reason naming conventions matter is so that the server can tell what's what. There are a number of other supported features beyond just extras and multi-version, and sometimes these features are similar but only slightly different. What's what naming conventions help with.
  6. Chillout

    IPTV keep channel logo's

    Not sure, but I think Emby uses different images depending on the view. You could try adding your own channel image in the different categories and see if it helps. Once it has the image Emby seems to remember it as long as you dont remove the channel and vacuum the database.
  7. HI, yes an option for that is certainly possible. Thanks.
  8. The server itself has no limit. That uri error is coming from elsewhere. So yes that does in effect end up creating a limit. What we need to do is create new api methods that put all of these params in the body of the request and then there won't be an issue.
  9. The embedded player has the ability to decode it, but we need to close that loophole and not allow it due to dolby licensing reasons.
  10. Riptide126

    No compatible streams available

    Here ya go, thank you for the quick response embyserver.txt
  11. Hi, yes we're looking into it. Thanks.
  12. hthgihwaymonk

    EDCM - Emby Dynamic Collections Manager 0.0.1-Alpha

    I've been using MDBLists to create collections and have had to limit them to under 300 items as I had not had time to break them into sets before creating them with the api. But I may look at sending them in the body
  13. Hi, yes this is something we can look at supporting in future updates. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. hthgihwaymonk

    EDCM - Emby Dynamic Collections Manager 0.0.1-Alpha

    So that's interesting, from that thread you linked @Happy2Play. I think I read that one before but missed this comment by luke - You can also put those values in the body though. You don't have to put them all in the url.
  15. Luke

    No compatible streams available

    Hi there, please attach the corresponding emby server log. thanks.
  16. EatSleepCodeDel

    EDCM - Emby Dynamic Collections Manager 0.0.1-Alpha

    Thanks, Happy2Play. I have implemented a workaround that breaks the params into batches. More API calls, but it doesn't seem to rate limit. Largest set of batches I have come across is 64 in my tests so far.
  17. Today
  18. Consistently when I am watching a certain show the first time I try to play it it says there are no compatible streams available, then if I try again it runs fine. I am curious on how to fix this. Also the show is an anime so there are subtitles on it if that is relevant. I have also attached logs. If there is any other information needed let me know. ffmpeg-transcode-dcbeea36-a5a1-4d7c-a566-4846041dc001_1.txt
  19. Happy2Play

    EDCM - Emby Dynamic Collections Manager 0.0.1-Alpha

    Pretty sure the same discussion from years ago with playlists
  20. tfarrell

    Combine albums in music collection

    Assuming that is true (and I have no reason to believe it's not) that indicates that Emby is deliberately choosing to optimize on a factor which a vast percentage of users will find that they're not meeting and has no fallback plan. It's not like it uses the metadata and, if it's not there, looks to see if the information exists as structure. What it does is that it looks at the metadata, and if that's not there it throws its hands up in the air and says "nothing I can do!" no matter how good the structure is.
  21. EatSleepCodeDel

    EDCM - Emby Dynamic Collections Manager 0.0.1-Alpha

    Ah sorry, I miss read your first post. I was thinking of the size of the query, not the size of the items for a collection. I am getting 414 status codes on some collections that have a lot of entries. I will need to split up the POST requests. Thank you for flagging! @LukeDo you know the limit of items I can pass to a collection?
  22. Well, just wait for the authorities. Then Jellyfin did just fine.
  23. That might be a good idea but to me it seems excessively complex and very much unneeded. The only thing that i think needs to be added is some kind of tracker for both features and bugs. Users should only report and comment but being able to view where things are would, I think, serve to reduce that amount of noise in the forums. Of course Emby will never do that as they seem to really like to keep things hidden right up to release. I think that is a mistake but I also do not really want to have a more active role so anything done should not force or entice people into active roles.
  24. TMCsw

    Is there a safe mode?

    Not really... .. because you have logged into that site before as an admin it is using 'cookies or other means' to verify your admin account. Just try it from elsewere...
  25. Hi guys, Sadly my older Sony TV died (RIP), and I've recently got a new Samsung TV. I've got the Emby app installed, and all is good. The ONLY thing I've noticed is that the Emby app on the Samsung TV doesn't seem to have a press and hold method to show the context popup. I'm confident my Sony TV used to have this. I mainly noticed this as Samsung supply 2 remotes. One full sized, and the other as a 'One Remote'. Normally to access context menus throughout the GUI (outside of Emby), you press and hold the OK button (center of the circle in the image below). I went to do this to mark a show as watched from the home menu, and when I pressed and held, it just opened the show. I tried on the larger remote and had the same result. I am still able to open the context menu, but I need to press the menu button, then the info button, instead of just pressing and holding the OK button. Samsung TV Model: QE50Q60CAUXXU Samsung 2023 50 Inch QLED 4K Smart TV Q60C | Samsung UK Emby App Version: 1.7.0 So I guess my question is, do you plan to implement a press and hold option to bring up the context menu? Here is the 'One Remote' I'm talking about, I've underline the button I'm talking about: When I press that button, I need to get to this menu, then hit the info button: Which then shows the context menu I'm talking about: While I know this isn't that bad in the grande scheme of things, it would be nice to have this menu appear when I press and hold the OK button Anyway, just thought I'd ask. Thanks guys!
  26. billyjr82

    Movie extras for one movie are not being found

    I guess that's the part I don't quite understand. I don't see why that matters. You should be able to have a thousand subfolders and Emby shouldn't care. Is there a video file at this level? No? Then keep going down. Oh, there is a video file here. This must be a movie. And I see there are two files at this level that have basically the same name but there are multiple versions of it. And look, there is also an Extras folder at this level. These two video files are probably the same item and these extras belong to that. So you could have: \movies\1997\A-M\A\Alien 4\Alien Resurrection - Theatrical Release.mkv \movies\1997\A-M\A\Alien 4\Alien Resurrection - Special Edition.mkv \movies\1997\A-M\A\Alien 4\Extras \movies\1997\A-M\A\Alien 4\Extras\Deleted Scenes.mkv And Emby should be able to parse that. I'm being a bit hyperbolic there with the sorting, but my point still stands. Now if there is a video file in any of those upper sub-folders, then sure, they're doing something stupid. But Emby shouldn't care how many subfolders there are or what they're labeled. If they're in the movies folder and Emby knows these are movies, then as soon as it finds a video file where there is an Extras subfolder, it should show that. If Emby is using the video file name to identify what it is, then why does it matter what the last subfolder name is at all? Regardless of whether something is sorted 'correctly' or not, if Emby can find a new item, whether it knows what it is or not, it should then also see that there is an 'extras' subfolder and show those files. I'll admit at the end of the day though, now that I know how Emby expects it, this is a very minor gripe. And if the answer ends up being "not worth the time to fix" then that's fine. I'm just trying to understand the reasoning behind it.
  27. I see in 4.8.6 is now has a scroll row called "folders" showing the folders, but I would really like it to be back in a grid view in 4.8.7 please. Thank you.
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