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New Plugin - Philips Hue Mood Lighting

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Hello guys. 
So I installed this plugin and activating the scenes works fine so far, but I want my lights to go off completely when a movie starts. How do I do this? Creating an "off" scene is not possible.

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Hello guys. 

So I installed this plugin and activating the scenes works fine so far, but I want my lights to go off completely when a movie starts. How do I do this? Creating an "off" scene is not possible.

Why can't you create a scene with all your lights off? Thats exactly what I do. I have a "Movie Start" scene that has everything turned off.

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Why can't you create a scene with all your lights off? Thats exactly what I do. I have a "Movie Start" scene that has everything turned off.

bc my hue app tells me this is not possible:



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I only have one bulb so I can test. And it allows me to set it as off in my scene for when movies are playing.  It might depend on the app you are using.

I changed it to not turn off, but rather go to a level of 0 instead.  This was because when you say off, it turns off immediately (no transition), and also when another scene activates it turns the bulb on, it doesn't start from 0, but rather whereever it was when the first scene turned it off.  Makes the transition look strange.  Setting it to go to 0 over a transition time works much better IMO.

Edited by BillOatman
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Some Hue bulbs turn off when set to less than 15%

I already tried that and my bulbs are on even at 1% and that's the lowest I can go.

I can't turn all off and can't set them to 0%

at least in the current android app

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, Love the idea of this plugin but not getting anywhere on configuring it.  


Installs fine and on checking the log it appears to load ok. Enter the config page and again log shows it loading the configuration page. Can Get Bridge API and get green button and success text. Reloading scenes appears to do nothing and creates no entry in the log file. Setting the device in the drop down gives the Emby spinning circle which never exits. Refreshing the page leaves the correct device selected but not sure I have the api linked now as I have not been able to save anything. Setting scenes and saving gives spinning circle which nevers ends. No entries created in the log file after the initial one of going into the configuration page.


Tried in Internet explorer, firefox and edge. Don't use chrome.


Any ideas ?


Update - Emby version and plugin version

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... Reloading scenes appears to do nothing and creates no entry in the log file. Setting the device in the drop down gives the Emby spinning circle which never exits. Refreshing the page leaves the correct device selected but not sure I have the api linked now as I have not been able to save anything. Setting scenes and saving gives spinning circle which nevers ends. No entries created in the log file after the initial one of going into the configuration page.




This has been happening to me lately.

I haven't changed anything at all. It just stopped working.


I uninstalled and re-installed the plugin and I still cannot configure any devices anymore.

My one, already configured device, continues to work fine, but I cannot edit it as I just get a spinning circle.


I don't see any tells in the logs.


I was on Beta and it worked until it didn't and even tried to upgrade to, but same result.


I am not worried since my main device works fine, but I'd love to be able to play with the config again.


Where are the settings stored? Can I edit the db or a config file manually?



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I'm running the release version and it is working fine.  I don't run pre-release for that reasin, never know what will work and what will not.  I run Chrome as well. You might want to report it in the prerelease area.



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Any chance you could share a simple Emby.HueMoodLighting.xml file with one or two devices setup?

I had everything working fine, but I messed up my config file and it is basically blank now. Don't ask... <facepalm>


I don't have any backups of it to go back to.

I really just need to see the  <bridge> and <options> sections. I can figure out what to add for each.

I'd really appreciate it.





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Any chance you could share a simple Emby.HueMoodLighting.xml file with one or two devices setup?

I had everything working fine, but I messed up my config file and it is basically blank now. Don't ask... <facepalm>


I don't have any backups of it to go back to.

I really just need to see the  <bridge> and <options> sections. I can figure out what to add for each.

I'd really appreciate it.





Hi.  Not sure what you are asking for.  I'd just go set it up again in the plugin config, it isn't very complicated.  

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My issue is I can no longer configure the plugin.

When I go to the settings and click save, it just shows a spinning circle forever and nothing actually saves.

The same effect happens when I try to change a device to another device. Just a spinner.

I had settings configured before so this issue was no big deal since the plugin did indeed work, it just couldn't change/add any settings.


But that changed the last week when I was poking at the config file. That is my problem I know, but I now have no saved settings and no way of updating them.

I am on Beta releases and don't want to go back to stable to try to get the plugin to work again.


I am not sure what happened since it was working before on the same Beta release and I changed nothing. I just went to change a single scene one day and was faced with the spinner of death, but the plugin still controlled my lights per the last saved settings just fine.


So what I am looking for is an actual config file that shows one, or preferably, two devices setup so I can use that as a template to manually configure the plugin until it works normally again. And even if it doesn't due to some odd broken thing in my install, at least I will have a way to use the excellent plugin. :)


The file I am looking for is located, in linux, here:


I need to see the <bridge> section and <Options>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<PluginConfiguration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <Options />
  <Hooks />

That is where my config is stuck now.

No API value under device... I think the key was <Api>aaaaaaaaaaa</Api>

and no devices shown under <Options>.


I hope that makes sense.

I'd appreciate it if possible.


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API key needs to come from your bridge.  You can't use any other one.

I'll try and find mine later tonight.

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I know. I have my API key for the Emby plugin's instance saved in a log file, so I am good to go. I even have a few "spares" from other projects I've kicked around while playing with the hue bulbs.





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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <PlayingScene>Play SCENE</PlayingScene>
      <PausedScene>Pause SCENE</PausedScene>
      <StopScene>Stop SCENE</StopScene>
      <PlayingScene> Play Scene</PlayingScene>
      <PausedScene> Pause Scene</PausedScene>
      <CreditsScene>Movie Credits</CreditsScene>
      <StopScene> Stop Scene</StopScene>
      <PlayingScene>Bedroom Play</PlayingScene>
      <PausedScene>Bedroom Pause</PausedScene>
      <StopScene>Bedroom Stop</StopScene>
  <Hooks />



@psybertech  Here you go.  
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w00t! w00t!

Thank you kind sir!


I'll give this a whirl once I get some time to play, but this shows me everything I need to manually configure again!

Its missing the credits scene key, so I will test using <CreditsScene> and/or <CreditScene> but that is just gravy over icing.  :D


And, of course, I will let you know when the plugin starts working again normally either through a new Beta version or some other combo of un-install, re-install of the plugin or whatever.


Thanks again!



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w00t! w00t!

Thank you kind sir!


I'll give this a whirl once I get some time to play, but this shows me everything I need to manually configure again!

Its missing the credits scene key, so I will test using <CreditsScene> and/or <CreditScene> but that is just gravy over icing.  :D


And, of course, I will let you know when the plugin starts working again normally either through a new Beta version or some other combo of un-install, re-install of the plugin or whatever.


Thanks again!



Its in the first one, just not the second.  


<CreditsScene>Movie Credits</CreditsScene>


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Just trying out this plug, it works well. I found it doesn’t like brackets () in the scene name, no big deal.


2 questions:


1) has anyone figured how to command lights all off in a scene or by the plugin? I can get them to dim to 1% as a previous poster mentioned but the IOS app doesn’t allow all lights off in a scene.


2) I had the same scene name for different rooms (default) for example, how does the plugin know which room scene to use? Almost need to be able to select room and then scene.



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Just trying out this plug, it works well. I found it doesn’t like brackets () in the scene name, no big deal.


2 questions:


1) has anyone figured how to command lights all off in a scene or by the plugin? I can get them to dim to 1% as a previous poster mentioned but the IOS app doesn’t allow all lights off in a scene.


2) I had the same scene name for different rooms (default) for example, how does the plugin know which room scene to use? Almost need to be able to select room and then scene.




BillOatman pointed this app out earlier "huetro". Its for Windows and it really is great for setting up scenes how you want (multi-room, parts of a room, etc) and even allows a delay be set for the scene. I use it more now for setting scenes than the official Hue app... plus, at least for me, it being a Windows app makes it better.

Give it a shot. Its free. :)



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w00t! w00t!

Thank you kind sir!


I'll give this a whirl once I get some time to play, but this shows me everything I need to manually configure again!

Its missing the credits scene key, so I will test using <CreditsScene> and/or <CreditScene> but that is just gravy over icing. :D


And, of course, I will let you know when the plugin starts working again normally either through a new Beta version or some other combo of un-install, re-install of the plugin or whatever.


Thanks again!



I have the same problem as you.


I tried setting this up with current beta server over last few beta releases and all i get is spinning circle when trying to save setup.






Sent from my SM-N976B using Tapatalk

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