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Emby Theater on Raspberry Pi


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I did create one using irrecord for test purposes and from examples on the internet when i type irw it should report that is using that file but here it is like something else. It shouldnt be this hard i did before.


EDIT I have given up this is tv remote still works with cec. Spent 3 hours on this and cant figure it out I have disabled the driver in xorg so it doesn interfere with lirc and that part worked.


So I went to irrecord and that all worked. When I restart the pi and use irw it goes back to report KEY_OK /dev/input/event2 if I then restart lirc it is displaying my lircd file and buttons are correctly mapped but theater still doesn't respond. So there are two issues why I have to run the lirc command again and why emby is still not responding. 

Edited by denz
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With ir-keytable it was straight forward to set up all working now.

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Have a small issue when i set a recording and click on settings to adjust pre and post padding I am not able to get out of the screen and had to pull the power cable as i disconected mouse and keyboard.


Also noticed that i cannot derectly enter minutes with the buttons on the numbers on the remote but have to use on screen keyboard and it is similar behaviour in windows theater only there i can exit that screen.

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I enter the pre and post numeric keypad not working using on screen keypad once I have the numbers I press back and all that happens is that I delete the pre padding and just can't get to the previous screen.


All I can do is just move between pre and post and that is it.



I just tried in win and it is accepting the numeric keypad so not sure what happened yesterday. In pi I will check keypad log.

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Yes i am tried on three different upcoming recordings.


Just a suggestion can the 0 be hidden once you enter the figure because it gets displayed as 05 if i press 5 however on going back to the screen it does display 5.

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I have figured out why numeric keypad doesnt work is that it is not mapped correctly for example number 7 is mapped KEY_NUMERIC_7 but it should KEY_7 Once I deleted NUMERIC_ the keypad worked



Figured out why I cant get out of the screen it is again because of mapping issue. I have mapped back button to backspace and in all the other screens it takes me to the previous screen which is the expected behaviour but in this screen backspace is used to do as it says to delete a number.


If I map backspace to esc it works similar to backspace I am able to go back to prior screen I was in but the consequence is that in this particular screen I can only add numbers not delete by I can delete numbers by pressing ok and I get onscreen keyboard and I am able to delete.


So the key should be KEY_ESC not KEY_BACKSPACE



Now have to figure out why the other buttons are not working, play, pause, stop, record. They seem correctly named KEY_PLAY, KEY_STOP,KEY_PAUSE,KEY_RECORD some of these dont work with windows version of theater so it is likely to be related.

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works really well on a raspberry pi 3! most things seem to work apart from live and recorded tv, the video player starts and the OSD fades but no video starts

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I have no issues with live TV or recorded TV the only issue is that live TV takes forever to start about 10 seconds on kodi it takes a second until it can be significantly improved it will just be used for testing. That is on pi 2 and pi3.


Videos are very quick to start. It needs to be more fluid and smoother to be of production use. I am giving it time I remember kodi on rpi 1 how slow it is but now even on that one it is much smoother than theatre.

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just tested this out on my pi3 pretty impressive.  I'm surprised by how responsive it is.  I was really expecting it to be fairly slow.  I would love to see this on android.

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I recently installed Emby on Kodi in my RaspberryPi (not 2 or 3). So I'm guess this version is still in beginning beta stage??? I sure I could pick up another Roku for my bedroom TV. But since I had an extra Raspberry Pi laying around not being use. Decided to try Kodi. Just wanted to say you guys are doing excellent job.

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The home screen doesnt refresh automatically. It had exactly the same now playing etc as i left it the night before. Even now i left it for an hour didnt refresh. To refresh it needed to go to another library.

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Hi again, finnally i bought the Pi 3 and i'm really happy with this solution, cheap and really functional. Live tv works fine and Videos and music works perfect as well.


The only problem i have is with some mkv 1080p videos with DTS sound. It simply doesn't start the play. Those with AC3 audio works fine but not with the DTS.



Anyone using an external tv service though? And if so, which?


Yes, i'm using DVBLink and works perfect. The only thing i did was to place this line gpu_mem=256

in the /boot/config.txt, as it is explained in te first pages of this thread. With this hack, the Live tv is fluid and fast.



With Raspbian (Jessy) to auto start the Emby Theater for Pi app do the following.



sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/emby-theater.desktop

then add the following lines to the file

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/local/bin/electron /home/pi/emby-theater-pi
Name[en_US]=Emby Theater For Pi
Name=Emby Theater For Pi
Comment=Start Emby Theater For Pi

then reboot



Thanks for your help, this worked as well, but to start with CEC support i dis this:


Exec=/usr/local/bin/electron /home/pi/emby-theater-pi cec-client\n




Thanks for your great work :)

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Hi again, i have lot of movies with DTS audio and noone of them works in Emby for Pi. Anyway i want to investigate a litle more to see if is this the cause because i'm afraid that i saw the same problem with one movie in AC3, just one of them, the other in AC3 worked fine, so i'll investigate deeply and came back with more info.


The other problem comes with the CEC question. When, in the settings there's a list to deploy and i press "Return" on my remote nothing happens, notheng happens as well when i want to open the viurtual keyboard (for the password)...


Thanks again

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Is there anything that can be done with very slow start of live tv in windows theater is slow to start compared to other pvr but on pi it is extremely slow. It is close to 10 seconds a bit more than double windows theater. I have attached a log of emby server if that is of any use. The osd does show up in 3 seconds and it just stays there until the video appears which is close to another 7 seconds. This is on pi 3.  


I notice "LiveTvMediaSourceProvider: Live tv media info probe took 2.1800031 seconds" in 2 seconds in kodi, wmc and hdhomerun DVR I am already watching tv can this probing be removed ?. Recordings start very quickly shouldn't live tv as well.





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Yes, i'm using DVBLink and works perfect. The only thing i did was to place this line gpu_mem=256

in the /boot/config.txt, as it is explained in te first pages of this thread. With this hack, the Live tv is fluid and fast.

that works really well, thanks. i'm very impressed with this as a client already.

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I didn't know you could install the linux version so I will do that on the weekend and report back.



One thing you can do is test with and without the --live param. When you play a live stream or any file for that matter the URL omxplayer is about to play and all the params are logged to the command line output, you can just copy past that to a new command line and test omxplayer outside of the ET system.


Experiment with different params to see if any make any difference.


If you could give me a hint where to change it I will and will report back.


Thank you

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