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Crash or stuck on retrieving when entering one album

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when entering one album from latest the applucation exits (this log)...or gets stuck on retrieving


e------ Manifest does not exist in zip archive ------

An error occurred while attempting to install the application:

------->No manifest. Invalid package.
------ Running ------
Anamorphic support: true
Server.info: listening on
Entered CreateScreenForItem
Pushing screen 1 onto view controller stack - Welcome
Button pressed: gonext
Not sure what to do with breadcrumbs on screen type: roCodeRegistrationScreen
Pushing screen 2 onto view controller stack - MediaBrowserConnect
BrightScript Micro Debugger.
Enter any BrightScript statement, debug commands, or HELP.

Current Function:
552: Sub addXApplicationHeader(http)
554:    http.AddHeader("X-Application", ConnectionManager().appName + "/" + HttpEncode(ConnectionManager().appVersion))
556: End Sub
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in ...manager/ConnectionManager.brs(554)
554:    http.AddHeader("X-Application", ConnectionManager().appName + "/" + HttpEncode(ConnectionManager().appVersion))
#7  Function addxapplicationheader(http As Dynamic) As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/connectionmanager/ConnectionManager.brs(554)
#6  Function mgrgetpincreationhttprequest() As Dynamic
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/connectionmanager/ConnectionManager.brs(571)
#5  Function startpinhttprequest(listener As Dynamic, context As Dynamic) As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MediaBrowserConnectScreen.brs(216)
#4  Function pinshow() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MediaBrowserConnectScreen.brs(40)
#3  Function handlefirstrunsetupscreenbutton(command As Dynamic, data As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ServerScreens.brs(42)
#2  Function paragraphhandlemessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ParagraphScreen.brs(64)
#1  Function vcshow() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(458)
#0  Function main() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(20)

Local Variables:
http             bsc:roUrlTransfer refcnt=3
global           rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m                bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=4
BrightScript Debugger> Note: GC - Found 33 orphaned objects (objects in a circular ref loop).
------ Running ------
Anamorphic support: true
Server.info: listening on
Using broadcast address
Send To Address: /
Received Message: {"Address":"","Id":"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6","Name":"Q6600"}
Found 1 servers
Creating server data cache
Connect returned 0 servers
connectToServers called with 1 servers
Attempting to connect to
connectInitial returned State of ServerSignIn
connectInitial returned ConnectionMode of Local
Processing ConnectionResult State of ServerSignIn
ServerSignIn Id: bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6
ServerSignIn Name: Q6600
ServerSignIn LocalAddress:
ServerSignIn RemoteAddress:
ServerSignIn ManualAddress:
Pushing screen 1 onto view controller stack - Login
getPublicUserProfiles url:
Showing screen with 5 elements
Popping screen 1 and cleaning up 1 breadcrumbs
Pushing screen 2 onto view controller stack - Home
Loading beginning of row 0, TV
Loading beginning of row 1, Music
Total initial grid load took: 21ms
Popping screen 2 and cleaning up 0 breadcrumbs
Popping home screen
Pushing screen 3 onto view controller stack - Home
Loading beginning of row 0, TV
Loading beginning of row 1, Music
Total initial grid load took: 18ms
Count loaded is now 8 out of 8
Loaded 8 elements in row 0, now have 8
Count loaded is now 10 out of 60
Loaded 10 elements in row 1, now have 60
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 2, now have 23
Received paginated response for index 10 of list with length 60
Count loaded is now 85 out of 77
Loaded 75 elements in row 1, now have 77
Count loaded is now 8 out of 12
Loaded 8 elements in row 3, now have 12
Received paginated response for index 8 of list with length 12
Count loaded is now 12 out of 12
Loaded 4 elements in row 3, now have 12
Entered CreateScreenForItem
Pushing screen 4 onto view controller stack - MusicAlbum bb1e2903f233a27adc46e778830163c2
Close Music Album Screen
Popping screen 4 and cleaning up 2 breadcrumbs
Top of stack is once again: Home
Received paginated response for index 0 of list with length 8
Count loaded is now 8 out of 8
Loaded 8 elements in row 0, now have 8
Received paginated response for index 0 of list with length 12
Count loaded is now 12 out of 12
Loaded 12 elements in row 3, now have 12
Received paginated response for index 0 of list with length 77
Count loaded is now 77 out of 77
Loaded 77 elements in row 1, now have 77
Received paginated response for index 0 of list with length 23
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 2, now have 23
Entered CreateScreenForItem
Current Function:
434: Function GetTotalDuration(songs As Object) As String
436:    total = 0
437:     For each songData in songs
438:         total = total + songData.Length
439:     End For
441:     Return FormatTime(total)
442: End Function
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in ...w/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(438)
438:         total = total + songData.Length
#6  Function gettotalduration(songs As Object) As String
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(438)
#5  Function createmusicsongsscreen(viewcontroller As Object, artistinfo As Object) As Object
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(287)
#4  Function vccreatescreenforitem(context As Dynamic, contextindex As Dynamic, breadcrumbs As Dynamic) As Dynamic
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(1289)
#3  Function gridhandlemessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/GridScreen.brs(116)
#2  Function handlehomescreenmessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/HomeScreen.brs(558)
#1  Function vcshow() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(458)
#0  Function main() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(20)

Local Variables:
songs            bsc:roArray refcnt=3
global           rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m                bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=4
total            Integer val:8511
songdata         bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=2
BrightScript Debugger> BrightScript Debugger> BrightScript Debugger> Note: GC - Found 1494 orphaned objects (objects in a circular ref loop).
------ Running ------
Anamorphic support: true
Server.info: listening on
Using broadcast address
Send To Address: /
Received Message: {"Address":"","Id":"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6","Name":"Q6600"}
Found 1 servers
Creating server data cache
Found string in the registry: {"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6":{"AccessToken":"c1b8210a0cd2473a9c468b31ed267c52","UserId":"59543acb15f7ccd6012f4447c75b0cf2","RemoteAddress":"","Name":"Q6600","Local":"1","LocalAddress":"","id":"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6"}}
Parsed as: roAssociativeArray
Connect returned 0 servers
connectToServers called with 1 servers
Attempting to connect to
connectInitial returned State of SignedIn
connectInitial returned ConnectionMode of Local
Processing ConnectionResult State of SignedIn
SignedIn Id: bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6
SignedIn UserId: 59543acb15f7ccd6012f4447c75b0cf2
SignedIn AccessToken: c1b8210a0cd2473a9c468b31ed267c52
SignedIn Name: Q6600
SignedIn LocalAddress:
SignedIn RemoteAddress:
ServerSignIn ManualAddress:
Pushing screen 1 onto view controller stack - Home
Loading beginning of row 0, TV
Loading beginning of row 1, Music
Total initial grid load took: 18ms
Count loaded is now 10 out of 60
Loaded 10 elements in row 1, now have 60
Count loaded is now 8 out of 8
Loaded 8 elements in row 0, now have 8
Received paginated response for index 10 of list with length 60
Count loaded is now 85 out of 77
Loaded 75 elements in row 1, now have 77
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 2, now have 23
Count loaded is now 8 out of 12
Loaded 8 elements in row 3, now have 12
Received paginated response for index 8 of list with length 12
Count loaded is now 12 out of 12
Loaded 4 elements in row 3, now have 12
Entered CreateScreenForItem
Current Function:
434: Function GetTotalDuration(songs As Object) As String
436:    total = 0
437:     For each songData in songs
438:         total = total + songData.Length
439:     End For
441:     Return FormatTime(total)
442: End Function
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in ...w/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(438)
438:         total = total + songData.Length
#6  Function gettotalduration(songs As Object) As String
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(438)
#5  Function createmusicsongsscreen(viewcontroller As Object, artistinfo As Object) As Object
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(287)
#4  Function vccreatescreenforitem(context As Dynamic, contextindex As Dynamic, breadcrumbs As Dynamic) As Dynamic
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(1289)
#3  Function gridhandlemessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/GridScreen.brs(116)
#2  Function handlehomescreenmessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/HomeScreen.brs(558)
#1  Function vcshow() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(458)
#0  Function main() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(20)

Local Variables:
songs            bsc:roArray refcnt=3
global           rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m                bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=4
total            Integer val:8511
songdata         bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=2
BrightScript Debugger> Note: GC - Found 1484 orphaned objects (objects in a circular ref loop).
------ Running ------
Anamorphic support: true
Server.info: listening on
Using broadcast address
Send To Address: /
Received Message: {"Address":"","Id":"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6","Name":"Q6600"}
Found 1 servers
Creating server data cache
Found string in the registry: {"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6":{"AccessToken":"c1b8210a0cd2473a9c468b31ed267c52","UserId":"59543acb15f7ccd6012f4447c75b0cf2","RemoteAddress":"","remoteaddress":"","Name":"Q6600","name":"Q6600","Local":"1","LocalAddress":"","localaddress":"","id":"bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6"}}
Parsed as: roAssociativeArray
Connect returned 0 servers
connectToServers called with 1 servers
Attempting to connect to
connectInitial returned State of SignedIn
connectInitial returned ConnectionMode of Local
Processing ConnectionResult State of SignedIn
SignedIn Id: bce84ecf611e433e951657658a5563c6
SignedIn UserId: 59543acb15f7ccd6012f4447c75b0cf2
SignedIn AccessToken: c1b8210a0cd2473a9c468b31ed267c52
SignedIn Name: Q6600
SignedIn LocalAddress:
SignedIn RemoteAddress:
ServerSignIn ManualAddress:
Pushing screen 1 onto view controller stack - Home
Loading beginning of row 0, TV
Loading beginning of row 1, Music
Total initial grid load took: 28ms
Count loaded is now 8 out of 8
Loaded 8 elements in row 0, now have 8
Count loaded is now 10 out of 60
Loaded 10 elements in row 1, now have 60
Received paginated response for index 10 of list with length 60
Count loaded is now 85 out of 77
Loaded 75 elements in row 1, now have 77
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 2, now have 23
Count loaded is now 8 out of 12
Loaded 8 elements in row 3, now have 12
Received paginated response for index 8 of list with length 12
Count loaded is now 12 out of 12
Loaded 4 elements in row 3, now have 12
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 4, now have 23
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 5, now have 23
Count loaded is now 23 out of 23
Loaded 23 elements in row 6, now have 23
Count loaded is now 1 out of 1
Loaded 1 elements in row 7, now have 1
Count loaded is now 2 out of 2
Loaded 2 elements in row 8, now have 2
Count loaded is now 8 out of 52
Loaded 8 elements in row 9, now have 52
Received paginated response for index 8 of list with length 52
Count loaded is now 52 out of 52
Loaded 44 elements in row 9, now have 52
Count loaded is now 4 out of 4
Loaded 4 elements in row 10, now have 4
Connection[87031816].info: accepted connection @
Request[2].info: POST '/mediabrowser/message/Ping'
Reply[30].info: Sent 163 [0-162/163]
Reply[30].info: source buf is empty
Reply[30].info: Sent-1 [0--2/0]
Connection[87031816].info: send reply peer closed @
Entered CreateScreenForItem
Current Function:
434: Function GetTotalDuration(songs As Object) As String
436:    total = 0
437:     For each songData in songs
438:         total = total + songData.Length
439:     End For
441:     Return FormatTime(total)
442: End Function
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in ...w/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(438)
438:         total = total + songData.Length
#6  Function gettotalduration(songs As Object) As String
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(438)
#5  Function createmusicsongsscreen(viewcontroller As Object, artistinfo As Object) As Object
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/MusicScreen.brs(287)
#4  Function vccreatescreenforitem(context As Dynamic, contextindex As Dynamic, breadcrumbs As Dynamic) As Dynamic
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(1289)
#3  Function gridhandlemessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/GridScreen.brs(116)
#2  Function handlehomescreenmessage(msg As Dynamic) As Boolean
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/HomeScreen.brs(558)
#1  Function vcshow() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/ViewController.brs(458)
#0  Function main() As Void
   file/line: /tmp/plugin/DBAAAA8YhBQw/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(20)

Local Variables:
songs            bsc:roArray refcnt=3
global           rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m                bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=4
total            Integer val:8511
songdata         bsc:roAssociativeArray refcnt=2
BrightScript Debugger> Note: GC - Found 2918 orphaned objects (objects in a circular ref loop).

Posted (edited)

was because the album showed as containing a playlist  with no length...as shown in web client...due to  .m3u in album folder...


surely albums should not  contain playlists..this is fault of server..and perhaps myself for having .m3u file

Version 3.0.5463.3000



deleted .m3u....rescanned...problem solved.

Edited by ginjaninja

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