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  1. I need the main page only shows individual seasons of TV shows. Not the TV shows information is displayed first, then the season information, and finally the episode can be selected, its need to click 3 times. When I chose to display the seasons of the same TV show separately, the main page simply showed 3 identical TV shows, instead of showing each season separately. I think this "show the seasons separately" feature may be needed. At the same time, I also ran into a problem: I put files from different seasons of the same TV show in different folders, and their root directory is my D drive or E drive, and I can't scan both drives. I don't want to prefix these season folders with "S1" or "S2" or something like that, because I name them after the seasons in the languages of the three countries, which would ruin the beauty of my stored files. But the fatal problem with this is that my emby can't scan the metadata of the season, it can only scan the video file but not the TV show or the season information, not even the local information (which I used to search and store with TinyMediaManager).In those season folders, I named each episode according to the format of "S1E1" and "S1E2", so it shouldn't be a problem to scan the information of the episode files within the season (at least on TinyMediaManager, each folder was successfully scanned separately, and it was automatically merged into one TV show after merging into KODI). I'd like to be able to add a certain amount of text search to the TV show information like TinyMediaManager to help the scraper find the right TV show and season information. This will help me to ensure that the information of the TV program is correctly searched by the scraper even if the file is stored in my way. I understand that my question can be a bit tricky, I'm not trying to make it difficult for someone, it's my way of storing data. I think it is efficient. Let me know if there is anything need to add please. It would be nice if could get a solution, thanks.
  2. Hey Guys. At first.. Sorry for my bad english i use a NAS and TMM (TinyMediaManager) for all my TV-Shows. For Example: TV-Show "Arcane" NAS:\Serien\Arcane -For TV Show (banner.jpg, clearart.jpg, poster.jpg,thumb.jpg, theme.mp3, tvshow.nfo) NAS:\Serien\Arcane\Staffel 01 -For S01 (All episodes with .mkv, .nfo, thumb.jpg) -AND S01-banner.jpg Emby take all the Informations from my .nfo. The TV-Show Banner is good. The Names are good. Theme is fine. But the Season-Cover ist the TV-Show cover every time. If is select the right "S01-banner.jpg" manually and scan my library the picture is away. How can i change and SAVE this banner to emby?
  3. [[[FIXED]]] So, ive got the show Bodyguard (2018) and emby scrapes it as Bodyguard Girl (2003).. if i go to Identify and select the correct show, then i use Refresh Metadata - it still thinks its Bodyguard Girl (2003). If i open the TVSHOW.xml .nfo and look at the values: IMDB, TMDB are both correct.. But TVDB still scrapes it as Bodyguard Girl. If i manually edit the xml .nfo file with the correct ID's and refresh the metadata - it overwrites it with the Bodyguard Girl. Now, heres the really interesting part.. The xml .nfo contains HALF of the correct data - the correct actors, studio, trailer, premiered and release dates, actor poster. The title, plot, end date are however still incorrect. Thoughts? Update: fixed it myself, jsut identified it using the TVDB ID and then selected the result that didnt have a poster.. Because selecting the one called Bodyguard (2018) with the correct poster identifies the show as a different asian tv show about a bodyguard... i dont know what the problem is, but ive rectified it. tvshow.nfo
  4. levander

    Random language metadata

    Hi, If refresh metadata by choosing replace all metadata it scrapes data in random language although I set up scraping language to English and country to USA in library config. Anyone has idea what could be wrong or am I missing something? Thanks.
  5. monkeyslapper

    Best way to TV Series

    I am not sure where to post this? I am really just want to get a little feedback on how people handle tv series. some of the tv series are just planly screwed up. IMHO. Example I have these mickey mouse shortclips i like to add in the tv series. on the IMDB it has tv series for it. ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2768802/?ref_=ttep_ep_tt ) the source that i scrap it is tvdb.com in disney short animation. on season 2013 etc... whats the best way to handle this. I usually scrap this using sonarr and there source is tvdb.com. If i were to just dump the video files based on the imdb tv info where would emby scrap it from? Example Another scenario i have seen, tv series start and stop and tvdb has more season then the actual company. example of a company TLC. Any other option to this or suggestions? If i use different catagory in emby like mix content can i still get access the scrapping and images selection? Is that even possible or can we have a feature where we can control where we get the scrape and images? Any suggestion would be most apperciated! Monkeyslapper
  6. calebivan911

    Scraping movies and TV

    Hi team, server version 3.0.5490.2 love the software. just reinstaled it after a new windows install and I cant get the scraper to get all the movies. most of the tv shows were successfully identified, but most movies were not. I've tried both the identify function, and dumping in the IMDB ID. either way, the loading wheel comes up, and nothing further happens. I've attached pictures. thanks for your help. caleb.
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