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  2. A screenshot of the 'Subs' folder is below - it's where I *used* to put my .SRT files for some movies. I can delete it, sure. I've also attached an example of one of the *new* folders I'm using for MP4s that also have an .SRT - they all only have the movie and the subtitle file and nothing else. Note, however, that my 'Drama' and 'Comedy' and other genre folders *also* use the same structure and are displaying properly (??).
  3. SteveFintel

    What library type for BD Audio?

    If you're ripping from DVD-A or SACD that don't require an advanced codec, you can use FLAC which Emby happily treats as music files. I have a lot (hundreds?) of those tracks in my music library. Things become tricky when you have content that's encoded in Atmos. FLAC cannot represent the music objects and you need to use MKV or MKA. Emby server does a good job with MKA's but it took a lot of work to split the MKVs. And a lot of that content doesn't have a break between tracks and I lose a few seconds of playback while my equipment figures out it's an Atmos recording.
  4. bfir3

    VirtualTV plugin

    Yes, here is an example: Press Add Channel Scroll down to Genre in the Rules section and type "Action" Press Preview This Preview works and displays the list of items Scroll up to Channel Content Type and change to MixedContent Press Preview This Preview does not work and the loading spinner spins forever. As an aside, when I do this and then close the Add Channel dialog without pressing save, the channel is still added to my channel list and I have to manually delete it.
  5. Lessaj

    Debian No compatible streams are currently available

    These are all failing with the same error. Stream map '0:6' matches no streams. I only see up to stream 0:5 in the log but the json at the top would hint that there are a lot of subtitle tracks (which should be discovered by ffprobe) but I only see 4 reported by ffmpeg. How many subtitle tracks are shown on the item detail page? How many subtitle tracks does the MKV show it has? Refreshing the metadata might help but for it to be happening constantly on every new file you add doesn't seem right.
  6. Yes that is correct. TV episodes I left alone essentially … pretty easy to add it to TV Now playing screen as well if that is your preference?
  7. HansWurst

    Embuary - THE Emby Skin - new Look (2k & 4k)

    Than compare it with Kodi or the Windows emby app...
  8. feerlessleadr

    Embuary - THE Emby Skin - new Look (2k & 4k)

    I would suggest making a post in the appropriate forum for issues with either the emby for ATV or standard emby for Android app. I use both on my shield, Chromecast, and onn 4k pro and they are rock solid and work great.
  9. RMEmby

    Can't Reinstall Emby

    I deleted the app from the app section and the link on the emby site to download the zip file still does not install on the tv
  10. Today
  11. MohamedKhaldi

    chapter thumbnails not appearing

    i'm running emby server on an asustor AS3304T thumbnails are configured for chapters. when i add a new movie, the thumbnails appear for the few first chapters then stop embyserver.txt
  12. plessers@gmail.com

    Cromecast: better experience on chromecast without Google TV

    Hi @luke, attached you can find some logs. I could reproduce the issue with a testfile. You can find this file on https://kuleuven-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/bart_plessers_kuleuven_be/EtFt-KYShltNhald4VIYo-EB-TOyauwn-tY9LSC3z5NFcw?e=ZmaeUT in the subfolder Codec - 08. Big Buck Bunny (2008) - AAC 5.1 I create a srt files that displays every second the time playing As mentioned before - iPhone --> open Emby app --> select movie --> cast to Google TV ChromeCast - start playing--> OK - from my iPhone: scroll further in timeline. than - videoframe of selected time is displayed, but is freezed - srt file starts from beginning - sounds seems to be OK When playing on my old ChromeCast, no problems when I scroll futher in time If you want to analyse the logs server ChromeCast 3 ChromeCast 4 (with Google TV) iPhone The logs attached - embyserver.txt --> logs after a fresh restart of server - embyserver-CC.txt --> test done while casting to ChromeCast embyserver-CCwGTV.txt --> test done while casting to ChromeCast with GoogleTV Thanx in advance, Kind regards, Bart Plessers embyserver-CCwGTV.txtembyserver-CC.txtembyserver.txt
  13. CorruptedHart11

    Debian No compatible streams are currently available

    here is my emby server log along with 1 successful transcode log from remux and another failure to transcode from h.264 ffmpeg-transcode-556b6a79-47da-4c7d-ba0a-a1456c8471df_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-39de29b6-9d05-4140-844a-dfd4c766ed45_1.txt embyserver.txt
  14. Ninko

    Emby app crashing

    Another random hiccup. Started watching a program and only a few seconds in it started buffering (it never does that on the local network). I went to the dashboard and found it to be transcoding for reason, recovering from a payback error. There's no reason for it to transcode this program. I proved that by stopping and staying again, now it's direct playing, as it should. I'm not saying this has anything to do with the crashing, but I'm not saying it doesn't either, I'm just trying to show that for some reason the Emby app has become very flakey recently when it use to be solid as a rock (and no, I haven't changed anything at my end). I've attached the transcoding file, in case it gives you any hints, not holding my breath though ffmpeg-directstream-5c6e618f-f6d1-4346-a1a6-548d9fd4b7d5_1.txt And it just happened again, getting rather fed up with this now. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-directstream-e1454b09-90fd-4516-838d-bd0682d7b88c_1.txt
  15. Right, so I assume the timeline for adding that back is pretty much never. This was actually what I was using before. But now (without making any changes to Emby app) it seems to crash every couple seconds. I suspect that the system is trying to "upgrade" to latest version from Appstore. (and failing) Which is why I tried that version, but then hit the issue with downloads. So I'm not sure where to go from here. Sideloaded version has downloads, but gets killed frequently (tried multiple versions all do this) appstore version does not have downloads, which is the only reason for using Emby on those tablets. Has anyone reported similar issues?
  16. pünktchen

    TV Guide refresh not working

    No that's not possible. I would go the playlist route because of its user permissions.
  17. HansWurst

    Embuary - THE Emby Skin - new Look (2k & 4k)

    Well, Kodi itself is usable off course. But not wothout a well configurated ui. And this is my problem at the moment. The update killed embuary skin. Well, I am sure, emby team would be able to make a good Android (TV) app. But, unfortunately they don't want to.
  18. @GlennNZ I have just noticed that only the movies themselves are displayed with remaining time in FV+. TV episodes are still displayed with the usual time as with 1,340. Do I need to set anything else somewhere?
  19. Teddyknuddel

    Embuary - THE Emby Skin - new Look (2k & 4k)

    In what way is Kodi not usable? All videos run smoothly in the native mode of the add-on. The Android app could certainly be adapted accordingly, but I see a lack of interest from the Emby team itself.
  20. @TeamB might have some querying tips for his plugin. Thanks.
  21. Luke

    Debian No compatible streams are currently available

    Hi, please attach the Emby server log as well. Thanks.
  22. Hi, the issue is that the download feature is part of why Amazon rejected it. They don’t seem to like apps with features that they think compete with their own apps. The Google play apk is available on our website for side loading.
  23. supermood

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    good day complicated question. I had to change the folder of my emby mov library. now in emby and kodi all is perfect again. but now backups are 7 gig not 3.5 anymore. possible that I still have the old lib in kodi somewhere without seeing it? I then thought reseting database is a good idea but that was wrong somehow. movie lib and corresponding skin settings were gone. only tv was there. besides the backup size all is good now. should I reset something? nodes? cache? many thanks!! bonus question, is cache all metadata somewhere explained? I started it without any clue but it was so slow I stopped and paging. maybe I should set it higher but I found no help / description
  24. slicedmass

    FireTV Android App missing Startup options?

    Is there any sort of ETA for any of these items I mentioned? For my use case updating to server 4.8 from 4.7 and using the standard android app has reduced functionality rather than increased it.
  25. kron0s

    LIve TV Guide

    Is there a way to access the Emby Live TV Guide data synced through Emby using Kodi? Is there a view where I can view the guide as well? Like how Emby has this?
  26. Hey all, I've looked around online and through this forum, but I haven't found a solution. I would like to create a list/report/file/anything that shows the movies I have in my emby library that have never been watched. I see that it can be done for a single user with a smart playlist plugin, but I would like a list of things that nobody has ever watched. The server has been up for several years with the same library. Not sure if it helps, but I've had the "playback reporting" plugin installed for about a year, so I have all that data. I know you can make queries with it, but I'm not sure how I would query a negative. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I don't expect anyone to hold my hand. I'd just like to know if this is even possible, or if I'm wasting my time trying. Thank you!
  27. Perhaps I'm blind, but I don't see the Download functionality mentioned anywhere? Was it removed intentionally? What is the timeline for adding that back? This is pretty much the _only_ reason I'm still using Emby.
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