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  1. Past hour
  2. Luke

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    Hi, what device are you playing on?
  3. Luke

    Emby shutting down randomly

    HI, we'll take a look at it, but for now, simply shut down the server, and then you can install the latest version from our website on top of your existing version.
  4. Doing some simultaneous testing. Scenarios are.. -add new Movie that is also part of an existing Collection -allow regular Subtitle Download task to run (trigger is default=24 hours) -1. Windows, Kodi 21.0, E4KNG 10.0.18 -Movies are added as expected, ~seconds after the Emby server has added them. -Sets do not seem to be updated automatically. Refresh Boxsets option fixes this. (I don't care, much - this is fine) -Subtitle Download task does not seem to cause a need to Sync at all (good?). -2. Android (NVIDIA Shield), Kodi 20.5, E4KNG 9.4.21 -Movies are added as expected, ~seconds after the Emby server has added them. -ALL Sets are refreshed with every singular Movie update, per the log. -Subtitle Download task on server causes a need to Sync on this client - usually around 400-500 movies or roughly 1/3 of the complete library. So - much improved with version 10.0.18 of the add-on. Will need to get moving on an upgrade across the house.
  5. Luke

    Hang on Windows Emby Theater App

    OK we have a new windows app coming very soon, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime you might get a better experience with our downloaded windows desktop app: https://emby.media/emby-theater.html
  6. Luke

    Recording consecutive programs problem

    Hi there, can we please look at a specific example: How to Report a Problem Thanks !
  7. travisholland7

    Downloads Vanishing?

    The same thing is happening to me as well. 1.1TB media downloaded to my Android Emby app. On day 3 of this trip, the app took a looong time to open and when it finished opening, the tablet externak storage had 1.1TB new free space. Everything gone from server Downloads list and also deleted from Android tablet. It seems anytime server loses sight of the files on the NAS, they are all deleted from download list on server, then deleted from Android app next time it launches. This is not desireable server behavior at all. Can admin create a setting on app to short circuit the deletion of all downloads if server library is missing said downloads?? The utility of the app is greatly reduced if we lose all downloads from time to time.
  8. Grimmer

    Group Versions Not Showing All Versions

    "Restricted" tag is a hold over from when all the kids were younger and is no longer used but I left it on the list in case I missed something when updating to the tiered system. All of the movies that are restricted from general users (younger kids) are tagged with L1 and L2. (L3 was included for future use but has never been added to any movie title's metadata.) The movies that are restricted from the adult kids are tagged with L2 only. The younger kids' accounts parental controls are blocking tags L1 and L2 (and the never used L3 and the previously but no longer used "Restricted"). The adult kids' accounts parental controls are blocking only L2 (and L3 and Restricted as noted above).
  9. Today
  10. Grimmer

    Group Versions Not Showing All Versions

    I am adding / removing from the metadata for any given movie title. The other place is in the user's parental controls tab. I am not aware of anywhere else the tags can be put / used. Is there something else I'm missing out on?
  11. markyskus

    Please update the Emby for Apple TV app

    yeah, eomby is pretty good looking, but has got some things that makes it unusable on some hardware - login method is too difficult for younger or older users - missing ABC sidebar in Emby for (Apple) TV app - not loading every content every time on apple tv - movie version handle is look really better than Plex, but difficult to choose between the versions, if the user know about it (and if I setting up the versions not grouped together, its harder, because nothing tag/mark/anything show me which is which -on Apple TV, the subtitles are too small, and can't change the size but on the other hand - emby can handle automatically the content sharing if you have only 1-1 library - can play dovi mp4 on apple tv - cloudless (but Plex can be too if I switched of the remote play and can be self hosted too like emby)
  12. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    I found at least one issue, I try to fix it.
  13. suwmlee

    Anidb - AniDbSeriesImagesProvider failed

    Have stopped using this plugin now
  14. chops3246

    Correctly identified movie has the wrong images.

    It seems like we have at least 2 points of data showing a truncation of the moviedb id values for robin hood and save the last dance. Was just poking around and noticed another example of this incorrect/truncated id causing a metadata issue. I found "save the last dance" had a similar issue where it drops the last 2 digits of the moviedb id for metadata. this caused a mix up with the poster/image for gladiator but other metadata for save the last dance. The other id values are right. the middle moviedb value should be 9816 and not just 98. Even renaming the file like this and refreshing files did not change anything: "Save the Last Dance (2001) [tmdbid-9816].mp4" I see why the incorrect moviedb 98 value is bringing back the artwork for the movie record in general - as this is the highest priority image pull per my library settings (i think these were defaults). other metadata looks correct (actors, etc.) due to tvdb being the highest priority for actual metadata: So that at least explains why i can have most of the metadata right but have the wrong art. I wonder if i should just drop themoviedb altogether for art and metadata?
  15. chops3246

    Movie naming and articles a, an, & the

    Made a post here that was supposed to be on another forum thread - whoops!
  16. Emby server windows version If I schedule to record programs A and B, consecutively on the same channel, then two recordings are created. The first recording is called A and contains program A. The second recording is called B and contains program A followed by program B. To watch program B I have to skip through all of program A. There is no problem if the consecutive recordings are on different channels. This behaviour started occurring a few months ago.
  17. I have the same issue, deleting and reinstalling the app didn't fix it. I thought emby was supposed to transcode video's?
  18. Often I watch a recorded TV program while it is still recording, maybe time shifted by 30 minutes or so. When I attempt to stop watching the program the Emby client hangs and is unresponsive. The remedy is to "force stop" the app, or to reboot the TV. When I stop watching the TV program Emby has finished recording. I typically record 10 minutes after the scheduled program end, so when I stop watching I have not reached the end of the recording. Emby server is uneffected. I can re-watch the recording without issue.
  19. chops3246

    Movie naming and articles a, an, & the

    I think this was when I was originally working with The Book of Eli (2009). I recall playing with metadata on this one after having the image for it being something silly (not a movie poster/cover). Since then I had removed and re-added this movie and metadata, so I'm not sure the issue is happening or could happen in the same way now. After poking around some more, I see there's actually a sort title in metadata for each movie which handles the book of eli case perfectly ("the" is scrubbed from the beginning). Thus, The Book of Eli shows up next to other titles in emby like Brave, Bloodshot, and The Boondock Saints - just like you'd expect with skipping articles. So I think this case is a misnomer or was related to some other metadata artifact issue I was working to solve earlier. This doesn't solve my file naming convention at this point (since I have a ton of movie files that start with "The "). But that's not a huge deal since I can find them on emby in a snap.
  20. chops3246

    Correctly identified movie has the wrong images.

    So...there's definitely something up here. I have not seen this kind of behavior before and I've worked with hundreds of movies on emby. Specifically, working with: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/8367-robin-hood-prince-of-thieves https://thetvdb.com/movies/robin-hood-prince-of-thieves https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102798/ Title (Year) >> Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991) This is a multi-part movie (but I had this problem even working with one mp4 file - i.e. half the movie). This shows the default external IDs. the "83" in the middle there is wrong (where open water comes up per earlier posts). I manually replace it with this - the correct IDs for all 3 (only had to edit moviedb one). I refresh metadata for it like this And it doesn't change anything and reverts the moviedb value back to 83. So I try the file-based id tattoo approach like this - again i have a multi-part movie (2 sides of the dvd to get the whole thing): Doing a file refresh on the library then changes something else....that's pretty cute, huh? So the problem then becomes a mis-ID of the tvdb value like shown (now that the file name fixes up 8367). 66490 is some tale of two kitties, sure enough. Interesting point also is the imdb id changed - which also points to two kitties. I think this is the first one I just can't get a handle on and when I fix one ID issue it seems to move elsewhere. I'm not quite sure if this is due to the multi-part/stacking, but I believe I'm following the correct way to do this with a folder for the movie parts and proper naming. I'm wondering if I even need that tmdb id value on the folder or just the files in the folder (that is not clear). I put it "everywhere" since I was having issues with parts of the metadata for this flick. Even if I update the identifiers (tried even removing and redoing those manually) in the emby system, any metadata refresh seems to wipe them out enough to cause a metadata issue. Any thoughts welcome. If it matters, I'm using version
  21. RanmaCanada

    Dolby Vision Problem

    It might be trying to fall back to the HDR 10 layer, with limited success. You're still better off to use quietvoid's tools to fix these so they are compatible with your hardware.
  22. Mikoyan

    Emby struggles to transcode large files with ASS subs

    It's been about a month or so now. Any updates or etc?
  23. Gilgamesh_48

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    I fight with Emby developers often. I never fought with Plex developers, they just either did nothing or banned me for mentioning Emby. It was very frustrating to deal with Plex on any level. But dealing with Emby is at least a continued give and take. They may take offense at some of the things I say but I also take offense at some of the things they say. It is a robust give and take and, with Plex, it was all giving on my side and taking or theirs. Emby is mostly fun but Plex was almost never fun.
  24. this exact thing just happened to me, here are logs from library scan: 2024-05-02 21:23:22.216 Error SqliteItemRepository: Error saving items *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll -service Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10.0.17763 Framework: .NET 6.0.29 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Emby-Server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 8 Data path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server Application path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Constraint: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown. at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc) at SQLitePCL.pretty.StatementImpl.MoveNext() at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.Execute(IDatabaseConnection This, String sql) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItemsInTranscation(IDatabaseConnection db, List`1 tuples, MetadataRefreshOptions metadataRefreshOptions) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItems(List`1 items, MetadataRefreshOptions metadataRefreshOptions, Action`1 afterSave, Boolean disableForeignKeys, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: SQLitePCL.pretty TargetSite: Void CheckOk(SQLitePCLEx.sqlite3, Int32) 2024-05-02 21:23:22.217 Error ProviderManager: Error validating children for Movies 13870 \\omega.wangfei.com\ZEUS\Media\Movies *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.dll -service Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10.0.17763 Framework: .NET 6.0.29 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Emby-Server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 8 Data path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server Application path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Constraint: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown. at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc) at SQLitePCL.pretty.StatementImpl.MoveNext() at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.Execute(IDatabaseConnection This, String sql) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItemsInTranscation(IDatabaseConnection db, List`1 tuples, MetadataRefreshOptions metadataRefreshOptions) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItems(List`1 items, MetadataRefreshOptions metadataRefreshOptions, Action`1 afterSave, Boolean disableForeignKeys, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.SaveItems(List`1 items, MetadataRefreshOptions metadataRefreshOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager.CreateItems(List`1 items, BaseItem parent, MetadataRefreshOptions metadataRefreshOptions, BaseItem[] collectionFolders, Boolean triggerItemAdded, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.BaseItem.ValidateChildrenInternal(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Boolean recursive, Boolean refreshChildMetadata, BaseItem[] collectionFolders, LibraryOptions libraryOptions, Dictionary`2 newItemIds, MetadataRefreshOptions refreshOptions, IDirectoryService directoryService) at Emby.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.RefreshCollectionFolderChildren(MetadataRefreshOptions options, CollectionFolder collectionFolder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: SQLitePCL.pretty TargetSite: Void CheckOk(SQLitePCLEx.sqlite3, Int32) i created a new library and accidentally made the path the parent folder of the entire media library. ALL items in ALL libraries disappeared. deleting the offending library did not help. had to delete and re create all libraries, PITA.
  25. chrisrobbins1970

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    For the one who started this thread...I thank you. As a tech; I deal with computer issues ALL DAY and having the end user tell me exactaly what is going can be a difficult one. Coming from the PLEX world. I see what works and what does not. Certain things that people consider a useless feature some use it all the time. From day one when I installed Emby and for a purposes it does what I want it to do. Even using the Symfonium has been a great expereince for me. I like emby becuase; unlike Plex, I can customize it..Just like the Onn 4K streaming from Walmart; I would rather use that than Roku becuase it can be customized and the product just works for ALL my purposes. However, since ALL my family and friends use Roku. The one issue for the alphapicker is a MAJOR issue for me. BUT..Luke, Speechless and Ebr all of them has been "right on it' they have helped so much and THEY need a high five from me...Unlike plex forums that could takes to get a response back. Still EMBY for the WIN!!
  26. ellisd4

    Please update the Emby for Apple TV app

    @LukeKinda love that you said this. My wife has been encouraging me to finally drop it for over a year... but the AppleTV app is the final piece of that puzzle. I got premier the day I started exploring Emby as an option as I knew it would eventually become our media server. Other things about the app I can absolutely deal with, as I know you all are working constantly to improve it... and OMG the product has come such a long way since I started 2 years ago, but the user app switching on AppleTV is where we get lost. We have... some... content... that I don't necessarily want my kids to go exploring in. My Living Room TV is shared and I absolutely cannot for the life of me remember to force close the app when I rarely get the chance to use the TV. The other stuff like alpha pickers and lyric support are like to haves, but not deal breakers in my house. Just the user switching. I think you all have done a great job with mpv and the UX of the Apple TV. Every release I cross my fingers for user switching. On a side note... hiding content from the home screen is a nice to have as well
  27. Gilgamesh_48

    Back to PLEX i go..sad

    Thank you. Now everything is perfectly clear but I also think our tax code is clear. I just really want the browser alpha picker in photos fix quickly and the ability to favorite/unfavorite from the Roku interface. Again I have NO alphapicker at all when browsing by photos in the browser and, even though the picker works when browsing my photo library by folder, even though I have no subfolders, Emby errors in any attempt to display the last 1/3 or so of my photo library. I just do not understand why it is so hard to fix a very basic function in the browser (alphapicker not showing when browsing photos) and in the Roku (the ability to favorite/unfavorite photos) Other things I have reported do seem like there are complexities but those two seem like they should be very simple to fix. BTW: My photo library is about 2000 items. So it is not even really big. Clearly I can live with Emby even with the bugs but these just seem so simple. Like it takes more time and effort to describe the problem that it seems like it should take to fix. My frustration comes when Emby asks for more and more info but never really seems to attempt the fix. It feels a lot like asking for something triggers a large bunch of delaying tactics with no attempt at really fixing the problem. It is like Emby feels if you delay working on a bug long enough the bug will go away or the person that reported in dies of old age. I know this sounds bitter but, sometimes, when dealing with Emby bugs bitter is exactly how I feel.
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