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Emby TV Shows Suddenly Misnamed. Please Help.

Go to solution Solved by Happy2Play,

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I have a bunch of anime eps that I've been watching, and they were all named properly until yesterday.   Yesterday my internet got turned back on (it was off for a week), and I added a few new episodes of the anime.  Suddenly ALL the episodes have been renamed to "John Dies In The End", which is a movie I don't even have.  I also notice that emby had an update which might have effected metadata..


Any thoughts on what I should try?  

  • Solution

Well TVDB is having all kinds of issues migrating to v3 and TMDB has been having issues with their search endpoint.  So without logs and knowing your library metadata downloader option it is just a guess.

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Thanks Happy2Play!   I removed TVDB from my plugins.  And then I removed the anime eps, and added them back into the library.  Seems to have fixed the issue!


I would just disable it for the anime library rather than removing it. If you have a regular TV library, then please add it back before coming back and reporting problems with regular TV.

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