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I have a music video folder in my library, this contains folders for the artists with the video files in it.


No I have enabled the nfo and the xml reader for this folder:




So far I've created a folder.xml file for the artist metadata (with LocalTitle, SortTitle and Description in it), but as I'm trying to move to nfo files, I enabled also the nfo saver for music videos:




While this works without problems for the video files, there is no nfo created for the artist folder, even if I edit and save the metadata.


So this is, what a folder might look like:




As you can see, no nfo for the folder, only the old xml file.


But when I enter the metada editor in the emby web client, I can edit and save the data, but still no nfo file is created.


Also, in the wiki there's nothing about the file names for (artist) folders nfo files, at least I couldn't find something.


So what would be the right name for an artist folder nfo file?


Also, does anybody know a tool for creating the metadata (nfo files) for music video files, as emby is really bad at automatically creating these (tried with one folder, artist Army of Lovers, video file Crucified (1991).mkv it created metadata for a comletely different artist and song (something with crucified in it's name) from 2003.


It could be much easier, if the artist could be read from the tags in the video file (just as it is already done with title, genre and year)...



Ciao, Alfred


Artists are an exception. We don't and nfos into artist folders.


Artists are an exception. We don't and nfos into artist folders.


Ah, ok, but what name can I use for the nfo file of a folder, so that emby will read it?


As I said, at the moment I'm using a folder.xml, which works without problems, but I would like to use nfo files for everything (even, if I have to create it by myself now).


I found nothing in the wiki about naming nfo files for simple folders.


Ciao, Alfred


You could use artist.nfo


You could use artist.nfo


I will try this, thanks.


So can I use the kodi tags inside the file?


As I see, there is no sortname, but in this thread I found, that Kodi 18 supports a <sortname> tag in the artist.nfo file.


Is this tag also supported in emby?


Thanks & Ciao, Alfred


artist.nfo doesn't work.


I've put it into an folder, deleted the folder.xml file and rescanned metadata, nothing changed.


When I put the folder.xml back and rescanned, this file was read.


I've added the nfo file here, maybe it's something wrong with it, but for now I would think, that there simply isn't any supported nfo file for folders in the music video library (or any other equivalent to folder.xml).


Ciao, Alfred


Can you please explain this?




artist.nfo doesn't work.



Can you please explain this?




I have a folder "All Videos" inside the base folder of the music video library, this is to have an "shuffle" option for all music videos in Et, as it is impossible, to shuffle play a top level folder there.


Inside this folder I have an folder for each artist, for example "2 Unlimited".


In each of this folder I have the videos, fanart, etc and also the folder.xml, as shown in the picture of the first post.


Now I see the artist folders in emby:




If I enter the edit metadata of one of these folders, it shows me what was read from the folder.xml:




I'm not sure, which apps now shows these descriptions, but I could see them when I was using emby for WMC.

Now, sadly, all these new apps that I know don't have a good list view with details section like in WMC with nice themes, most time I do not see the info, except maybe in Emby for kodi.


Now, when I change the folder.xml and re-read the metadata of the folder, the informations gets changed.


But when I change the metadata in the editor and save it, no nfo file is saved into the folder.


Also, when I delete the folder.xml in this folder and put an artist.nfo in it, this is ignored when reading the metadata, it doesn't change.


I understand, that these are not real artist folders and a music video library is more or less the same as a home video library, but how can I get a description by nfo instead of xml file in one of these "artist" folders?


Ciao, Alfred


Ok artist folders are currently only for music libraries. A music video library is just a folder driven library.


Ok artist folders are currently only for music libraries. A music video library is just a folder driven library.


Well, yes. But what kind of nfo file can I put into such a folder for description etc? Equivalent to folder.xml?


Ciao, Alfred

  • Solution

OK there isn't an nfo equivalent to folder.xml. We have adopted Kodi nfo conventions and I don't think such a thing exists.

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