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Movie Theme Songs Plugin Questions and Support Thread


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@Luke66689 I know they are broken in .20 per others server logs (unhandled exceptions) not sure on .21.  But yes, probably need its own topic in beta sections for playback.

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2 hours ago, Luke66689 said:


Are there any problems known with the plugins since the emby beta version

Since I got this beta update, theme songs will only be played while I'm online in my home network. When I'm not in my home network or at my parents place, where it worked before, it's not playing any theme songs.

Hi, I would check and make sure that theme songs are enabled in the Emby app that is being used in that location.

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I just purchased the 4 pack and the scheduled tasks don't seem to be working. It did not download any theme songs or videos. In fact as soon as I click the scheduled task it ends after 1 second(S). Is there a solution?

Edited by ryzen5000
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23 minutes ago, ryzen5000 said:

I just purchased the 4 pack and the scheduled tasks don't seem to be working. It did not download any theme songs or videos. In fact as soon as I click the scheduled task it ends after 1 second(S). Is there a solution?

As long as you used the same email address for your premier as you did the plugins you should be all good. The licences can take a while to come through and you'll need to restart your emby server instance after the purchase too

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I didn't use the same email and its not working. Also, It says I have a 10 day trial. Now what? can you please correct the email frplockone@gmail.com was on my paypal account and my emby Premiere is frpcityone@gmail.com

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Are you the guy who has just started a PayPal dispute because I haven't responded within 7 minutes? I appreciate I didn't respond as fast as my previous slow 24 minute response however it would have been 4.30am here in the UK when you posted, oh and emby forums have been in maintenance mode. 🤣

38 minutes ago, ryzen5000 said:



45 minutes ago, ryzen5000 said:

I didn't use the same email and its not working. Also, It says I have a 10 day trial. Now what? can you please correct the email frplockone@gmail.com was on my paypal account and my emby Premiere is frpcityone@gmail.com


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There is a dispute because its not working. I had no choice which email I used paypal uses my other email and it wasn't any option to chose which email I registered with.

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Ah, right. Give me a break man! Literally?! What planet do you think we live on? Definitely not the same one! You posted on the forum on Sunday with an issue with no significant detail. I responded in 24 minutes asking you some pointers. It's taken you 4 days to respond and you've now responded in the middle of the night. Just past 4am my time here in the UK and not received a response within 7 minutes and opened up a PayPal dispute? All because you used a different email address for your purchase and didn't read the FAQs which clearly state what to do to get your licence moved? I can correct your mistake and move the licence over to your emby premier account no problem, however I can't do that with this dispute still open. Please close it and I'll move your licence over.

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Don't ask me to close the paypal dispute until you have provided the service. When the email is transferred over and I can test this plugin working I will gladly close the dispute. I have had many conversations about paypal and disputes they advise that you should never close any dispute until it is resolved. Not just on your good word that it will be, but that it is working and I have received the service I paid for.

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Just now, ryzen5000 said:

Don't ask me to close the paypal dispute until you have provided the service. When the email is transferred over and I can test this plugin working I will gladly close the dispute.

Ok. but please offer me and others the same courtesy and give a chance to fix the issue before opening a dispute next time! If your expectations are responses within 7 minutes then you're expectations are massively over the top! 

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Usually I get an email notification that there was a response made to my querry about the plugin not working as expected. I did not receive any notification and it was 4 days so I decided that I would try to get a refund if this is in fact a product that no longer works. I can remember twice in my life when I canceled a paypal dispute before it was resolved and I never got what I paid for both times. SO I think I will wait and see this resolved first there is time allotted for this.

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I have zero control over the forums. They're not mine or controlled or configured by me. All the same, you chased within 7 minutes dude. That's not fair expectations for anyone. 


I have moved over the licences for you. Again, as stated above, that can take a little time to come through, this is the licence system controlled by emby, not me, don't expect them to come through within 7 minutes. You'll also need to restart your emby server instance to get them to come through. 


Please now close the dispute. 

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The download schedualed tasks will now work? I restarted the server and I think we need to troubleshoot a bit more.


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Yes, once your emby updates with its new licences. Like I say, you'll have to restart your emby server instance for it to take and you might need to restart it a couple of times. I've had reports in the past of the licences taking 24 hours to update.  Again, this is all controlled by the main emby system, not me. 

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Ok I will check it again in a few hours and again in 24. But as of now its not working still. I do appreciate your assistance and I hope it begins to download soon.

When I click download it just flashes for a second and doesn't download anything. I tried this on each and every scheduled task.

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twelve notifications in a span of an hour, thought Emby got hacked or something 🤣

read the posts... quite frankly, that was ridiculous

thanks for all you do @radeon, your plugin rocks!

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I have a question.  After I convert with Tdarr all my movie files to HEVC MKV will the movie themes still play? Just wondering because they won't be MP4 any longer is there a requirement for the file extention type?

I figured it out yes they still play.

My other question is where can I download theme movies for ones that are missing from my library? Only a quarter my library has received theme movies from the scheduled task.

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Hi Radeon, I would like to make a small contribution to your theme movies, as there doesn't seem to be theme movies for many of the movies in my library I would like the opportunity to donate 2460 carefully made 1080P theme movies. I have confirmed that they can just be dropped in to the backdrops folder and they will play perfectly on the latest version of Emby Version There is no need to modify these file names at all they simply play and they play really well. The reason I have not contributed them through auto upload is that I just created them and I have not yet added them to my own library.

Link to 2460 theme movies: Password E3kLHsdjoZ Please press ENTER after pasting the password.

Received: Link removed


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  • 1 month later...

Hello @radeon

In first, thanks you for your amazing job for the community.

I've bought your excellent plugins pack for automatic background music/video  download. Untill then, i did it by hand for a few Tv show.

I'm waiting for licence validation ( my mail address was the same between Emby Premiere and my purchase, i've use the same Paypal account )
I've restart the server every hour for 8 hours.

Do i have to wait longer or i've miss something ?

Thanks in advance,



2023-02-04 02:57:25.733 Info HttpClient: POST https://mb3admin.com/admin/service/registration/validate
2023-02-04 02:57:26.159 Info App: Movie Theme Songs Registration Status - Registered: False In trial: True Expiration Date: 18/02/2023 00:00:00 Is Valid: True
2023-02-04 02:57:26.159 Info App: Movie Theme Songs
2023-02-04 03:00:09.561 Info App: Theme Songs Registration Status - Registered: False In trial: True Expiration Date: 18/02/2023 00:00:00 Is Valid: True
2023-02-04 03:00:09.569 Info App: Theme Songs - Trial Mode - During the trial, only shows with the name beginning with the letter 'A' will be downloaded. Please register for all names to be processed
2023-02-04 03:00:17.738 Debug TaskManager: Download Local TV Theme Songs Completed after 0 minute(s) and 8 seconds


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Hey, it can take some time for the licence to take. Unfortunately not controlled by me so I can't speed it up but if you send me a PM or email with your PayPal details I'll be able to get it looked into for you. Cheers

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