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screenplay for WebOS 2.0 and higher TVs

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Nice to hear from you Simon! Screenplay still has a few fans it would seem.  I've been working on keeping it a high performance alternative to the official app that focuses on video content.  Next up is multiple audio track / better subtitle support.  Interesting subtitle discoveries on the official thread starting at this post are intriguing.


LG QA is fun lol.  They rejected me once because 2001 A Space Odyssey has audio only for the first 4 minutes and they thought it was a screenplay bug.  I put that in the tester notes now...  At least turnaround time is down to a week.  

  • 2 months later...

Well lookey here, v1.5.4 surpassed 3300 downloads today!  Dev still continues; there is an enhancement planned for the catalog screen which will be a searchbox with the following UI behavior: As you start entering text, the displayed items will adjust to show only those items that have the entered text as a part of their title.  This should make finding items in large Live TV catalogs easier.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

v1.5.5 has been submitted to LG QA and will be a bug fix for those pesky emby timers.  A series task can become "orphaned" when there are no more episodes to record because there is no way to cancel the task except from an episode item screen. Doh!  v1.5.4 incorrectly returned the episode collection screen when this was the case.

Edited by kwilcox
  • 2 weeks later...

v1.5.5 was approved today.  Is there anybody out there using the Live TV screenplay feature?  Can you check your tasks screen to see if your existing recordings are still being displayed?  On my LG TV, the tasks screen showed blank after I upgraded to v1.5.5.  However, the WebOS 2.0 emulator (my TV runs webOS 2) properly showed tasks as well as did both chrome and opera browsers.  Very strange.  To fix, I had to delete all tasks using one of the working platforms then, when I re-added the same tasks on my LG TV screenplay version, all was well.


 Next up is multiple audio track / better subtitle support.  Interesting subtitle discoveries on the official thread starting at this post are intriguing.


Just updated the LG TV with the latest screenplay. Works great.

Any idea when subtitle selection will be available (specifically external SRT and ASS files) ?

Also, similarly audio track selection ?

  • Like 1

I'm gonna do the collection filter first so I can call LiveTV done.

  • 2 weeks later...

v1.5.6 is in LG QA.  I tracked down/fixed the WebOS2 bug on the tasks collection screen which causes a serial recording task to disappear after its associated episode has aired.  Its related to the AJAX subsystem on that version of WebOS.

  • 4 months later...

Hey there, liking screenplay quite a lot, any news on the multiple audio-track support, it's something I use a lot in the main Emby app so would love to see the ability to select my audio track here in screenplay, also do you load the file meta-data from the Emby server, related to resolution, HDR etc etc... if so I'm not seeing it on the media information in the client....


Cheers for the work, keep the wheels turning :)

  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your thoughts!  Multiple audio track support and a catalog search feature is up next for screenplay.

  • 2 months later...

Sorry if this has already been answered and I've not seen it, but wanted to try out Screenplay (esp. with Jellyfin) only when I launch SP I'm presented with a login screen but am unable to enter anything or select username/password boxes. Am I missing something again?




Sorry if this has already been answered and I've not seen it, but wanted to try out Screenplay (esp. with Jellyfin) only when I launch SP I'm presented with a login screen but am unable to enter anything or select username/password boxes. Am I missing something again?



Same problem here, no field to enter username, just password

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

screenplay won't work with "hidden" users.  Normal users will be shown as icons above the password box.  Use the left/right arrow keys to select users, then hit the down arrow to reach the password box to enter the password for your selected user.



Edited by kwilcox
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

The is no audio on movies with dolby atmos like Avengers Endgame or Bloodshot or Frozen 2. When playing through the native browser on the lg tv, the audio is transcoded and there is does have sound on all movies.

Edited by Cruzader
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


I am one of your (two initials ...) loyal users of Screenplay and today I have a sad news.
My old 55EF950V (WebOS 2.0) television has failed and, since I had the extended warranty with LG, it has been replaced (in 3 weeks) with an OLED55B9 with WebOS 4.8.0-52002 (TV produced in July 2020 - firmware 04.80.02).

In the new TV I can install Screenplay V1.5.8, log in, I can browse and select the movies, but the playback does not work ... the bar appears and remains stuck at 0:00/0:00.
For info, if I move the selector manually the values become NaN / NaN ...

This happens with any movie and any audio / video encoding.
With the Emby app, however, they work.

Is it just my new TV problem or a known one?

Thank you

PS: solved!  Removed and reinstalled the app... now it works! Sound like a Windows' based solution

Edited by LuckyLukeX
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

For webos 1.4 impossible put user in the field. The field not exist. Only can put password but not user. Please help. Sorry for my bad english.



Edited by nando29
  • 2 months later...

What region is screenplay available in? I cant find it in the lg app store. Thanks

  • 6 months later...

Hi, couple of replies.  First one for Users.  You can't enter a username in screenplay because users are displayed and can be selected in screenplay if they are not marked as hidden in emby server.  Second answer: Screenplay was submitted and is available in most regions.  Whether it is available in your app store may be WebOS version dependent however since I have not personally qualified the app on the most current WebOS versions because emulators aren't available.  LG pinged me on this and I gave them the go-ahead to test.  They flagged a few non-errors (they didn't understand how the UI worked) which I responded to, but I never heard anything back.

  • 2 weeks later...


sarebbe possibile magari in un aggiornamento futuro dell'applicazione screenplay, avere la possibilita di una visuale delle librerie in verticale e non solo in orizzontale?



  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to but now I have another problem that I can not log in as admin. Or other hidden user. The AMV account is without PW and anyone can view this AMV. That is why the account is set to visible. However, the hidden accounts I can not enter Manuel or so.

Is on a LG tv




Salve, ho un problema con l'app screenplay su il mio LG TV.

Ora uso le due app sul mio tv, emby e screenplay, app emby la ho un pò abbandonata perché è lenta nel caricare le librerie ed etc.

screenplay è piu reattiva anche se è meno completa sulle informazioni, or il problema è questo, ho librerie su generi di film e una sulle serie tv.

ho notato che sulle librerie dei film, esse vengono visualizzate completamente con tutte le copertine, il problema sta sulla libreria delle serie tv.

Ho notato che la libreria non viene visualizzata tutta, nello specifico le serie con nomi dopo la T esempio nomi con la U,W,Z, non vengono visualizzate le copertine, è come se non ci fossero.

Ho riscontrato che nell'app emby questo non succede, la libreria serie tv viene visualizzata completamente.

Avete qualche suggerimento, come posso risolvere?



screenplay vs.1.5.8

LG webos 2.0


Posted (edited)
On 9/18/2021 at 6:42 AM, Aury00068 said:


Post corretto.

Salve, ho un problema con l'app screenplay su il mio LG TV.

Ora uso le due app sul mio tv, emby e screenplay, app emby la ho un pò abbandonata perché è lenta nel caricare le librerie ed etc.

screenplay è piu reattiva anche se è meno completa sulle informazioni, or il problema è questo, ho librerie su generi di film e una sulle serie tv.

ho notato che sulle librerie dei film, esse vengono visualizzate completamente con tutte le copertine, il problema sta sulla libreria delle serie tv.

Ho notato che la libreria non viene visualizzata tutta, nello specifico le serie con nomi dopo la T esempio nomi con la U,W,Z, non vengono visualizzate le copertine, è come se non ci fossero.

Ho riscontrato che nell'app emby questo non succede, la libreria serie tv viene visualizzata completamente.

Avete qualche suggerimento, come posso risolvere?



screenplay vs.1.5.8

LG webos 2.0

Edited by Aury00068
  • 2 years later...

FYI: Emby v4.8 breaks screenplay's resume playback and played checkmark features.  Probably due to schema/api changes introduced in v4.8.  I have not investigated this in detail.

  • 2 months later...

Screenplay v1.59 which works with Emby v4.8 and greater has been sent to QA and is expected to be approved shortly.

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