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Sync not working


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So I was successful in syncing a video last night. Thank you so much for getting this working! Unfortunately the first video I synced was had DTS audio and wouldn't play. It worked if I played the file from the sync folder in VLC, but not in the app, or in the Windows Film/TV app. Would syncing in high quality keep it at 1080p but recode the audio? I might test this tonight.


The second video with AC3 audio played fine, however the progress bar didn't update, and when I tried to fast forward, it would begin from the start when I hit play again. I need to test the syncing of playstates tonight, but I imagine that if the progress bar doesn't update, I doubt the playstate will sync correctly.




Just while we are on sync. Is it possible to add some default images to the offline UI? Currently it's a bit bland. Maybe use a random poster from a synced video? Or just use the collection thumb?



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Try not forcing it to original and just trust the default, as it will use the original when possible to do so.


Ok, I'll try that tonight.

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Thank you for getting this going again.
I can confirm that sync worked as expected for both my desktop, and on my older RT tablet.

There was a bit of app stutter at startup, while it was grabbing the transcoded file - particularly on the tablet, but it was fairly short.


Please let us know if you need to test some scenarios.



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testing fell apart here, short analysis, nothing synced.


longer analysis, hard to tell really what was going on between app crashes, and syncing via my vpn putting my entire network in the toilet. I still do not believe this app understands simple dns loopback.

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So I just tested a video with DTS audio, syncing on 'High' quality. The video failed to play. I tested in with VNC from the sync folder, and it worked fine. The 'High' quality dropped the bitrate quite low though. There is a definite drop in quality from the original.


Error log:

Sequence: 145
Date/time: 2016-01-28T15:42:01.8512147+00:00
Level: ERROR
Thread: 3
Logger: PlaybackService
Last Knights : Media Failed Error: Windows.UI.Xaml.ExceptionRoutedEventArgs
Session: {"PackageArchitecture":"Neutral","PackageFullName":"436337Illusions.com.MediaBrowser_3.4.6.367_neutral__77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackagePublisher":"CN=CA9FBA89-9B8C-4501-9177-37B89E41D3FF","PackagePublisherId":"77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackageResourceId":"","PackageVersion":"","InstallationId":"6efac2b8-e2fc-4b97-ba61-b80fe4c9a3f6"}


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What audio did it use?




The file is only 1.34gb, so it lowered the bitrate a lot. The original was 8.3gb. 

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ok, that's a compatible file so the issue is probably something in-app. make sure to get 7Illusions all the logs he needs to trace down the issue.

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So I'm getting a weird problem. I've synced over a file to try offline mode, but offline mode won't engage. Instead, for some reason the app thinks it's detecting the server even when the server is offline (see below). Is there something I'm overlooking?




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Holy shit, the sync to the laptop worked, for the first time ever! Have fired up the Surface Pro to have another crack, and will also try again on the tablet. Going to disconnect my VPN for now while testing all these, as I feel it's definitely adding some bad results to the mix.

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So I'm getting a weird problem. I've synced over a file to try offline mode, but offline mode won't engage. Instead, for some reason the app thinks it's detecting the server even when the server is offline (see below). Is there something I'm overlooking?





Ok, so got offline mode to engage by turning off the tablet's wifi before opening the app. Is there a way to engage it on the local network without having to do that?

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ok, that's a compatible file so the issue is probably something in-app. make sure to get 7Illusions all the logs he needs to trace down the issue.

Thanks. @@7illusions what else do you need from us? Is it worth looking at the VNC codec option now? It might solve a lot of the playback issues (or create new ones  :P )


Ok, so got offline mode to engage by turning off the tablet's wifi before opening the app. Is there a way to engage it on the local network without having to do that?


There should be a tab for it on the lower right of the home screen menu.

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There should be a tab for it on the lower right of the home screen menu.


Haha, well don't I feel dumb now that you pointed it out, it's so obvious. Anyway, thanks for the tip!

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@@swhitmore does the transcoded file play in the MS video app?


Ok, I got it to work by turning off hardware acceleration in the speaker playback device settings. Seems this is an issue with the Surface Pro 4 audio driver.

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Ok, sync is working well guys. Thank you so much. Still having issues with DTS, but I think that issue has a separate thread already.


Just one thing, is there any chance that I can up the bitrate on the high sync setting?

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Well it works well if you are ONLY locally connected. For my situation it's useless, as this app simply does not understand its locally connected when my VPN is engaged.


Ipad, Android and Web Clients have no issues understanding they are on local wifi and making direct connection to the server, sync works instantly on the Android tablet, WITH my vpn connected.


The only way to get Sync to work with this app is to disconnect my VPN, then it does work.

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Are you using Emby Connect? Have you tried connecting to the server manually while on the VPN?

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I think there is a setting in the app to disable the local requirement, no? It is only there to preserve bandwidth, no other reason.

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Makes zero difference, well actually Emby Connect is propabably more problematic tbh. I'ts ok, if I need to sync stuff I now know to turn the vpn off first. In an ideal world the app should not care but such is life.


Sorry, this reply refers to using Emby Connect (missed your post luke), re the setting, I have not seen it anywhere, and nor do I want my syncing to be intercontinental when I'm on my home wifi,lol

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If you're connected to a server manually with a local IP address, how is it using the VPN through your WAN?

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Not my app, you tell me? its problematic to even connect locally if the VPN is on, no wonder Sync doesn't work, the app itself crashes 30 seconds after load and trying to sync. Turn off the VPN and the App connects, works and syncs instantly.


That's my point, if the Android app can work this out, why can't this app?


it has to do with DNS'y timey wimey network stuff, so out of my league.

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