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So I just have a little question about chapter images in using emby for kodi. I know that kodi is SUPPOSED to create chapter images as the video loads, but it doesn't whenever I use emby for kodi. But when I play a video just using kodi and not emby for kodi, then it works perfectly. Its not the end of the world if for some reason it can't work, it was just something I noticed and would love to have. I'm running Kodi 15.2 release and the latest release for Emby for Kodi, which I forget the actual release number right now since I'm at work. So any help on this will be greatly appreciated!  :D


Also if you haven't noticed, this is also my first post on the forums, so hello!  :D

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Welcome :) I'll look into seeing if it's possible for us, in any way, to add the chapter images. Thanks for taking the time to report this. I'll let you know if I find anything.



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Awesome, thanks for the reply! If you somehow get it to work, I'll sure be a happy camper for!  :)


Also, I forgot to mention it earlier and don't want to start a new thread about it, but when I select a movie from one of the Smart Shortcuts from the home menu in Kodi, it always Direct Streams. But when I play then same movie by going to the actual movie library, it Direct Plays. I've tried everything I can think of but can't seem to correct it and seems like a weird thing to happen. Ever heard of this happening? 


Thanks in advance!

Posted (edited)

No, can't say that I've heard that one before. Could you enable our add-on debug in the add-on settings (advanced tab and set the level to Info - no Kodi debug) and post your kodi log capturing the playback from the homescreen and from inside the library section? Thanks, I'll have a look to see why it's doing this.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Angelblue05

Absolutely. I just gotta get home first haha  :P so expect the log in a couple hours or so. Thanks again! 

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Posted (edited)

The option to play from HTTP is enabled. All your content is direct streaming. If you go to the add-on settings > playback > disable play from HTTP, then try playing again. Does it say Direct play on your server, when you playback content?


Edit: To attach the file to your post, you need to click on the button below the input field - More reply options.


Edited by Angelblue05

Well I've been checking that off, but every time I do and play a movie again, it automatically turns it back on. It says "Play From HTTP Enabled in Add-on Settings" every time I try to play a movie. So idk if i have another setting that is interfering with that one or what, but it doesn't make sense why its doing that. 

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Posted (edited)

Ok, can you tell me how your emby library paths look like? It is set to automatically enable the http setting if Kodi is unable to locate the file you are trying to play (after 3 times failing). This was put in place to provide the best out-of-box user experience. Playback works regardless of incorrectly set paths. However you should still be getting a notification letting you know it failed to direct play when it fell back to direct stream.

Edited by Angelblue05

Hmmm, I'm not sure exactly where to look to see if that's turned on or not. Is that a server setting, or a setting in Emby for Kodi? I have the local paths option in Kodi turned off, don't know if that means anything, and then I have use HTTP instead of SMB turned off as well. And I have my network credentials put in as well.


Sorry I should have been clearer :) I meant in your emby server dashboard > library > folders. What do your paths look like for your sections?


Well my server is actually on another computer running Windows 10, so it reads "C:\Users\corbi\Videos\Movies" in the dashboard, but thats not on the computer running Kodi. 

Posted (edited)

Ok, your path are local, not network share. This is where you need to rectify this for direct play.


First you will need to share either your media folders directly or just the Videos folder if all of content is found in that folder. You can follow the first post here if you are unsure how to share folders: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/703-how-to-make-unc-folder-shares/


Then in your emby library section > path substitution you will do something like the following:


From: C:\Users\corbi\Videos

To: \\networkshare\Videos


Then you can try to playback in Kodi (make sure the http is disabled of course) and it should direct play via your network share instead of trying to locate the file with the local path.

Edited by Angelblue05

Well, after hours of fiddeling and messing with share settings and users and uninstalling and reinstalling emby for kodi, AND testing it on a different machine, I can finally say that all is right in the world now. Now I can't tell you what I actually did to fix the issue, could be a combination of everything. But all I know is that it works.  :D


I do appreciate the time you spent helping me. You for sure have a cold beer coming your way as a thank you  ;)

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Thanks :)! Glad you got it working as you wanted. The uninstall of the add-on would not do anything since with plugin paths, we retrieve your paths in real time at the time of playback. For sure your share settings did the trick, good job!


Quick question, was the post I linked useful at all? I'm wondering if I should write a quick tutorial for path substitution, because you are not the first user to have difficulties setting up paths for direct play...


Yes, I found it very useful. Because before, I tried to get Kodi to work with just regular SMB Windows sharing, and tried to go through all the settings for sharing then, but for the life of me couldn't get it to work. Then in that article you linked, it showed that i forgot to do certain settings, (which was, who-woulda-thunk-it, press the "share this folder" button  :lol:), and after I did that and followed the rest of the guide, I think that's when everything sort of fell into place. So yes, the article was helpful, and if you want to do a guide on how to setup direct shares, I think it would be a wise move  :)

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the feedback! You've given me a lot to think about. I shall keep you posted on your chapters request. I think I found something quite interesting. :)


Edit: You can follow progress here: https://trello.com/c/8RtZgaHj/170-chapters-image

Edited by Angelblue05

Fantastic!  :)  Glad I could be of some help. Looking forward to see what you can come up with.


After trying to get it to work for 5+ hours yesterday, I dug into the actual Kodi code and it looks like Kodi only loads chapter thumbnails for direct paths. Anything other than will never display them, like ftp, upnp, etc.


So what you can do, if you don't care about direct stream/transcoding/parental access/ability to load multi-parts for movies, is enable the add-on to use local paths rather than plugin paths.


You can find the option in the add-on settings > sync option. Then you will need to reset your Kodi database via our add-on and let your content resync to Kodi with actual paths. Thumbnails for chapters will work then.


I got chapters image to load for plugin paths with workarounds, but I'd need to test it out more to make sure it doesn't break things.



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Woah, I was just about to reply to this thread with something I found haha. I have a Smart Shortcut setup that shows a list of movies that are In Progress. Whenever I choose those movies from the shortcut, it displays the chapter image no problem. But when I go to the actual movie folder where it lists all of them, I choose the same movie, and nada. Zip. Zilch. I just thought that was very strange. But I'll be sure to give your suggestion a go and will report back with my findings. Thanks again for going through all the trouble for finding this out  :)


Indeed, anything outside the actual library section behaves differently than within, because of the workaround already in place for this situation. I was going to look to see if we add the workaround inside the library, if it would break things or not. :)



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Yup, I can confirm that the local paths option does work. So that'll work for me!  :)


Thanks again for helping me with my little issues I've had, you've been a great help!  :D

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