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Beta 3.2.0


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Ok, what has happened is that the Beta has expired. I never thought it would take this long for the server to go stable and assumed that the end of March would be sufficient.

I'll release the app today and then I'll most likely create a new Beta, the Emby rebranding version.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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If anyone who's fluent in English would like to help creating a release note for this update, feel free to help out. :D

@@Vicpa, do you have some time to spend on this? I will publish a blog post tomorrow, but when I write it it's always something wrong with grammar etc.. (being Swedish and all..) So all the help I can get is welcome. :)

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Good, I got mine in there first about the stable release. better to have yours after so it can occupy the first spot for a bit.

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Happy to help. Send my a draft and I will go through. I maybe fluent in English, can't promise I am a grammar expert. :)  

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Whenever you have something. I like the list, think it shows all of your hard work  Maybe start with some highlights Maybe some screenshots of the hubs redesign. Favorites are going to be big. The playback improvements. Then the sync info, Fact that you can pick target device. Have the list at the end


Maybe call the list the "Complete Change Log" and also have it as separate post (maybe pinned at the top of the forum. EBR does something like that which is really nice) . "For the complete change log click here". I think a lot of users would like the idea of a change log


Hey and get the keeper of the "Emby Site" to show a little love and list the app under "Living Room Apps" as well as mobile. :)


Just my thoughts you know I always got to throw in my two cents

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If anyone who's fluent in English would like to help creating a release note for this update, feel free to help out. :D

@@Vicpa, do you have some time to spend on this? I will publish a blog post tomorrow, but when I write it it's always something wrong with grammar etc.. (being Swedish and all..) So all the help I can get is welcome. :)

I can help with this.  Sort of, My wife is published author with a Masters in English writing!!  She would love to proofread anything

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it sounded like he was looking for help with the actual writing. 7 - if that's the case, just write the changelog and include a nice screen for each major feature and then i'll do the writing.

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Restructured layout of Movies, Series  and Music hubs, now with Favorites
Added support to Mark/Unmark favorites)









Added support for selecting TargetDevice when creating SyncJobs, including FolderSync

Added support for playing FolderSynced files




Added FastForward/Rewind for DirectStream && Offline Playback
Added Slowmotion for DirectStream && Offline Playback

Vastly improved playback by almost eliminating full transcode (using streamcopy where possible)



Make sure MainMenu is cleared when logging out

Respect the View-preferences

Automatic Subtitle-selection if available

Changed to ArtistID instead of artist name in album-retrival (Requires dev-erver)

Playlist no longer sorting
Loadig-spinner on Artists views
MusicGenre Images
Fixed transparancy issue when using CoverArt
Added Playlist-support to MainHub
Added Screensaver to Video PlaybackView

Added MCE support to MB-Connect View

Fixed a problem with LiveTiles and LockscreenImages
Minor redisgn of  SignIn Views

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OHH, btw, the app is in store, so Luke feel free to post once written. :)

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Hi 7 and Luke


Thought I would take a stab at adding to 7's post, hope that is ok. Not a draft but maybe some stuff that can be used. 7 you didn't  highlight all the cool stuff you did :)


 Mostly some reordering.... needs verbiage As they say I think you "buried the lead" ;)



New Release: Enhanced Playback, Design and Content



Vastly improved playback by almost eliminating full transcode (using streamcopy where possible)

  --Results: Enhanced MKV playback h264 AC3/ACC, Improved Channel playback

Added FastForward/Rewind for DirectStream & Offline Playback
Added Slowmotion for DirectStream & Offline Playback



Restructured layout of Movies, Series  and Music hubs, now with Favorites
Added support to Mark/Unmark favorites)







Favorites (7 In keeping with your Interstellar theme do you have a similar shot the big thing is the Selection)







Added support for selecting TargetDevice when creating SyncJobs, including FolderSync

Added support for playing FolderSynced files






Respect the View-preferences

Added Playlist-support to MainHub

Automatic Subtitle-selection if available


Added Filmography to Actor Detail.


(Again Interstellar screen shot would be better)





Other Highlights:


Music Screen Saver:    (needs some verb "Experimental, Initial Iteration ")




Other Changes:


Fixed MainMenu is cleared when logging out

Changed to ArtistID instead of artist name in album-retrival (Requires dev-erver)

Fixed Playlist no longer sorting

Fixed Play button on What's On TV
Added Loading-spinner on Artists views
MusicGenre Images
Fixed transparancy issue when using CoverArt
Added Screensaver to Video PlaybackView  think this was pulled?

Added MCE support to MB-Connect View

Fixed a problem with LiveTiles and LockscreenImages
Minor redisgn of  SignIn Views



Just my suggestions Luke, 7 use as you like.


Great Release Thanks to both of you!!!! Good Stuff.



Edited by Vicpa
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ok, i'll write it up today :)


i was so busy with this release I hadn't seen how incredible the app looks now. Job well done. I also really like the coloring on the sync slide out menus, I may take some inspiration from that.


by the way, in regards to the blue resume progress bar, if by chance you're matching the web client in IE, it's actually a bug. IE isn't using the overridden color I'm assigning and is falling back to the browser default.

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Couple requests


Can I get some nice screens of the new TV and Music views? I'm on 2560*1440 resolution, so everything is small with tons of empty space and not good for screenshots


Also the screen saver. This is brand new? It's kind of a big deal. How about a screen of that? Thanks.

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Also I think a screen and more info on MCE would be nice. There's a lot of MCE users out there that it could appeal to.

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Hi 7,


Thought I would post something about the playback enhancements in the forum if it is ok. Luke buried the lead as well. :D

Want to make sure I have the terms right.


[Direct Playback

Format            Video                                   Audio

MP3                                                            Mp3

m4a                                                            AAC


mp4,mov        h264,mpeg4                        aac,ac3,eac3,mp3,pcm

asf                  wmv2,wmv3,vc1                  wmav2,wmapro,wmavoice

AVI                 mpeg4,msmpeg4,mjpeg     mp3,ac3,eac3,mp2,pcm


Direct Stream   (This is where I am a little confused) Is it the above formats but dependent on the various sources. So it works with Channels but not LiveTV yet ? 


Stream Copy  or Change my container please.                                       Does anything else stream copy?


Format              Video                                 Audio

mkv                   h264                                  aac,ac3,eac3,pcm


Transcoding\Hybrid              Video Stream Copy       Audio Transcode

Format              Video                                 Audio

mkv                   h264                                  Audio other than aac,ac3,eac3,pcm


As noted DTS is absent from the supported audio formats. DTS is unfortunately not supported natively in Windows 8.1. A solution is still being investigated but is not available at this time. Stay Tuned


In the interim the player will use a stream copy of video and a default audio conversion of your choice. See separate post on Streaming Profile.  



Everything not highlighted above.   ]



Is the stuff in the brackets correct? Minus my questions of course :)




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The app doesn't actually do direct play. It only does Direct Stream. The difference between them is that direct play is when the app accesses the actual file, which is almost impossible in win8.1 apps, whilst Direct Stream the server provides a stream with the original file.


Otherwise, good initiative about the post , much appreciated. :)

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But when we do StreamCopy we call that direct stream also, but with a little help from ffmpeg. ;)

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Noticed a minor bug with the change to using the server side preferences for movies/tv. When I go to Movies the "latest" list shows movies from a folder that is NOT part of the movie preference as set on the server. When I go into any of the other sections everything appears to be working right. I don't have a new TV show in a folder that is not part of TV but I would recommend checking that as well.

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Thanks Maybe after the post I will polish it up for the wiki. Yes I am volunteering to work on the wiki if you would like :) Least I can do after all my crazy questions and requests.


Another crazy question.

flac...... I don't use flac normally but know some folks do. I found this http://sourceforge.net/projects/mfflac/files/ which I am thinking should work.

I added a line  <DirectPlayProfile container="flac" audioCodec="flac" type="Audio" /> to the streaming profile. Should that work?

I got this error


Date/time: 2015-04-02T16:14:30.7393564+00:00
Level: ERROR
Thread: 3
Logger: PlaybackService
Gertrude : Media Failed Error: Windows.UI.Xaml.ExceptionRoutedEventArgs
Session: {"PackageArchitecture":"Neutral","PackageFullName":"436337Illusions.com.MediaBrowser_3.2.0.281_neutral__77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackagePublisher":"CN=CA9FBA89-9B8C-4501-9177-37B89E41D3FF","PackagePublisherId":"77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackageResourceId":"","PackageVersion":"","InstallationId":"986b2c5a-50b5-4537-b167-7521141f3815"}


The file plays in Win Media player. I think flac is going to be supported in Win 10. Not there yet as far as I can tell. It is not a big deal if evolves player changes or maybe it is the flac media foundation addin that is flawed. Anyway Just thought it would be another Big win for Direct Streaming.



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