Hi guys, please hit me if this isn´t a reason for opening a new thread - i am quite new to this Theme, but long sotry short - i am using a qnap (ts453a - fw: with smb for my Kodi-player (Nvidia-Shield-TV). As i am now on the way to improve my whole system (adding a sencond, mayb a third Kodi player ), i am looking for a solution to sync my databases (my whole ripped DVD/BR collection) and get a little more comfy than diy-kodi-qnap-biotope (watched, marks, artwork (sd/br boxes) etc.. ) i came to emby Server for Kodi (i think lifetime premium is THE way for my needed features, support, etc.?) -> So i wanted to try the Backend-Server first, but i cant find the app in my qnap-app-store? Is something wrong with me, i even used the search function, or is here something like a bug or so (maybe with fw?). Pls help - thx & greeting inb4, Fettsack.