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  1. Basically, what I did was bounce between things like Series -> Recordings -> Suggestions -> Channels etc. by only using the D-pad on the remote (not OK). For example, I would use D-pad left/right to move the cursor to Channels at the top of the screen then press D-pad down. If it worked, I would hit D-pad up back to that menu then left/right to select something else like suggestions. When it doesn't work...nothing is selected. None of the D-pad buttons do anything. It's almost like it's selecting a hidden element and getting stuck on it. Anyway, the only way to recover from this when it happens is to hit back, go to Live TV again, and try again. In less than a minute, I was able to have this happen twice.
  2. FordGT90Concept

    Can't go up from Guide

    Title pretty much says it. If you select Guide then go down into the guide proper, you can't get back up, for example, to select Series. I tried reinstalling Emby and the issue persists.
  3. I've seen it happen on many songs (almost all of them > 5 minutes) but "Stay" on Interstellar never completed. The most recent attempt, it stopped at exactly 4:00. I attached the logs. It did not have any problems playing through the browser on my computer. Edit: It has done it on 6ch FLAC and MP3. logs.zip
  4. FordGT90Concept

    Xbox One S Several UI issues

    1) I had music playing and I backed all the way out to the sign in screen and signed out. Music kept playing. I went up to the now playing music note at the top to stop it and it didn't do anything. I had to back out again, sign in, then I could stop the music. Sign out should automatically stop everything that's playing/paused. 2) Emby is very difficult to exit. I mean, the only way to stop it is to go to the main menu of the Xbox, push an option key, and kill it. Emby should behave like the YouTube app: if you try to back out further than than sign in screen, it should prompt if you want to close the app. 3) The lists of songs in the app never show their favoriated status on a 1080p TV. The only way to see the favorites is to play each song individually and see if the heart is checked. This likely goes hand in hand with a similar issue on web UI where the screen has to be ridiculously wide for the favorite column to present.
  5. FordGT90Concept

    [Xbox One S] Black Screen

    I can't provide much details for this because I really don't have any. Emby Theater was working fine yesterday on my Xbox One S. I try it today, I quickly see the Emby splash screen, then it goes black. If I start something else and go back to Emby, black. If I restart the Xbox and go to Emby, black. HDHomeRun works and Edge works. I don't think its the Xbox at fault. I checked for updates and there aren't any.
  6. biour

    Xbox One S DLNA Direct play UHD

    Hello, i'm here to ask some question. i've an Xbox One S link to a receiver (UHD) to a UHD TV so set the display in 3840x 2160. and Audio in Bit stream. i also have an emby server (linux) so when i use the xbox to play using media player the emby DLNA it works, but not for 4K movie. but, if i use the "watch on DLNA feature" xbox one from my device it use the "Movie player" no more the Media player,it seems the movie player can handle x265 file. so i try to modify the dlna profile (increasing the bitrate, adding x265 and HEVC somewhere) some movie can be seen in direct play, the orther are transcoded, and in stereo. But if i chose from the emby remote fonction to change the audio track, for some movie, it give acces to direct play. And on the Xbox Movie App i can change the audio track and no more transcoding on the server (it appears as direct play). So how can i do to make a simple custom profile for my Xbox One S to do Only direct play for all file not transcoding video nor Audio? Best regards, Biour ps: i can give my current custom profile, but as John Snow, i know nothing
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