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  2. VicMoore

    Pseudo TV for Emby

    Yes, that is correct. The EPG data is truncated to the current date and time. No new EPG data is loaded until the current data is consumed. This is why when the EPG is created, you have a choice to create an entirely new EPG or to append the new EPG data to the end of the current EPG data. This is my understanding, and I could be wrong. Vic
  3. I've been trialing Emby and I'm pretty happy with it so far! Kudos for making such a great product! There is a really weird/annoying issue where it can make the volume jump quite loud. My DLNA renderer in this case is an AV Receiver. I don't think this is relevant as it seems to be the application issue. When I play to my DLNA renderer (e.g. via the web interface), and then I open up the Emby app on a different device, specifically MacOS and iOS apps, the volume on my DLNA renderer goes up quite considerably. Example steps to reproduce: 1. Play music to the DLNA renderer via Emby's web interface. 2. Set volume on my DLNA renderer (AVR in this case) to 30 (on the scale of 0 to 100). 3. Open the MacOS app and choose to play to the DLNA renderer, so I can control the queue there. 4. Volume on the DLNA renderer jumps to around 66.5. Some weirdness with iOS app are: 1. Nothing is playing. 2. Set AVR volume to 6. 3. Open the iOS app and select play to the DLNA Renderer on the iOS app. 4. It seems to set the DLNA renderer's volume to whatever system iOS volume I have set. There seems to be some kind of behaviour where action of just selecting a device to play to on either MacOS or iOS app seems to set its own volume on the DLNA renderer. It can be very annoying as the volume can go quite high in the middle of the night. Three requests are: - Is there an option to disable iOS system volume being used by the app? E.g. stopping controlling with my iPhone buttons? Or making it less sensitive? - Is there an option to disable the iOS app changing the volume on connecting to the DLNA renderer (selecting the "play to" device in the UI) or at least not overriding it from whatever is set on the iOS? - Is there an option to disable the MacOS app changing the volume on connecting to the DLNA renderer (selecting the "play to" device in the UI)? Also, is there an option to get rid of the Emby app integrating with like the player interface on the iOS (as in showing it on the lock screen and control centre)? I assume the volume issue I'm encountering comes from this integration. I can see that with the iOS app I can just lower the volume before I select "play to", but I obviously have to remember to do that... I'm not sure where the initial volume comes on the MacOS app "play to" feature. Haven't figured this one out yet. Many thanks!
  4. seanbuff

    Tv bloqueo

    Hi, are you trying to connect to your own Emby Server, or someone else's? Obligatory: Quick Start
  5. ADM is currently offline due to hardware failure. I cannot offer an eta for it to be back online at present because i dont know yet what has died and what needs replacing. Its been online for almost 2 years with only 2 short outages so far.... Please be patient Thank for your understanding
  6. Gilgamesh_48

    A little "new" info and a question about Roku update.

    That is good. I do not remember it happening before, although it could have, but Roku updating the Roku TVs before the set top boxes is "different." I had a "Roku TV" for a while and it was always the last Roku device I had to get updates. It was also very clumsy to use which is why I reverted back to not using a TV with Roku built in but it looks and sounds like the newer Roku TVs have overcome soe of the rather sever limitations that my earlier modal had. All my stand along Rokus have not updated, yet, but I expect I will get updates when the mood hits Roku.
  7. Any transcode will lose hdr/dv so if you have the upload and the client has the download speed, then try and direct play but a 4k remux across the wan is asking a lot regardless of bandwidth - the internet is a shared/contended service afterall. The shield is the only device that is likely to direct play because it plays all hd audio, so that is possibly why it is trying to direct play but is being hampered by the 50mbit/sec limit. I would set it to 70 as that will allow most 4k remux to direct play. If you don't want direct play, then set it to 30 which will force a transcode and that is plenty for a 4k stream - a netflix 4k stream is max 20.
  8. Today
  9. Luke

    Question About Updates

    @all4dom Samsung turnaround time lately is 6-8 weeks. Then add to that our own time for development in between releases, and then additional time on top of that to be extra careful about what we submit knowing that it could take a while to get urgent fixes out if we had to. it’s not like as soon as one release gets approved we immediately turn around and submit another.
  10. user24

    Fresh Emby user, how to correct strange tag problem?

    When using Scan Library Files to update embedded metadata for music files (at least with Emby Server for Windows) this may or may not work depending upon where you initiate the scan from. Also, all I can tell you is my findings with a large music library (100k+ tracks) because I only maintain small Movie and TV libraries for which scans of my whole libraries are always fast. (Movie scanning is another subject altogether). A scan of my whole music library can take a few hours and usually 'sticks' at 90+% for a long time (e.g. most of the scan time) as the visual circle progress indicator on the library picture on the home page is not a linear time indicator of the scan. I don't have to wait days though for the scan to finish. If I initiate a scan of an individual Album from the Album itself, via the Album menu tab, the embedded metadata will NOT update in Emby (I just double checked this now with a small test to confirm). If I initiate a scan of an individual Album from the Folder itself, via the Folder menu tab, the embedded metadata will update in Emby (I just double checked this now with a small test to confirm). Therefore, due to the above results, I typically just scan the parent folder when adding or changing an Album, e.g.: change an Album - scan the Album folder add an Album - scan the parent Artist folder add an Album from a new Artist - scan the parent folder (e.g., in your case perhaps ROCK) Scanning only one Album is almost instantaneous, and the changes can be checked straight away. On some occasions, depending upon what data I am changing, Scan Library Files has not worked but Refresh Metadata has. Also, be aware that there are some special instances where Emby does not accept changes to embedded metadata: changing upper case characters to lower case (or vice versa) changing other similar special characters, e,g. bracket types, apostrophes, other? On very rare occasions when Emby won't update the embedded metadata, using Scan or Refresh, or updating at a whole library level, I just manually update the info in Emby to match (slightly annoying, but definitely not a 'showstopper'). There is a good plugin that you may find useful: Emby Data Explorer in the plugin catalog (if it works in your setup???). You can use this to see what detailed data Emby has assigned to your files and whether or not it matches your embedded metadata. There are of course many more method variations of scanning and refreshing that I haven't mentioned. Others (and MacOS users) may also be able to give you more technical insights of the process that I am not really knowledgeable about. There are also plenty of forum posts if you are interested in searching them out! Perhaps some of the info above will help? Cheers!
  11. pwhodges

    A little "new" info and a question about Roku update.

    I just checked, and my Roku TV is running v14.0.4 build 12205. I was using Emby beta this evening and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Paul
  12. elmay1827

    Tv bloqueo

    No me puedo conectar y ya oague
  13. Since these are 4k HDR/DV they should really be direct playing instead of transcoding. If you have 300 Mbps up I don't recommend limiting to 50 Mbps. Remove the limit and see if they have any playback issues when direct playing.
  14. Wow - how did that happen - keyboard used to do it ! But it has been 5 months, it should have forgotten that sequence of letters !!!
  15. Roku rolling out major update. I found this little blurb and wondered if the update would improve or break anything on the Roku. Roku's updates always worry me a bit as the sometimes break unexpected things. Many years ago there was an update that nearly rendered my Plex system inoperative until Plex got an emergency update out. That was before I made Emby by primary video system. I do not remember if Emby had problems at that time as I was not using Emby for much, if anything. It takes me a LONG time to realize that I made a mistake and I still had not admitted using Plex was a horrible decision by me. I have not been updated, yet, and I have discovered that blocking Roku updates is somewhere between dangerous and foolish. So, when this update hits me, there is always a chance that things will go horribly wrong. It might be a good thing for people to report here when they see the update and include the good and the bad they run into. For my piece of mind I am very happy to have alternatives for streaming. I am semi-housebound and losing streaming is a problem but I am pretty safe as long as my power stays on and, if my power dies, I still have a way to at least play my audiobooks. Good luck with this Roku update!
  16. softworkz

    Fix audio delay

    So you cannot play games nor video-conferencing, right? Why didn't you return them to the seller?
  17. Abobader

    Buffering Problems when Playing high bitrate 4K remote

    Hello Hypopheralcus, ** This is an auto reply ** Please wait for someone from staff support or our members to reply to you. It's recommended to provide more info, as it explain in this thread: Thank you. Emby Team
  18. Hi there! I'm using emby Server on Windows (a dedicated machine mainly for Emby and specifically built for it with a Intel i7-14700K with UHD 770 iGPU, 64 Gigs Memory and a 10 GBit local connection to the storage server, where the media files are located) Everything is fine on the local network. Also everything is fine when streaming from remote directly via browser. Unfortunately things start to go bad when using Nvidia Shield Pro (everything ethernet wired, no wifi in between) from remote (connected via SSL to the Home Network with reverse proxy). When streaming high bitrate 4K files, especially those with Dolby Vision/HDR, remote users on their shields get buffering (e.g. every few seconds or minutes, the video stops for a short time). My uplink to the Internet is 300 MBit and the Downlink on the other side is even higher. I have already limited remote bandwith to 50 Mbit per user, so a lot of reserve to the actual bandwith. Still, the remote stream in such constellations tend to buffer and stutter. It doesn't seem to be every single time which makes it even more confusing. I enclosed the logfiles of today and 3 transcode logs of one of those instances that buffered. What confused me was the line "Info Previous transcoding attempt failed. Falling back to software transcoding." I have a UHD 770 that should transcode multiple 4K Remuxes at the same time - what is going wrong here. Might that be the problem? Thanks for your help, I'm really a bit desperate. ffmpeg-transcode-85c8c540-436c-40bc-8195-7e9dce8b78f5_1.txt ffmpeg-transcode-459e1370-87ba-40c3-adfb-5d412485f13a_1.txt ffmpeg-transcode-40c55218-da14-4fa8-bf70-cdd38e0bdb6a_1.txt embyserver.txt
  19. Gilgamesh_48

    Can not resume play or click progress bar on PC

    Just to offer some support: I can attest I have seen that behavior on occasions I have seen that happen. it does not happen every time I try to play something but it does happen often enough for me to not really think it is inside Emby but I do believe it is related to the hardware getting overloaded. I browse my server from a different computer, I have not really tried browsing from the computer Emby actually runs on. Also it happens on both my beta server and my release server equally sporadically. The "overload" does not seem to be on either computer but rather it seems to be in my network or in my router. Every time I have seen the problem has been during a period of heavy network traffic like transferring several large files from one computer to another but I cannot make it happen with any reliability. I think Emby needs to, somehow, provide a more reliable way to recover from network glitches. Usually what I have noticed is brief pauses but a hard pause happens from time to time and that is where the problem lies. I do not know what the fix will be and I do not even know exactly what the difference is during times of heavy load. BTW: I have never seen that kind of pause problem on any of the clients i use: Roku Ultra (X2), Fire 4K stick (X2) and Shield TV.
  20. yocker

    VAAPI Transcoding quality issue

    Disable tone mapping and see what the result is. At least that should narrow down the search for the problem.
  21. Cluttered

    Problem with series schedules for GBBO

    Decided to add 'The Great British Bake Off: Extra Slice' back in, with 'don't record...' & 'Check all...' on and it instantly shows up as it should, no problem at all. The 'GBBO' one is still there at the moment. No idea what it is doing. There is definitely something odd with that one programme.
  22. Cluttered

    Problem with series schedules for GBBO

    I turned 'Don't record on...', 'Check all...' off so hopefully it will stay in the schedule, but who knows. There is nothing in my library that starts 'The Great' or contains 'Bake' that has a series 15 so heaven knows what is upsetting it and why it was fine last night and gone tonight!! Seems to be just messing with me now, maybe on even number days it won't show, odd days it might, or maybe if I drink coffee it will deign to show up. Seems to be a law unto itself .
  23. Cluttered

    Problem with series schedules for GBBO

    Not sure what happened overnight (scheduled jobs obviously) but the programme has vanished from my scheduled items again. I didn't re-add the other one so there is no reason it isn't showing. It's in the guide, if I open up the series under live tv then it's there and it shows the S15E1 entry and it's repeat a few hours later, neither is scheduled for recording!! I've changed nothing, it was there quite happily(ish) last night and now it has gone again. Turn off 'Don't record...' and up it pops, turn it back on and then a second or so later it vanishes again. *sigh*.
  24. voodoo5_6k

    Minix Neo U8K Ultra

    This device has been announced quite some weeks ago, and was rumored even earlier. So, not really news. (And lets not mention the price...) https://www.minix.com.hk/en-eu/products/u8k-ultra-eu However, they seem to have taken on the quest of patching DV profile 7 FEL support... (https://theminixforum.com/index.php?threads/fw002-wip-and-wish-list.7058/) In case they really come through with this it could make this device really interesting. It's running Android, and is guaranteed to be upgraded to 14 (https://theminixforum.com/index.php?threads/minixs-8k-media-hub-is-on-its-way.6370/page-8#post-45313). That's not too bad. It could run emby directly (my preference). The box has the S928X-K, so can do DTS too (https://theminixforum.com/index.php?threads/minixs-8k-media-hub-is-on-its-way.6370/page-9#post-45402). It could really tick a lot of boxes on my Shield TV Pro replacement checklist...
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