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  2. skobkin

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    I'll check it when I'll be on another machine where I have Chrome for testing and let you know.
  3. chrisrobbins1970

    Hisense Roku TV.. video freezes but audio keeps playing

    It happened again, but this time I got a log and time frame...time was around 1hr 05 on hisense Roku TV embyserver.txt
  4. Luke

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    Does it have the same error in Chrome? That would make it easier to give it more priority considering browser market share.
  5. Happy2Play

    CSS changes after 4.8.1

    You have to edit the new html with every update as the page code has changed from that post also. So you can not always just overrite/replace the new html, you have to reapply your edits to new html. New page vs old page there are So you have to pay attention to core code changes. But do not see a difference in Edge or Chrome but have no idea where is covering your links. I can look at this as drawer changes resolution spacing.
  6. Yes, because you did those actions today, but the date in your epg xml says 20240507. That is yesterday. It's right in your middle screenshot.
  7. skobkin

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    No problem with that. They may be even defective. We live in an imperfect world My main point was to just let you know that it's still a problem and it's not only in Firefox. I just got carried away with some "the problem is on your end, please go away" argumentation which has nothing to do with you. So as I achieved my initial goal, I won't bother anymore unless there's more to say about the main subject. I see. I hope it could be solved in the end. Thank you for an explanation.
  8. Luke

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    Yes, this is the ideal, it's just more complicated with audio than it is with video. With video you play one at a time, and it's always in the foreground. Audio is different. We create a play queue, give the whole list to an audio player, and let it manage it. Switching out the url of a track once it has an error is doable, but just more complex and so that's why it hasn't been done yet.
  9. Luke

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    We're not necessarily saying your files are defective. It could just be some aspect of them that that the browser audio player can't handle.
  10. Screenshot and logs are both may 8th (today from an hour or so ago). All time stamps in logs are "2024-05-08" and xml folder screenshot shows "May 8"
  11. Alexwerilles

    CSS changes after 4.8.1

    this in Chrome. In Opera and Edge it's "ok"
  12. Alexwerilles

    CSS changes after 4.8.1

    That's done. But now, it looks like this: And on mobile, it stays that way: Here's the home.html: <div class="view flex flex-direction-column withTabs"> <div class="tabContent tabContent-positioned flex flex-grow" data-index="0"> <div is="emby-scroller" data-horizontal="false" data-centerfocus="true" data-navcommands="card" data-forcescrollbar="true" class="scrollFrameY flex flex-direction-column flex-grow focuscontainer-down" data-bindheader="true"> <div class="Personal-Links" style="top:80px;text-align:center;position:relative;"> <a is="emby-linkbutton" class="button-link" href="link" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;color: #D3D3D3;">text</a> <a is="emby-linkbutton" class="button-link" href="link" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;color: #D3D3D3;">text</a> <a is="emby-linkbutton" class="button-link" href="link" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;color: #D3D3D3;">text</a> <a is="emby-linkbutton" class="button-link" href="link" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;color: #D3D3D3;">text</a> </div> <div class="scrollSlider flex-grow padded-top-page"> <div class="sections"></div> <div class="padded-bottom-page"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tabContent tabContent-positioned flex flex-grow" data-index="1"> <div is="emby-scroller" data-horizontal="false" data-focusscroll="true" data-navcommands="card" data-forcescrollbar="true" class="scrollFrameY flex flex-grow" data-bindheader="true"> <div class="scrollSlider flex-grow padded-top-page"> <div class="sections"></div> <div class="padded-bottom-page"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> However, if I use the code from this topic instead of the current one, it looks great on mobile, but in the desktop version it is hidden when the left drawer is hidden And so when the drawer is visible Remembering that I used this home.html, but from version 4.8.1 everything changed
  13. Looks like it. After I removed Pohadky, it's now only one version now. Hmm... I would like to have it separately (as libraly available to kids) , but also have it under the main library as well.
  14. That's exactly thing I would like to not have to do. Well I thing, that I know, where problem could be... I do have two libraries - Movies and Pohadky (story tails), however, Pohadky is just one of subfolders of the main Movies folder. Could it be the reason? Strange is, it's not for newly added, it happens just after some change on file. Ex. i did have one, where everything was OK, and after just adding "-something", after refresh of library, now I do have "two version" of the same "something". Could it be this?
  15. Don't think this issue has been found as I believe the only fix is removing library allowing scan to finish and readding library. You can test removing that item from your library, doing full scan to clear the database and readd the item, does it still show duplicated?
  16. skobkin

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    I don't know. Maybe because Emby does that with video? My files work everywhere except in browser. And there aren't only MY files. For example some of them are coming from an OST which is digitally distributed. If I "fix" them, their checksums won't match next time and they'll be downloaded again. Or I'd need to have two copies of them: one in the source directory and one somehow "fixed" for Emby. Too much of a hustle to please a server which is intended to remove the weight from your shoulders. No offence to Luke. I'm just astonished with your logic. I'd agree with you if it'd be not an intended functionality for video or if those files weren't working with FFMpeg for example. But not in this case.
  17. Happy2Play

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    And if you drag and drop the file into Vivaldi does it plays as I just did without issue. Along with direct playing in web client. But really does sound like a defective file. 2024-05-08 15:48:44.337 Info App: User policy for Media. EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True 2024-05-08 15:48:44.337 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetitemById Audio 5960 E:\Media\Music - emby metadata\Blake Shelton\All About Tonight\01 Blake Shelton - All About Tonight.flac 2024-05-08 15:48:44.338 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 200 to ‌::1‌. Time: 2ms. HEAD http://‌localhost‌:8091/emby/Audio/5960/universal?UserId=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx494eb3b4c233bb38e&DeviceId=d655f3cf-939c-4a43-ad97-c189ce9bfa6a&MaxStreamingBitrate=160000000&Container=opus,mp3|mp3,mp2,mp3|mp2,aac|aac,m4a|aac,mp4|aac,flac,webma,webm,wav|PCM_S16LE,wav|PCM_S24LE,ogg&TranscodingContainer=aac&TranscodingProtocol=hls&AudioCodec=aac&api_key=‌xxxxxxxxxxxxxxaecfcac2e093c409‌&PlaySessionId=1715208345635&StartTimeTicks=0&EnableRedirection=true&EnableRemoteMedia=false 2024-05-08 15:48:44.344 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://‌localhost‌:8091/emby/Audio/5960/universal?UserId=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4eb3b4c233bb38e&DeviceId=d655f3cf-939c-4a43-ad97-c189ce9bfa6a&MaxStreamingBitrate=160000000&Container=opus,mp3|mp3,mp2,mp3|mp2,aac|aac,m4a|aac,mp4|aac,flac,webma,webm,wav|PCM_S16LE,wav|PCM_S24LE,ogg&TranscodingContainer=aac&TranscodingProtocol=hls&AudioCodec=aac&api_key=‌xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdf3aecfcac2e093c409‌&PlaySessionId=1715208345635&StartTimeTicks=0&EnableRedirection=true&EnableRemoteMedia=false. Accept=*/*, Connection=keep-alive, Host=‌localhost:8091‌, User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36, Accept-Encoding=identity;q=1, *;q=0, Accept-Language=en-US,en;q=0.9, Range=bytes=0-, Referer=‌http://localhost:8091/web/index.html‌, sec-ch-ua="Chromium";v="124", "Google Chrome";v="124", "Not-A.Brand";v="99", sec-ch-ua-mobile=?0, sec-ch-ua-platform="Windows", Sec-Fetch-Site=same-origin, Sec-Fetch-Mode=cors, Sec-Fetch-Dest=audio 2024-05-08 15:48:44.344 Debug App: GetPostedPlaybackInfo request: {"Id":"5960","UserId":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4494eb3b4c233bb38e","MaxStreamingBitrate":160000000,"StartTimeTicks":0,"DeviceProfile":{"SupportedMediaTypes":"Audio,Photo,Video","MaxStreamingBitrate":8000000,"MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate":256000,"DirectPlayProfiles":[{"Container":"opus","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"mp3","AudioCodec":"mp3","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"mp2","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"mp3","AudioCodec":"mp2","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"aac","AudioCodec":"aac","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"m4a","AudioCodec":"aac","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"mp4","AudioCodec":"aac","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"flac","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"webma","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"webm","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"wav","AudioCodec":"PCM_S16LE","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"wav","AudioCodec":"PCM_S24LE","Type":"Audio"},{"Container":"ogg","Type":"Audio"}],"TranscodingProfiles":[{"Container":"aac","Type":"Audio","AudioCodec":"aac","Protocol":"hls","EstimateContentLength":false,"EnableMpegtsM2TsMode":false,"TranscodeSeekInfo":"Auto","CopyTimestamps":false,"Context":"Streaming","MinSegments":0,"SegmentLength":0,"BreakOnNonKeyFrames":false,"AllowInterlacedVideoStreamCopy":false,"MaxManifestSubtitles":0,"MaxWidth":0,"MaxHeight":0,"FillEmptySubtitleSegments":false}],"ContainerProfiles":[],"CodecProfiles":[],"ResponseProfiles":[],"SubtitleProfiles":[]},"EnableDirectPlay":true,"EnableDirectStream":true,"EnableTranscoding":true,"AllowInterlacedVideoStreamCopy":false,"AllowVideoStreamCopy":true,"AllowAudioStreamCopy":true,"IsPlayback":true,"AutoOpenLiveStream":false,"DirectPlayProtocols":["Http"]} 2024-05-08 15:48:44.344 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetitemById Audio 5960 E:\Media\Music - emby metadata\Blake Shelton\All About Tonight\01 Blake Shelton - All About Tonight.flac 2024-05-08 15:48:44.345 Info App: User policy for Media. EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True 2024-05-08 15:48:44.345 Info SessionManager: Adding playSession 1715208345635 to session 82c8e5e4bf625a1e77c9db36611c7aa1 2024-05-08 15:48:44.345 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetitemById Audio 5960 E:\Media\Music - emby metadata\Blake Shelton\All About Tonight\01 Blake Shelton - All About Tonight.flac 2024-05-08 15:48:44.377 Info Server: http/1.1 POST http://‌localhost‌:8091/emby/Sessions/Playing?X-Emby-Client=Emby Web&X-Emby-Device-Name=Google Chrome Windows&X-Emby-Device-Id=d655f3cf-939c-4a43-ad97-c189ce9bfa6a&X-Emby-Client-Version=‌xxxxxxxxxxxfcac2e093c409‌&X-Emby-Language=en-us&reqformat=json. UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 2024-05-08 15:48:44.378 Debug SqliteItemRepository: GetitemById Audio 5960 E:\Media\Music - emby metadata\Blake Shelton\All About Tonight\01 Blake Shelton - All About Tonight.flac
  18. Today
  19. I have Emby Theater 11.556.0 installed on my Emby Server server with Windows 11. Been using it to play all content without issue for quite sometime until now. Any movie or tv show I select, no matter the encoding of Video/Audio it will not allow fast forward or resume. Always just reverts to the beginning of the file and starts over. Even chapters will go back to start of file. After going through all possible options and testing codecs I removed the hevc video extensions that were installed from the Windows Store. Doing this then allowed the all the media to work as it should with resume and skip. Unfortunately without that the video is jerky when skipping forward and takes quite some time to finally play if selecting a specific spot or selecting a chapter. Seems to have trouble seeking without the extensions. Not sure if something changed in the recent version of Theater to cause this since all other remote devices (TVs, Android devices, ROKU, etc...) do not have any issue at all with playing, resuming or skipping forward. Only local content played on the server. Direct play works remote as well as transcoding. If I play the same media through the web login it will work as expected but I lose some of the options I like the theater for such as Atmos sound passthrough. Sorry for the long post I just wanted to try and get as much info in as possible to help answer any questions in hopes someone can help me with mine.
  20. chowbok

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    Again, why should Luke waste his time on this just because you can't be bothered to take 15 minutes to fix your files? It's really annoying that you expect Emby to fix a problem between your content and a third party's frontend.
  21. skobkin

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    It'd solve a problem for us, as I see it. I'm more of a back-end and do not know much about front-end. Is implementing such fallback for audio playback more complicated than with video?
  22. I have strange issue, where I some time needs to replace one version of movie by another, but usually I do end with "two version" of movie, however both version referring to same media file. Ususally, it happens, when I move some another version of mediafile, delete old version and rename it same as older one (but different extension, usually). It's often happens the way, that I can see two movies for same source and merging them, will create same 2 version of the same too. Then I ends with list of two versions, but both refers to same media file. Is there some way how to fix this? I've even tried to change naming of version (added those " - H.264" to end, but it didn't help, it just appears like two "H.264".
  23. Luke

    Can't find images for music

    Hi there, can you please provide a specific example? How to Report a Problem Thanks !
  24. Luke

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    Yes, but this file looks like it should direct play, so that's why the web app tries to do that. When the browser tries to direct play a video file and fails, the Emby app will automatically recover by switching to transcoding. We don't currently do this for audio though.
  25. skobkin

    FLAC Audio not playing via Web Client

    Isnt't emby about on-the-fly FFMpeg conversion when client can't play the file? Ok, one of my TV's can't play some of my video files. Let's consider them broken? Ah, so there wouldn't be a point in buying Emby at all? It does not, but I can open a file:// URL in it. And it won't play that file, yes. I've tested that already. And before you asked, it will play some other FLAC files. It's the second option.
  26. Hi, you're looking at May 8 in the guide, but your xml screenshot is showing May 7, no? Are you sure your xml has data for the time that you're looking at? Every time someone reports this "problem", this is pretty much what it always comes down to, that their xml just doesn't have the data.
  27. DJAndieK

    Downloads Vanishing?

    I think I may have found a solution. I checked the permissions for the Emby app and noticed that the permission for Photos and Video was denied. I allowed it and relaunched Emby. It seems to have fixed the problem for me so far.
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