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  2. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    I'm afraid I don't know what those are... If you send the log now, I can probably see that occurrence. Thanks.
  3. ebr

    Roku Emby client API

    If on the local network, our standard remote control/casting features should work but those do not include logging out or in at this time.
  4. Noel-M

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    I had an instance about 4 hours ago (that's yesterday for me). Are the auto-client logs any good? Should I repeat the process tomorrow?
  5. I'm going to guess it is either 3 or 6 seconds as it sounds like it is repeating HLS segments. I tried to go through your ffmpeg log and cannot see it ever going backwards (but it is long so may have missed it).
  6. crusher11

    Invalid Username/Password

    How long does the lockout last? Is there a way for me as the admin to manually override it?
  7. Im moment kann ich laut Kindersicherrung einstellen damit mein Kind innerhalb der Zeit X - Y Tv schauen darf. Es ist jedoch sehr unterschiedlich wann sie schauen und einen genauen zeitraum kann man so nicht erfassen. Ich würde mir wünschen wenn sie ein Tageslimit einfügen würden. Zb Maximal 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Stunden. Somit ist die zeit wann der TV an geht völlig egal und es wird nach Stunden abgerechnet. Oder auch beides in Kombination würde gehen . Innerhalb eines fest gelegten Zeitraumes daf man dann x Stunden schauen.
  8. ebr

    Invalid Username/Password

    That's how I would interpret a 403. The question then being, if the password is successfully changed, should we eliminate that lockout as well...? I think probably yes.
  9. ebr

    Android TV Emby app hangs.

    Can I please get a new app log?
  10. Lend your support here:
  11. powol

    Emby premiere registration Error

    I'm a bad user I didn't read those steps, blanking out and re-entering did the trick , thanks for the quick support
  12. ebr

    Cant Log on to my acount.

    It appears there was an illegal streamer using us named "SaltedMeat" and they have up and disappeared. I've had several of their customers coming to us for help. If you guys sign up for one of these guys, you have to realize that they may leave the building (with your money) at any point in time. Instead, you can install your own server and use Emby as it is intended. Quick Start
  13. ebr

    Emby premiere registration Error

    Hi. Please see: My Emby Key Says it is Invalid or Missing and provide the server log from those steps.
  14. I interpreted it as he wants to be able to click on the different parts of this image and go to that movie/item. Of course, we don't have that info at this time because it is just a combined image but that is what I thought was being requested...
  15. Today
  16. Hi! I cannot register my server with my emby premiere key. I keep getting this screen, loading indefinitely. Here's the curl of the call getting a "401 Unauthorized" curl "https://mb3admin.com/admin/service/registration/getStatus" ^ -H "Accept: */*" ^ -H "Accept-Language: fr-FR,fr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7" ^ -H "Connection: keep-alive" ^ -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ^ -H "Origin:" ^ -H "Referer:" ^ -H "Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty" ^ -H "Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors" ^ -H "Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site" ^ -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ^ -H ^"sec-ch-ua: ^\^"Chromium^\^";v=^\^"124^\^", ^\^"Google Chrome^\^";v=^\^"124^\^", ^\^"Not-A.Brand^\^";v=^\^"99^\^"^" ^ -H "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0" ^ -H ^"sec-ch-ua-platform: ^\^"Windows^\^"^" ^ --data-raw "key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&serverId=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  17. visproduction

    Missing "More" button when viewing page for actor/director etc?

    In the meantime here is some custom CSS code to make the > link a little more visible. You can adjust the colors and styles as you like. There is a slight change for mouse hover. /* Old See all link for actors, now is just a > */ .sectionTitleContainer.padded-left.padded-left-page.padded-right.sectionTitleContainer-cards.focusable > a > i { background-color: #71600c; border-radius: 2em; color: #bbe5f9 !important; padding: 11px; text-shadow: 3px 3px 2px #333; } .sectionTitleContainer.padded-left.padded-left-page.padded-right.sectionTitleContainer-cards.focusable > a > i:hover { background-color: #937f1a; color: #96cee9 !important; }
  18. jratliff

    Bulky: Bulk(Mass) MetaData Editor

    I'm unable to create a new collection or add to existing collections. I select a couple of movies, type a collection name, and click create. The operation finishes, but the collection has not been created. If instead I try to add the files to an existing collection, the same process happens. Everything appears OK, but the movies are not added to the collection. I thought maybe the problem was that the database files under my username were read-only, but I cleared that. Any help is appreciated.
  19. I will do some test. I'll come back !
  20. Video is playing smooth on MacOS thru Chrome browser. The same video on MacOS thru Emby application is really laggy. Same result on Samsung Galaxy S20. Watching on this phone on Brave browser is really smooth, while with Emby application it is too laggy / unwatchable.
  21. jratliff

    Unable to create a collection...

    It's Bulky. I thought I was replying to the Bulky thread, but apparently not. Sorry about that. I'll try again.
  22. Watching AV1 videos on Emby applications (Android and MacOS) without server encoding (Direct Play) is really bad. Playing AV1 videos works really smooth in browsers on the same devices (Samsung Galaxy S20 and MacBook Pro with i7-8850H).
  23. Found it. This was a Samsung issue with EAC3 but I suspect your problem may be the same. Can you confirm if the files that work correctly and mp42 vs the ones that don’t being mp41?
  24. crusher11

    Invalid Username/Password

    Could the device have been locked out due to the failed Auth attempts, then?
  25. Thanks in advance ! Take your time, I have other ways to play my music
  26. I think I’ve looked into this before. Let me check some old posts tomorrow and I’ll see what I can find. I think the difference was mp41 vs mp42 differences
  27. 99% of my FLAC files are highly played. Except some and I can't find the cause
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