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  2. KizunerE

    Some .ass subtitles display incorrectly.

    Sorry, I'm not quite sure what should be replaced because the boxes in the .ass file are normal characters.
  3. imortal088

    Pre-Buffer Setting

    Hello, is there a way to set an Pre-Buffer for streaming? like Amazon,... My problem is: some of my clients have micro stutter BR
  4. Jey2024

    Subtitle offset not working in latest release

    My version is 3.3.77. I have 3 different media files and with SRT i can replicate the issue. See the attachment. When I select the last option it won't let me change the offset time.
  5. sa2000

    Metadata never stop grow after restart Emby

    Can you not identify the directory below which the files are being added ? Lots of examples if you do web search for how to get list of files For example - from one web page, you can adapt one of the suggested commands to : in linux shell session, cd to the top directory where the files / folders are being created after the restrat and type in a command like this find $1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- > filelist.txt This would produce in file filelist.txt a directory list of all files sorted by last date/time recursively starting with the current directory. (Adapted this from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5566310/how-to-recursively-find-and-list-the-latest-modified-files-in-a-directory-with-s_ See also this for providing logs to be captured at the time of the metadata growth.
  6. Luke

    Subtitle offset not working in latest release

    We'll try to chase it down, but just from some quick testing on a Pixel it seems to be working OK.
  7. darkside40

    Telegram Notifications Plugin

    Wrong Thread?
  8. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Ok, I'll try to look at it tomorrow, but it maybe a challenging day. But really just do the locks like I did. Don't worry about the cases that don't overlap. If done right the time the locks are held is so short it won't be noticeable using it in every call. Again the only BIG one is the clean the cache search 100MB. That might need a special case lock of its own or something.
  9. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    I'll send you a test version for review via PM. Will take anyway couple of hours, you can check it tomorrow or whenever you like. Good night, for me it's in the morning... European timezone
  10. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    No the point of the locks is to protect any modification or reaction to global variables. They are fine to use on non-problematic content because they are brief and have minimal impact on the speed the code runs at. The only lock I worry about about is the scan 100MB of data while under lock. No need to special case things if their normal impact is small which i believe it will be.
  11. Today
  12. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    DelayedContentId is the key for the global var "DelayedContent". It's more or less the http playload -> ""DelayedContentId": Payload.replace("/", "")" The lock should only intercept parallel queries for the same payload. e.g. 2 images are queried parallel but complete different ones, the lock should not block those, otherwise it would result in a stack.
  13. est3ban129

    Metadata never stop grow after restart Emby

    I not have any idea, what growing inside metadata folder ... Just i see metadata folder never stop increase size.
  14. markyskus

    Emby server features

    thanks, I love emby (and has got lifetime premiere) but some features and some client apps are better with plex or with the movie editions, it's good enough if emby add some flag or somethings for the editions (like plex) the problem with the current solution is 2 thing, with groupped editions its not simple to choose from it (for example older or younger users) and without groupping the problem is there is exactly the same
  15. psychedelicu

    Subtitle offset not working in latest release

    I still have the same issue and i haven't found any fix for this.
  16. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Why? DelayedContentId is a local variable everywhere I've seen it. You only need to lock the global variable. If you're worried about pointer effects either hold the lock a bit longer or make a copy like I did with the string. You can point me to the code in question and I can give you a better opinion, but I think what I've done will work fine in the two functions I modified however they are called. I'm probably done for tonight though in terms of code review or writing more.
  17. Luke

    Subtitle offset not working in latest release

    Hi, what version of the app? In my testing it seems to be working just fine.
  18. Luke

    Roku Playback now failing regularly and predictably

    HI, during the time of this log file, what example did it happen with?
  19. Luke

    Emby server features

    Hi, yes these are certainly possible for future updates. Thanks.
  20. markyskus

    Emby server features

    Now I'm using Emby and Plex too. Two things which in Plex a little bit better -In the tv shows, plex could download name for the seasons, for example american horror story, season 1-The Murder House, it would be awesome if Emby could do that too without editing the metadata -other thing is the movies with different editions, for example Leon the professional Theatrical and Extended Cut. Plex made 2 movie with flags, emby make 2 movie without anything difference, I could grouping the versions, It looks better, but it would be great if I start for example Leon, before the movie start, the server drops a choosable message about which version I want to play (maybe with extra information, resoultion, language, watched, and maybe a new type of cover art for these movies)
  21. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    I'm thinking if the Locks must be also assigned to a dict with key DelayedContentId. A single lock object might break http-multi-queries...
  22. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Here's a quick attempt at the matching send_delayed_content function for the counter system with locks. def send_delayed_content(client, DelayedContentId): global DelayedContent, DelayedContentLock xbmc.log(f"EMBY.hooks.webservice: send_delay_content: {DelayedContentId}", 1) # DEBUGINFO DelayContentLock.acquire() if DelayedContentId in DelayedContent: DC = DelayedContent[DelayedContentId][0].copy() # Copy because it's a pointer whose content could be changed by another thread outside the lock else: DC = None DelayContentLock.release() if DC: xbmc.log(f"EMBY.hooks.webservice: Content available: {DelayedContentId}", 1) # DEBUGINFO if DC == "blank": send_BlankWAV(client, DelayedContentId) else: client.send(DC) DelayContentLock.acquire() # Things could have changed by other threads since the check at the top so check again if DelayedContentId in DelayedContent: DelayedContent[DelayedContentId][1] -= 1 if DelayedContent[DelayedContentId][1] <= 0: del DelayedContent[DelayedContentId] DelayContentLock.release() return True else: xbmc.log(f"EMBY.hooks.webservice: Delayed content not found {DelayedContentId}", 3) # LOGERROR client.send(sendNoContent) return True return False
  23. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    For _thread it says 3.2 or greater for timeout. And the syntax might be slightly different for lock acquire/release I didn't check. lock.acquire(blocking=True, timeout=-1) Without any optional argument, this method acquires the lock unconditionally, if necessary waiting until it is released by another thread (only one thread at a time can acquire a lock — that’s their reason for existence). If the blocking argument is present, the action depends on its value: if it is False, the lock is only acquired if it can be acquired immediately without waiting, while if it is True, the lock is acquired unconditionally as above. If the floating-point timeout argument is present and positive, it specifies the maximum wait time in seconds before returning. A negative timeout argument specifies an unbounded wait. You cannot specify a timeout if blocking is False. The return value is True if the lock is acquired successfully, False if not. Changed in version 3.2: The timeout parameter is new. Changed in version 3.2: Lock acquires can now be interrupted by signals on POSIX.
  24. skyfish

    emby for kodi next gen skip credits

    I referred to the plugin at https://github.com/honue/MoviePilot-Plugins/tree/main/plugins/adaptiveintroskip, and used emby webhook method stop play the episodes when credits appear. Upon receiving a message from Emby, the plugin calls ChapterApi to add Credits chapter to the current and following episodes. The attachment is a piece of Python code I wrote that responds to webhook. You might be interested in taking it as a reference. To use this python file, you need add emby webhook first. webhook.py
  25. quickmic

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Will check, but I use the low level apis from "_thread" like in the "queue.py" file
  26. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    You're welcome. Of course the locks need to be used in the other functions that use ArtworkCache and DelayedContent. And if you really want to do it right if the threading library in kodi is new enough put timeout on the acquire calls, check that you actually got lock and fail appropriately if you did not. You can also put the critical sections in try-except blocks to make sure the lock gets released so one thread having an error doesn't bring the whole thing down with the others waiting on a lock that will never be released.
  27. skyfish

    emby for kodi next gen skip credits

    I referred to the plugin at https://github.com/honue/MoviePilot-Plugins/tree/main/plugins/adaptiveintroskip, and used emby webhook method stop play the episodes when credits appear. Upon receiving a message from Emby, the plugin calls ChapterApi to add Credits chapter to the current and following episodes. The attachment is a piece of Python code I wrote that responds to webhook. You might be interested in taking it as a reference. To use this python file, you need add emby webhook first. webhook.py
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