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Support for JSON info (Youtube-dl) more properly (Paragraphs,Clickable links,etc..)


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Hi everyone, 

I have downloaded some videos from youtube but the json appears like something wierd (No paragraphs, no clickable links,no actors(Usually the name of the youtube channel) etc..)

I whant to suggest to do something like plex have done to allow users to click on the links in the description and they have some more stuff like appear the actor info (Not sure if you can do that on emby "appear youtube channel as a actor") btw this is some printscreen to show you what i mean.



It can be usefull to be able to read it like that (Paragraphs, clickable links, and if possible show the actor name like on plex (But not sure if this is possible) by the way the Paragraphs and Clickable links can be very usefull. 

This is just a minor update i guess 

So in emby it looks like that.

And i also can report than the date is not correct it show me the years like that (20190513) on years filter.

Thanks to take advantage of this feature request. 

Kind Regards

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