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TVDB Changes


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Quote from TVDB:



As you know, we switched over to the new site on Monday morning, and took both API versions live at different times.

Unfortunately we’ve had reports of from some of our valued API partners running into major issues with the API. While we were getting close to fixing all critical issues related to the website and data, negatively affecting our API users is not acceptable. As a result, we’ve rolled back both the site and the API. We’ll be putting together a revised rollout plan early next week to come up with a solution that will be more suitable for everyone involved.

Thank you for your patience the past few days. We’ll make sure we keep you updated as we move forward.

Scott Zsori

Rollback was done yesterday, but a revised rollout is planned this week, don't know how that impacts Emby ?

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So, the TVDB website reverted back to it's original setup.  I wonder if something went wrong.


I pulled all of "The Inspector" episodes out, reset the names back to "The Inspector - S01E01" and so on....  put them back into my watched folder, and everything moved over as expected.


I didn't like that the File Names were not updated with the actual Episode Names....

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Out of interest I have been following this topic as the whole theTVDB migration is a total cock-up. A new section on their forum is called "Daily Update" I believe the date entry is an error sort of going along with the whole update and gives an idea about the stress Szsori is under. He knows that Emby has a problem with API v2 but doesn't know what version Emby is using. I sort of avoided the hassle by using an updated version of MCM. All the best to you guys to get a handle on theTVDB mess.


Flipping through some posts of complaints as well as my own bug reports the standard answer seems to be: "They are still here, but unfortunately they don´t work at the Moment. Dev´s know about that."





I'm going to list general status updates here. I'm locking this to keep it clean, and will just edit this post and add onto it.


    Data - all of the data has been pulled over from the old site with a few exceptions. Artwork currently isn't attributed to the original creator, and some records that were malformed weren't imported. Otherwise everything is in.
    Fixed - can now delete actors from series again
    Fixed - new episodes get the proper episode number
    Fixed - non-mods can no longer delete episodes
    Fixed - removed duplicative season order tabs from series
    Fixed - enabled default season type for series that didn't have a season
    Fixed - added user key to account page
    Known Issue - episode orders cannot be modified. I'm fixing this. This fix will also encompass editing lock status for seasons and moving unassigned episodes into seasons.
    Known Issue - if a season is named, it creates duplicate listings on the series level.
    Other - the API is currently in limbo, with v1 having launched and v2 still waiting on some db indexes. I believe this should be resolved shortly. I'm not sure why the API isn't working for Kodi and Emby, who I believe both use v1. The focus is on getting v2 API out and then we can dig into that specific instance. The API should be fully backward compatible, so this will get looked at.
    Other - password reset emails have been triggered for anyone that submitted the form. I'm guessing they are getting blocked by some spam filters. Whitelist noreply@thetvdb.com and try again.

There are many other known issues. The ones listed here are the priorities for today. I'll be reviewing various threads, moderator reports, and Slack discussions and will reprioritize as necessary.

Edited by One2Go
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@@JaScoMa Hello..

Uploaded a TV series and was having issue with it not downloading the series information.  After entering the series ID from TVDB, the system seems to have downloaded fanart, etc., and the episode information shows up.  But if I look at the .NFO file for the episode, it's blank.  The file is about 2k-3k in size and when opened with Notepad++ it's 62 blank lines.


I also have the library configured to download thumbnails at 10 second intervals.  These too are not being created.


Any ideas?

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Ok, I removed all the existing .NFO files for the episode (left the series.nfo and season.nfo files) and at the next scan, new .NFO files were created for the episodes and they display the information properly.


But, the .BIF files are still not being created.


I also just realized that thumbnails for the episodes aren't being created as well.  EDIT:  I can go to each episode, edit the images do a search, and it'll find the episode thumbnail and I can manually download the image.


Thank you..

Edited by JaScoMa
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Not sure if this is a TVDB thing or Emby thing. I have added a couple of tv shows to my server, the only ones I'm having issues with is the ones with apostrophe's in the title. If I take out the apostrophe, I will get a result for the search (identify). For example, Hogan’s Heroes will give no results, but Hogans Heroes will show up with the apostrophe in the result, same with Grey's Anatomy, no result with the apostrophe, take it out (Greys Anatomy) and get back a proper result. Again, not sure if this is Emby or TVDB. 

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Not sure if this is a TVDB thing or Emby thing. I have added a couple of tv shows to my server, the only ones I'm having issues with is the ones with apostrophe's in the title. If I take out the apostrophe, I will get a result for the search (identify). For example, Hogan’s Heroes will give no results, but Hogans Heroes will show up with the apostrophe in the result, same with Grey's Anatomy, no result with the apostrophe, take it out (Greys Anatomy) and get back a proper result. Again, not sure if this is Emby or TVDB. 


I have no issue searching with and without the apostrophe, both return the same information. Only OMDB fails without the apostrophe in name.

2019-08-05 14:14:02.330 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Grey%27s+Anatomy&language=en   GOOD
2019-08-05 14:14:02.554 Info App: MovieDbProvider: Finding id for item: Grey's Anatomy
2019-08-05 14:14:02.556 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&query=Grey%27s+Anatomy&language=en  GOOD
2019-08-05 14:14:03.082 Info HttpClient: GET https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=fe53f97e&plot=full&r=json&s=Grey%27s+Anatomy&type=series  GOOD

2019-08-05 14:15:08.523 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Greys+Anatomy&language=en GOOD
2019-08-05 14:15:08.598 Info App: MovieDbProvider: Finding id for item: Greys Anatomy
2019-08-05 14:15:08.598 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&query=Greys+Anatomy&language=en GOOD
2019-08-05 14:15:09.131 Info HttpClient: GET https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=fe53f97e&plot=full&r=json&s=Greys+Anatomy&type=series  FAILED

So we would need to see your server log.  But my test was in and can test in stable if needed.

Edited by Happy2Play
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I have no issue searching with and without the apostrophe, both return the same information. Only OMDB fails without the apostrophe in name.

2019-08-05 14:14:02.330 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Grey%27s+Anatomy&language=en   GOOD
2019-08-05 14:14:02.554 Info App: MovieDbProvider: Finding id for item: Grey's Anatomy
2019-08-05 14:14:02.556 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&query=Grey%27s+Anatomy&language=en  GOOD
2019-08-05 14:14:03.082 Info HttpClient: GET https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=fe53f97e&plot=full&r=json&s=Grey%27s+Anatomy&type=series  GOOD

2019-08-05 14:15:08.523 Info HttpClient: GET https://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Greys+Anatomy&language=en GOOD
2019-08-05 14:15:08.598 Info App: MovieDbProvider: Finding id for item: Greys Anatomy
2019-08-05 14:15:08.598 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/tv?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&query=Greys+Anatomy&language=en GOOD
2019-08-05 14:15:09.131 Info HttpClient: GET https://private.omdbapi.com?apikey=fe53f97e&plot=full&r=json&s=Greys+Anatomy&type=series  FAILED

So we would need to see your server log.  But my test was in and can test in stable if needed.


pm'd you the log.

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Replied to pm but your syntax in the query is different for the apostrophe then mine.
Mine "Hogan%27s"
Yours "Hogan%E2%80%99s"


Also verified it is not a stable/beta issue as I get the same results for both.


Update this is a character set issue of straight apostrophe vs curly apostrophe.  Would appear the api's don't like the curly apostrophe.

Edited by Happy2Play
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