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A lot of people have been asking how they can contribute to the theme video collections recently and with the recent host change to mediafire, this has all become a lot easier.


There are a few things that are required but the process is now fairly simple!

Firstly, make sure the resolution is 720 or above (the preferred format is mp4 but I can probably work with anything), then all you have to do is name the TV or Movie Theme in the following format:


TV Shows

T - {tvdbid} – {showname}.ext




M - {tmdbid} – {moviename}.ext

Where tvdbid and tmdbid are the ids which can be found on either thetvdb.com for tv shows and themoviedb.org for movies.

Examples being:

T - 79349 – Dexter.mp4
M - 4147 - Road to Perdition.mp4

Once you have the files named as above, simply head to this link and upload!


Theme Uploads!


Once the upload completes, I will get an email notification and perform the necessary to get the theme added to the database.

All of you that are using the previous method of upload, please keep doing so. The older method is definitely the preferred, this one will hopefully enable an easier way to make the collection even bigger for everyone! :-D


Any questions, please post below!

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Awesome, I'd love to help out as I add new movies to my collection.  Though I think you are missing a key piece of info that a 'newbie' would need to help out. :) : How does one make/find the theme in the first place? 


Are the theme's what would play while viewing the menu items on a given blu-ray/dvd?


If so, is there an easy way to identify which track is the theme track when using, say, makemkv?


If not, how does one find/make a theme?


2. Can you provide a master theme list?  So there is not a big duplication of efforts/wasting of time? 


This requested, I suppose that if after adding a movie to the library if the plugin does not download a theme, can assume it is needed.

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Hey @@foghat, Thanks for your questions!


The themes are whatever you feel fit the bill really. For instance, with TV, its more often the intro video to the show. Often referred to as the 'Opening Credits' or 'Title Sequence' or 'Intro'. Whereas with the Movies, its always nice to have the background media from the BluRay.


As for methods of finding them. A lot a directly pulled from BluRay, others from external media sourced like YouTube, Vimeo etc. DownloadHelper for firefox (and i think chrome) is a great tool for grabbing those but a direct rip from the bluray is always best if available.


@@DigiTM, As the master of all things bluray, could you possibly give some details as your methods please? :-D


As for a master list, the easiest thing to do is for each user to concentrate on completing their own collections and just add those missing from your collection that the plugins haven't downloaded. Once you have uploaded to mediafire, it wont take me very long to have them added to the database and available to the plugin for all users so everyone will effectively be in sync.


I hope that answers your questions foghat. If i have missed anything or you want to know anything else, just let me know! :-D


Thanks for the response.  Look forward to DigiTM response for best way to find theme on a bluray.

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Posted (edited)

I use MakeMKV which is free while in beta.  There is no totally easy way to identify the track.  Generally it's one of the top tracks that is between 100Mb to 500Mb.  And they go for between 1min to 2min on average.  Also generally the theme only has an english audio track and no subtitles.  If there are multiple languages and or subs, then it's not the theme normally.

Unfortunately it's not always clear so I have to rip all the titles on the disc that come close to the requirements of MB/Time/Language, and then play each one to find the correct backdrop.
Here I expanded each title that was 100Mb to 500Mb, all of them had subs except the title that was 180Mb and LPCM with no subs - that was the correct one.

Update: As Foghat pointed out - Also go to preferences in MakeMKV and change the minimum title length to a shorter length like 20 seconds.


Edited by DigiTM
  • Like 1

cool.  thanks for the info.  I am quite familiar with makemkv.  Will give things a go.

  • Like 1

cool.  thanks for the info.  I am quite familiar with makemkv.  Will give things a go.

If you have any Warner Brothers titles, I would be interested to see how you went.  I have had no luck with any Warner Brothers distributed titles.  Must be some bizarre method they use. :(

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Posted (edited)

Looks like some blu ray's just don't have this 'menu sequence'?


Can't find one for thor the dark world or for where the wild things are.


Edit: just noticed your post above.  Where the wild things are is WB.  maybe I will take another look.  Thor is Marvel

Edited by foghat
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Something I just realized/remembered is that makemkv does not display tracks that are less than 120 seconds.  Seems this would be a problem.  Is there a way to change this setting?  I don't see it anywhere.


Edit.  I found it.

Edited by foghat
  • Like 1

Looks like some blu ray's just don't have this 'menu sequence'?


Can't find one for thor the dark world or for where the wild things are.


Edit: just noticed your post above.  Where the wild things are is WB.  maybe I will take another look.  Thor is Marvel

I already did Thor The Dark World and submitted it. It was a large one, around 400Mb approx, track 1.

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Something I just realized/remembered is that makemkv does not display tracks that are less than 120 seconds.  Seems this would be a problem.  Is there a way to change this setting?  I don't see it anywhere.


Edit.  I found it.

Yeah, sorry about that. I forgot to mention to go into preference in MakeMKV and change the minimum title length to a shorter length like 20 seconds.  Glad you noticed it. :)

  • Like 1

@@DigiTM, Thanks very much mate! Greatly appreciated! :-D


@@foghat, I'm gona drop you a PM to let you know how DigiTM is getting the files to me as you may prefer it if you're going to attack BluRays.


I already did Thor The Dark World and submitted it. It was a large one, around 400Mb approx, track 1.


Ya, I somehow missed it when I was looking over the movie list in the plugin.  I did end up finding it and ripping it - and then did a double check and saw it was already there...


Can I suggest and optional setting for the download plug ins?

We could opt in to share anything that it is in the themes folder for a movie, if that movie is not on the list of movies that was downloaded.

This way, if we add something manually, it will be distributed automatically and also this will allow for more obscure movies to make it here.

  • Like 1

Yeah, I have been thinking about this for a while, with my first host of YouTube it would have been a pain in the ass but there is scope for this with MediaFire, 


There are a lot of things to consider but this could end up being really powerful.


@@radeon do you care if some of the submissions are not the actual 'menu animations'? 


In some cases it looks like there isn't one or I can't tell for sure if it is or isn't.  In these cases the aspect ratio is usually 2:35:1 so I assume they aren't.  I am thinking some video is better than none?  I am quite confident that what I've provided is the best it is going to get for that movie.


Once you process, will the movies disappear from the shared folder?  Looks like your server is getting slammed right now.  Upload speed has dropped to a crawl (about 50kB/s).


@@radeon do you care if some of the submissions are not the actual 'menu animations'? 


In some cases it looks like there isn't one or I can't tell for sure if it is or isn't.  In these cases the aspect ratio is usually 2:35:1 so I assume they aren't.  I am thinking some video is better than none?  I am quite confident that what I've provided is the best it is going to get for that movie.


Once you process, will the movies disappear from the shared folder?  Looks like your server is getting slammed right now.  Upload speed has dropped to a crawl (about 50kB/s).


Yeah, go for it! as you say, as long as the quality is there and to that, that its not a trailer, i think its definitely better than nothing!


Yup, once i have added them, they will go from the folder, much like dropbox.


As for my server, nope, nothing slamming it at the minute, pretty much unloaded. My down pipe is normally around 9MB per second so i would guess that its likely to be your upload speed that's the bottleneck


I don't think it is on my end.  I just tested - I can get my full 5Mbps up at speedtest.net (while uploading to your server).  Was getting close to that when uploading an hour or 2 ago.


hmm, i wonder whats causing it? I potentially have up to 6 people in remotely on MB3 at any given time and I don't have a single one on at the minute. I know the app sometimes goes via a proxy if it cant directly reach on of us but i can see any reason for it to have been working and not any more. I've just run a speedtest.net and got 78mbps down so nothing appears to be wrong. :-/


After this last one finishes uploading I will try restart bittorrent sync and see what happens.


@@radeon just to confirm, you are seeing stuff from me right. should be 8 or 9 movies there.


Yup, all coming through. :-D


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


Uploading The Office (US) now.


@@radeon how are you handling movie remakes that have the same name?  I have the original Total Recall and the plugin downloaded the video for it.  I just bought the remake (2012) and there is no video for it.  Now this could be because one hasn't been submitted for the remake - but I'd be surprised if that was the case.


So, am wondering if the remake has just not been submitted yet.  Or if there is an issue with things getting confused because I already have the video for the original downloaded.


btw.  I just uploaded the remake in the event you actually don't have it yet.

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