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Transcoding clean up


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Sure can. I just upgraded to .70 as well, so ill see if that produces any different results over the next couple days. Anyways, ill start with a sample from my Roku Ultra:


-I did a server restart to get fresh logs and verified the transcoding-temp folder is empty.

-Opened the Emby app on the Roku and played a movie (i used "transformer: dark of the moon" for the tests)

-The movie "direct streams" a ffmpeg remux log is created and the transcoding-temp folder shows a couple hundred .ts files.

-I stop the movie using the home button on the roku remote

-The Emby dashboard shows the movie is still playing and the transcoding-temp folder continues to grow in files & size.

-I Opened the Empy app on the Roku again and now the dashboard shows 2x instances of the same Roku, one ready for playback and one still playing the movie


I have PM'd the server log, ffmpeg log.

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As discussed here:



When exiting playback on a Roku device using the home button, the Roku doesn't provide any notification to the server that the playback should be stopped. Therefore, via the server dashboard the server continues play/stream/transcode the item and never removes the associated files from the "transcoding-temp" directory.


I had previously used the server restart plugin to have the directory cleaned up every night and and avoid the playback loading loop in the thread linked.


Several other threads that would benefit from a solution to orphaned transcoding-temp files, so although a solution specific to the roku is needed. An overall solution is needed as well for the server to monitor or clear these files.


Here are the other threads:












The fact the app doesn't report stopping is a known limitation of the Roku system but, the server not cleaning up after this is something we need to try and address.  Thanks.

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Thanks @@ebr , wasn't trying to bring it up in another thread, but Luke had asked me to make a new thread as i was using the server restart plugin to mitigate this, but its being removed.

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I captured another instance of this happening. There are transcoding .tmp files in the folder from yesterday around 8:00pm after watching a show (recorded previously by emby through the internal LiveTV system). I have PM'd the server log/screenshot of the folder and associated ffmpeg log that i matched to the .tmp files.


Let me know if you need more info.


Thanks again,


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  • 1 month later...



After upgrading to server ( I started having media loading every 5 seconds or so, so i checked the transcoding temp folder and it was completely full again. This was a surprise as I use the server restart plugin to restart the server and "cleanse" the folder nightly.


However, It seems that the server (Version will not show/use the restart plugin (still in the plugin folder, but not in server manager).


I understand the transcoding orphaned files is still being looked at, however, the only mitigation for this was the restart plugin (Other than manually restarting daily, which is not a good solution).


Can we please have a short term fix (scheduled restart, letting the manual plugin install work or something) while the larger bug is being fixed. Unfortunately, Emby becomes unusable for the family when i am away for multiple days at a time.




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I have not been able to reproduce this. Is this only associated with the Roku app?


Unless it has been addressed in a recent server version, all you have to do to reproduce is hit the "home" button on the roku while playing back something that is transcoding.


A critical error that causes the app to crash will do it too.  Basically, any situation where the app never reports that it stopped streaming.

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I have not been able to reproduce this. Is this only associated with the Roku app?

I can only speak for being reproducible on the roku (under the conditions that ebr noted above, I have seen it do both), we use the roku as all the main playback devices.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to keep this in the future fix list, Emby wouldn't playback on any transcoding required device for me. (Server


Transcoding drive was full (this was from yesterday, so the files were 5 days old) and a server restart cleared only about 80% of them, had to manually deleted the files.





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