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sudden issues with x5 z8350 atom playback


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so 2.6.9 came down today.. i cannot achieve any 1080p content without it looking like a stuttering mess.. my i5 is handling transcoding easily 

edge and chrome still play the content well.. theater does not

this was not ready for release by a long chalk.. dreadful

i tried to overwrite theater with the old variant uploaded but it won't play anything not sure why? 

i'm at a loss atm as to what to do.. loved this software from the mediabrowser days.. too far in to get out.. but this is pathetic.. feel like its a beta test app, which it shouldn't be by now



I went back and checked some more 1080p content and I certainly don't get a stuttering mess as you indicated. I must say that a lot of what I tested today, including 1080p Live TV, 1080p Recorded TV and 720p and 1080p HEVC files all seemed to play pretty well. But, all of this content is Direct Playing in ET and you mentioned transcoding. Perhaps that could be some of the quality issue.

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@blade007 hmmm that's interesting.. I cant leave it on auto direct as before or it's awful.. Wish I could. I've updated all the drivers also.. Might try get the creators update see what happens.

Although I'd have thought if it's transcoding the files should play easier because of the lower bandwidth.. As I said it surely can't be my machine as edge and chrome work just fine...

Do u have it connected to an amp?

I'm wondering if the downmixing audio has anything to do with it?

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Guest asrequested

Is everything being transcoded or just some of them? If only some of them, post the transcode logs for the ones that do. If everything is transcoding, we need to look at why.

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@blade007 hmmm that's interesting.. I cant leave it on auto direct as before or it's awful.. Wish I could. I've updated all the drivers also.. Might try get the creators update see what happens.

Although I'd have thought if it's transcoding the files should play easier because of the lower bandwidth.. As I said it surely can't be my machine as edge and chrome work just fine...

Do u have it connected to an amp?

I'm wondering if the downmixing audio has anything to do with it?



No amp. No Creator's Update. Creator's Update failed because not enough space was available in the EFI System area based on how the Minix box was setup. I just ignored it and have not gotten around to messing with expanding that area.


I mostly use it as a headless Emby Server and just have it serve up DIrect Play content to other Emby clients. But, the 1080p and HEVC content I checked yesterday that Direct Played was a pretty smooth viewing experience directly on the Minix device. I also had the experience of the initial ET MVP version stuttering on all content and quickly localized it to ET MVP player only. The same content would play through WebUI in Edge or Chrome just fine and outside of Emby with a standalone player such as Media Player Classic.  


Now, you mentioned 60 fps content as an issue. I don't know that I have any content of that nature to test. Most of the content I stream is 29.9 fps or 23.9 fps. Perhaps that can push it to an area where the ET MVP setup is less than acceptable at the moment.

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thanks @@blade005 !


@@Lee, i would suggest making sure windows updates are all up to date, as well as your graphics drivers. Once you've checked that out, then I think the next thing is we can have you test out MPV standalone by itself outside of ET. Thanks !

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Installed creators update.. Fixed.. Hevc direct playback as everything else too! #win

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Haha.. Touché @@Luke

Slightly perplexed as to why that fixed it but a fix is a fix I'll take it...

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Initial Start up is a little slow actually think that's been the same since I went atom mind u...

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Initial Start up is a little slow actually think that's been the same since I went atom mind u...

Agree. Start up is a little slow on Atom and first few seconds of video can sometimes be a bit juddering, but once it locks in it seems to play decently.

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@@Luke latest theatre broke playback again 2.7.1

Worth noting envy crashed on load trying to update then wouldn't load again. Had to uninstall to get it working. Wouldn't even start after a reboot..

I will upload logs tomorrow

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@@Luke Did that

the update worked... initially now it wont boot again... beta software?? *cough

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Just read back thru the thread, @ I missed a couple of your comments.. Going to install mpv stand alone see if I have issues... Will upload logs later

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@@Luke and @ i'm going to need help installing mpv looking at that website lots of code going on.. bit above my pay grade.

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scratch the above i was having issues with winrar got a pre-configured version working

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@ they are as described earlier .. audio is set to bitstreaming all types. see if i can remote in later grab some screenies

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Try returning settings to default in order to make it a 1:1 comparison with the standalone mpv player.

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set my mediaplayer pc up for remote access yesterday, was rushing tho as it was late.. must have done something wrong as i can't get in.

just updated the server as there were a couple of updates waiting. will have a look see when i get home.

is there a return to defaults switch @@Luke as i can't remember?

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