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#Yatse 10.12.0 is released.

Opened a Ko-Fi page to better support me: https://ko-fi.com/tolriq

* Added: Album artist only navigation in Android Auto.
* Added: Optimize local device sync if you now have missing images, please contact support with logs and details.
* Fixed: Musicvideo search with filtering enabled.
* Fixed: Mime type issue when casting m4a files to some receivers.
* Fixed: Transcoding sometimes not applied when playing from Android Auto.
* Fixed: Smart filter on files for local devices not supporting unicode characters.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • 3 months later...

#Yatse 10.13.0 is released.

* IMPORTANT: Finally making the final jump to target Android 12 with the many impacts. Hopefully all the preparation was enough, but if you have issues on Android 12 please contact support with details.
* Note: This now open the way to support Material YOU themes. Please show interest on the forum about that or not.
* Note: Many external libraries updates, as always contact support if any issues.
* Fixed: Try to fix status bar overlap on some devices.
* Fixed: Fix HTTPS connection from wizard in some cases like non standard proxy configuration.
* Fixed: Many small fixes backported from Symfonium.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • Like 1

I will update my yatse review on the play store since the https connection issue I mentioned has been fixed in 10.13.0.  Thanks for your hard work.


You can thanks a normal user who provided the asked logs and it was solved in 10 seconds ... As said wrong proxy answer, without knowing the actual answer no way to workaround ...

Next time think about it, ;) this is true for any app.

2 minutes ago, Tolriq said:

You can thanks a normal user who provided the asked logs and it was solved in 10 seconds ... As said wrong proxy answer, without knowing the actual answer no way to workaround ...

Next time think about it, ;) this is true for any app.

Bro stop.  I never really used yatse anyway and given your toxicity I did not bother with providing my log beyond reporting that your app did not work.  I just installed 10.13 and tested it for you and confirmed it as working.  There is 0 reason for you to act like a baby.  And lets face it, your app was the only app that did not work with my "wrong" https proxy setup.  Glad that you were able to fix your app in 10 seconds. 

Anyway good luck with your yatse project, unfollowing this topic.


Hospital / Charity, wonder who bad rated with a stupid aggressive useless comment then who came here to complain and be toxic again ;)

Good bye no need to come back ;)



And lets face it, your app was the only app that did not work with my "wrong" https proxy setup

Again my app is the only one who support 6 different media centers with easier connection setup for 99,99% of the users, but you know better obviously. BTW Yatse is 11 years old now, not sure luck is needed or involved.

  • 1 month later...

#Yatse 11.0.0 is released.

* IMPORTANT: This is a major version, with design changes, targeting Android 13 and requiring Android 6+
* Yatse now requires at least Android 6. Previous versions will continue to work on your older devices without any issues.
* Long overdue major design update, complete tuning of every UI details while keeping the same UX to reduce the flow of insults from last large update:
  - The updated themes, and added support of Material you, requires removal of most of the current media center accent color. Please contact support with details about why you’d absolutely need this.
  - The themes are now based on Material design 3, you can use Google theme generator to propose new themes for integration in Yatse.
  - The icon font for custom commands have been updated for consistency, you may have to update your defined icons.
* Targeting Android 13 with the associated changes when using it:
  - OS level language configuration.
  - Themed icon.
  - New permissions for local device files.
  - Updated notification handling.
* Added: Support for Material you themes. (Android 12+)
* Added: Setting option to disable image rounding.
* Changed: Many external libraries updates, as always contact support if any issues…
* Fixed: Single season download.
* Fixed: Possible UPnP issues when casting images
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


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  • 2 months later...

#Yatse 11.1.0 is released.

* Added: Replay gain support for local renderer (Configure in settings, require proper tags embedded in the media)
* Added: Option to ignore remote stop commands to keep active queue (Like some cars)
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


And since I forget to post 🙂

Yatse 11.0.5:

* Added: Setting to use host color as primary colors in the remote screens.
* Added: Setting to show colored host icon in top app bars.
* Added: Quite a few workarounds to try to support Jellyfin AudioBooks.
* Fixed: Some small design tweaks and fixes.
* Fixed: Fix handling of some specific Emby results.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

#Yatse 11.1.5 is released.

* Added: Complete rewrite of the Wear companion app, new design, new functions, ...
* Fixed: Wear app communication when phone is on Android 13.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


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  • 1 month later...

#Yatse 11.12.0 is released.

* Fixed: Better handling of Plex song artists in compilations.
* Fixed: Support more edge case of Replay gain tags.
* Fixed: Try to avoid keyboard closing when searching due to internal state changes.
* Fixed: Properly detect more sync issues to avoid half filled databases.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


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  • 4 weeks later...

#Yatse 11.12.5 is released.

* Fixed: Number pad dialog properly vibrate according to settings.
* Fixed: A few rare crashes. Remember that it's way easier if you contact support when you have crashes than trying to guess from the little data that is sometimes available in Google Play Console.
* Fixed: Long press shows/seasons then offline actions not working under some conditions.
* Fixed: Local audio player support more ogg files + more resilient to some bad FLAC files.
* Fixed: Wokaround VLC streaming on Android 13 (Will still lack resume point update until changes is made on their side)
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


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  • 1 month later...

#Yatse 11.3.0 is released.

* Note: Happy new year, thanks for the continued support for 11 years now.
* Note: Small reminder that translations are crowd sourced, you can contribute from the settings page. (https://translation.yatse.tv/)
* Changed: Many libraries updates, please report any issues to support as usual.
* Fixed: Fixed handling of special episodes in Jellyfin and sometimes in Emby.
* Fixed: Fixed 1 obscure bug.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

#Yatse 11.3.5 released.

* Note: Small reminder that translations are crowd sourced, you can contribute from the settings page. (https://translation.yatse.tv/)
* Changed: WOL now send all possible packet type to support more network configurations.
* Fixed: Fix adding host via full urls not always working as intended.
* Fixed: Play on Media Center missing when sharing from some applications.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

#Yatse 11.4.0 is released.

* Added: Added IMDb top 250 smart filter and sort.
* Added: Add Is single song smart filter.
* Added: Add a skip button to media version selection during cast to avoid wrong transcoding due to subtitles.
* Changed: Emby/Jellyfin offline transcoding now prefer MP4 format to workaround missing cue index breaking seeking over http.
* Fixed: Possible wrong host status after network connectivity change in the background.
* Fixed: Many other fixes and optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Is there any proper way to get to stuff which I have saved as "home video" or "photo" on my own server? The corresponding tab is empty, I can get there only be the file browser.


No you can't but what corresponding tab are you talking about ? There's none for those special types.

  • 2 weeks later...

#Yatse 11.4.5 is released.

* Changed: Refactor Sleep timer code to prepare for Android 14. Please report any issues with it.
* Fixed: Some Youtube urls not properly passed to Kodi addon when not using the Yatse addon.
* Fixed: Fix some smart filters queries.
* Fixed: Queue / Queue next not properly working when playing dynamic playlists.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • 1 month later...

#Yatse 11.5.0 is released.

* Fixed: Fix rounding issues with ratings in some lists.
* Fixed: Fix the recently added settings that were not properly saved in backups (And so not restored)
* Fixed: Possible license issue on older devices.
* Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • 2 months later...

#Yatse 11.5.5 is released.

Note: It’s written in small usually, but as a small reminder, optional donations are always welcome to help this project keeping up (Best on https://ko-fi.com/tolriq). Single time purchase and no ads for 12 years now is not really sustainable.

  • Changed: Compiled for and targeting Android 14. Please report any issues if you are using Android 14 beta.
  • Changed: Updated a lot of things for Android 14 that might impact other versions. Please report any issue you might have, specially on themes and colors.
  • Note: Google no more allows Wallpaper backup on Android 14.
  • Fixed: Sometimes provider sync starts before offline action are pushed resulting in data loss.
  • Fixed: Workaround lineageOS sending wrong notification dismiss intents.
  • Fixed: Smart playlists should be visible with the Available offline filter.
  • Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • 1 month later...

#Yatse 11.6.0 is released.

  • Fixed: Fix providers returning full urls as files that can’t be transcoded anymore.
  • Fixed: Remove more non supported BBCode from Kodi data.
  • Fixed: Fix tasker plugin for Android 14.
  • Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


  • 5 months later...

#Yatse 11.7.0 is releaed


  • Fixed: Ensure slow AV receiver plugin still get a proper first volume value.
  • Fixed: Volume dialog possible wrong value used.
  • Fixed: Properly take in account Source library filter for the music mixes.
  • Fixed: Filter more BBCode that some Kodi plugins can return.
  • Fixed: Support TvDB ids for movies.
  • Changed: Udpdated to latest M3 (New slider, …). If you see UI bugs please contact support.
  • Some other reported issues and always more optimizations.

Do not forget to rate the application.
If you like this, please buy the Unlocker / Donate to ensure continued development.


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